
History of Linux

Snippet from Wikipedia: History of Linux

Linux began in 1991 as a personal project by Finnish student Linus Torvalds to create a new free operating system kernel. The resulting Linux kernel has been marked by constant growth throughout its history. Since the initial release of its source code in 1991, it has grown from a small number of C files under a license prohibiting commercial distribution to the 4.15 version in 2018 with more than 23.3 million lines of source code, not counting comments, under the GNU General Public License v2 with a syscall exception meaning anything that uses the kernel via system calls are not subject to the GNU GPL.: 7 

Snippet from Wikipedia: Linux

Linux ( LIN-uuks) is a family of open-source Unix-like operating systems based on the Linux kernel, an operating system kernel first released on September 17, 1991, by Linus Torvalds. Linux is typically packaged as a Linux distribution (distro), which includes the kernel and supporting system software and libraries, many of which are provided by the GNU Project. Many Linux distributions use the word "Linux" in their name, but the Free Software Foundation uses and recommends the name "GNU/Linux" to emphasize the use and importance of GNU software in many distributions, causing some controversy.

Popular Linux distributions include Debian, Fedora Linux, Arch Linux, and Ubuntu. Commercial distributions include Red Hat Enterprise Linux and SUSE Linux Enterprise. Desktop Linux distributions include a windowing system such as X11 or Wayland and a desktop environment such as GNOME or KDE Plasma. Distributions intended for servers may not have a graphical user interface at all, or include a solution stack such as LAMP. Because Linux is freely redistributable, anyone may create a distribution for any purpose.

Linux was originally developed for personal computers based on the Intel x86 architecture, but has since been ported to more platforms than any other operating system. Because of the dominance of Linux-based Android on smartphones, Linux, including Android, has the largest installed base of all general-purpose operating systems as of May 2022. Linux is, as of March 2024, used by around 4 percent of desktop computers. The Chromebook, which runs the Linux kernel-based ChromeOS, dominates the US K–12 education market and represents nearly 20 percent of sub-$300 notebook sales in the US. Linux is the leading operating system on servers (over 96.4% of the top one million web servers' operating systems are Linux), leads other big iron systems such as mainframe computers, and is used on all of the world's 500 fastest supercomputers (as of November 2017, having gradually displaced all competitors).

Linux also runs on embedded systems, i.e., devices whose operating system is typically built into the firmware and is highly tailored to the system. This includes routers, automation controls, smart home devices, video game consoles, televisions (Samsung and LG Smart TVs), automobiles (Tesla, Audi, Mercedes-Benz, Hyundai, and Toyota), and spacecraft (Falcon 9 rocket, Dragon crew capsule, and the Perseverance rover).

Linux is one of the most prominent examples of free and open-source software collaboration. The source code may be used, modified, and distributed commercially or non-commercially by anyone under the terms of its respective licenses, such as the GNU General Public License (GPL). The Linux kernel, for example, is licensed under the GPLv2, with an exception for system calls that allows code that calls the kernel via system calls not to be licensed under the GPL.

Fair Use Sources

Linux: Linux Fundamentals, Linux Inventor: Linus Torvalds says “ Linux just sucks less.”, Linux Best Practices - Linux Anti-Patterns, Linux kernel, Linux commands-Linux Shells-Linux CLI-GNU-Linux GUI-X11, Linux DevOps-Linux development-Linux system programming-Bash-zsh-Linux API, Linux package managers, Linux configuration management (Ansible on Linux, Chef on Linux, Puppet on Linux, PowerShell on Linux), Linux Distros (RHEL-Rocky Linux-CentOS (CentOS Stream)-Oracle Linux-Fedora, Ubuntu-Debian-Linux Mint-Raspberry Pi OS-Kali Linux-Tails, openSUSE - SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES), Arch Linux-Manjaro Linux, Alpine Linux-BusyBox - Slackware - Android-Chrome OS); UNIX-UNIX Distros (FreeBSD-OpenBSD, BSD, macOS), Linux networking, Linux storage, Linux secrets, Linux security (Linux IAM-LDAP-Linux Firewall-Linux Proxy), Linux docs, Linux GitHub, Linux Containers, Linux VM, Linux on AWS, Linux on Azure, Linux on GCP, Linux on Windows (WSL), Linux on IBM, Linux on Mainframe (Linux on IBM Z mainframe - Linux for System z - IBM LinuxONE), Embedded Linux, Linus IoT-Linux on Raspberry Pi, LinuxOps-Linux sysadmin, systemd-userland-kernel space-POSIX-SUS-Linux filesystem-Linux architecture, Linux books-UNIX books, Linux courses, Linux Foundation, Linux history, Linux philosophy, Linux adoption, Linux glossary, Linux topics (navbar_linux and navbar_unix - see also navbar_fedora, navbar_rhel, navbar_centos, navbar_debian, navbar_ubuntu, navbar_linux_mint, navbar_freebsd, navbar_opensuse, navbar_manjaro, navbar_kali_linux, navbar_nixos, navbar_alpine_linux, navbar_tails_linux, navbar_slackware, navbar_rocky_linux, navbar_arch_linux, navbar_oracle_linux)

Computer History: Big Tech Silicon Valley Technocracy, Surveillance Valley - The Rise of the Military-Digital Complex - History of the Internet, Facebook (zuck.pdf), Tesla / Space X / Twitter (musk.pdf), History, IT History, Cloud History (Azure History, AWS History, GCP History), Amazon.com / Blue Origin (Bezos - bezos.pdf), Internet History, Email History, Bell Labs, Xerox PARC, OS History (UNIX History - Linux History - Minicomputer - Mainframe History - IBM History - Personal Computer History (Apple I - Apple II - Apple III, IBM PC, Compaq, Macintosh 128K, Apple Lisa), Vintage Apple Resources, Computer Stores, macOS History - Apple History - Apple, Inc. (Steve Jobs jobs.pdf), Windows History - Windows Server History - Microsoft History - Microsoft (Bill Gates gates.pdf, Programming History (C History - C++ History - C# History - COBOL History - Golang History - Java History - JavaScript History - Python History - PowerShell History), Computing History, Computing Hardware History, Software Engineering History, Software History, Networking History, Vintage Computing - Vintage Computers - Retrocomputing, Legacy - Defunct Microprocessor Companies (MOS Technology - 6502, Motorola - Motorola 68000, Zilog - Zilog Z80), Legacy - Defunct Computer Companies, Legacy - Defunct Software Companies, History of Computer Hardware, History of Computing, History of Programming Languages, Legacy - Defunct Electronics Companies, PowerPC architecture family, List of PowerPC processors, CPU - Microprocessors, Discontinued Intel processors, 4-bit computing - 4-bit, 8-bit computing - 8-bit, 16-bit computing - 16-bit, 32-bit computing - 32-bit, History of Microsoft Exchange Server (Microsoft Mail - formerly Network Courier), Computer History Museum, Military-Digital Complex - Military-Industrial Complex (Read Surveillance Valley - The Rise of the Military-Digital Complex), Computer History Bibliography, Awesome Retrocomputing, WinWorldPC.com. (navbar_ithistory - see also navbar_bigtech, navbar_technocracy, navbar_programminghistory)

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history_of_linux.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/28 03:41 by