
Java - The Complete Reference, 12th Edition by Herbert Schildt

Book Summary

The Definitive Java Programming Guide

Fully updated for Java SE 17, Java™: The Complete Reference, Twelfth Edition explains how to develop, compile, debug, and run Java programs. Best-selling programming author Herb Schildt covers the entire Java language, including its Java syntax, Java keywords, and Java fundamental programming principles. You’ll also find information on key portions of the Java API library, such as Java I/O, the Java Collections Framework, the Java stream library, and the Java concurrency utilities. Swing, JavaBeans, and Java servlets are examined, and numerous Java examples demonstrate Java in action. Of course, recent additions to the Java language, such as Java records, Java sealed classes, and Java switch expressions are discussed in detail. Best of all, this Java book is written in the clear, crisp, uncompromising Java style that has made Schildt the choice of millions worldwide.

Coverage includes:

About the Author

Table of Contents

Contents at a Glance

PART I The Java Language

1 The History and Evolution of Java

2 An Overview of Java

3 Data Types, Variables, and Arrays

4 Operators

5 Control Statements

6 Introducing Classes

7 A Closer Look at Methods and Classes

8 Inheritance

9 Packages and Interfaces

10 Exception Handling

11 Multithreaded Programming

12 Enumerations, Autoboxing, and Annotations

13 I/O, Try-with-Resources, and Other Topics

14 Generics

15 Lambda Expressions

16 Modules

17 Switch Expressions, Records, and Other Recently Added Features

PART II The Java Library

18 String Handling

19 Exploring java.lang

20 java.util Part 1: The Collections Framework

21 java.util Part 2: More Utility Classes

22 Input/Output: Exploring

23 Exploring NIO

24 Networking

25 Event Handling

26 Introducing the AWT: Working with Windows, Graphics, and Text

27 Using AWT Controls, Layout Managers, and Menus

28 Images

29 The Concurrency Utilities

30 The Stream API

31 Regular Expressions and Other Packages

PART III Introducing GUI Programming with Swing

32 Introducing Swing

33 Exploring Swing

34 Introducing Swing Menus

PART IV Applying Java

35 Java Beans

36 Introducing Servlets

PART V Appendixes

A Using Java’s Documentation Comments

B Introducing JShell

C Compile and Run Simple Single-File Programs in One Step


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Java: Java Fundamentals, Java Inventor - Java Language Designer: James Gosling of Sun Microsystems, Java Docs, JDK, JVM, JRE, Java Keywords, JDK 17 API Specification, java.base, Java Built-In Data Types, Java Data Structures - Java Algorithms, Java Syntax, Java OOP - Java Design Patterns, Java Installation, Java Containerization, Java Configuration, Java Compiler, Java Transpiler, Java IDEs (IntelliJ - Eclipse - NetBeans), Java Development Tools, Java Linter, JetBrains, Java Testing (JUnit, Hamcrest, Mockito), Java on Android, Java on Windows, Java on macOS, Java on Linux, Java DevOps - Java SRE, Java Data Science - Java DataOps, Java Machine Learning, Java Deep Learning, Functional Java, Java Concurrency, Java History,

Java Bibliography (Effective Java, Head First Java, Java - A Beginner's Guide by Herbert Schildt, Java Concurrency in Practice, Clean Code by Robert C. Martin, Java - The Complete Reference by Herbert Schildt, Java Performance by Scott Oaks, Thinking in Java, Java - How to Program by Paul Deitel, Modern Java in Action, Java Generics and Collections by Maurice Naftalin, Spring in Action, Java Network Programming by Elliotte Rusty Harold, Functional Programming in Java by Pierre-Yves Saumont, Well-Grounded Java Developer, Second Edition, Java Module System by Nicolai Parlog

), Manning Java Series, Java Glossary, Java Topics, Java Courses, Java Security - Java DevSecOps, Java Standard Library, Java Libraries, Java Frameworks, Java Research, Java GitHub, Written in Java, Java Popularity, Java Awesome List, Java Versions. (navbar_java and navbar_java_detailed - see also navbar_jvm, navbar_java_concurrency, navbar_java_standard_library, navbar_java_libraries, navbar_java_navbars)

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