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Founded by Bill Gates and Paul Allen.
- GitHub Stars - 1156717
- GitHub Rank - #1
- Tag - Open source, from Microsoft with love
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Most used topics
Fetched on 2020/08/19 12:14
3538 Repositories
- vscode - 101681
- terminal - 67077
- TypeScript - 63552
- PowerToys - 34246
- monaco-editor - 21188
- calculator - 20113
- CNTK - 16837
- api-guidelines - 15898
- playwright - 15735
- MS-DOS - 15338
- cascadia-code - 13237
- react-native-windows - 12478
- dotnet - 11947
- LightGBM - 11379
- AirSim - 10542
- TypeScript-React-Starter - 10375
- vcpkg - 9994
- WSL - 9948
- frontend-bootcamp - 9921
- fluentui - 9196
- napajs - 8861
- TypeScript-Node-Starter - 8358
- ChakraCore - 8256
- vscode-tips-and-tricks - 8191
- reactxp - 8187
- ai-edu - 8139
- winget-cli - 8043
- recommenders - 8026
- Windows-universal-samples - 7750
- react-native-code-push - 6992
- c9-python-getting-started - 6817
- nni - 6717
- botframework-sdk - 6183
- WinObjC - 6064
- ailab - 6036
- vscode-go - 5978
- language-server-protocol - 5974
- azuredatastudio - 5844
- STL - 5841
- winfile - 5823
- pyright - 5620
- cpprestsdk - 5515
- VFSForGit - 5245
- BosqueLanguage - 5150
- sql-server-samples - 5143
- nlp-recipes - 5090
- MMdnn - 4905
- TypeScript-Handbook - 4841
- vscode-recipes - 4711
- SandDance - 450012345…›
- fast - 4496
- mimalloc - 4434
- computervision-recipes - 4320
- TypeScript-Vue-Starter - 4145
- FASTER - 4133
- GSL - 4103
- WSL2-Linux-Kernel - 3965
- ethr - 3954
- code-push - 3942
- Windows-driver-samples - 3835
- SPTAG - 3787
- MixedRealityToolkit-Unity - 3743
- ApplicationInspector - 3646
- malmo - 3569
- vscode-cpptools - 3524
- VisualStudioUninstaller - 3417
- DirectX-Graphics-Samples - 3255
- vscode-docs - 3182
- vscode-extension-samples - 3070
- Quantum - 3019
- TypeScriptSamples - 2965
- microsoft-ui-xaml - 2949
- QuantumKatas - 2926
- tensorwatch - 2902
- tsdoc - 2837
- DeepSpeed - 2830
- BotBuilder-Samples - 2796
- onnxruntime - 2769
- DMTK - 2769
- service-fabric - 2763
- verona - 2760
- VoTT - 2738
- winget-pkgs - 2724
- WPF-Samples - 2698
- vscode-python - 2624
- GW-BASIC - 2411
- PTVS - 2284
- referencesource - 2258
- perfview - 2244
- nodejs-guidelines - 2195
- ProcDump-for-Linux - 2190
- bond - 2186
- azure-pipelines-tasks - 2181
- Windows-classic-samples - 2149
- vscode-react-native - 2147
- dowhy - 2136
- Detours - 2120
- winrt-rs - 2115
- reverse-proxy - 2114
- ELL - 2101
- ProcMon-for-Linux - 2093
- vscode-chrome-debug - 1959
- - 1912
- AcademicContent - 1904
- checkedc - 1904
- rushstack - 1903
- GraphEngine - 1892
- WinAppDriver - 1883
- WebTemplateStudio - 1827
- SEAL - 1825
- dts-gen - 1812
- pai - 1798
- WindowsTemplateStudio - 1769
- nodejstools - 1765
- aspnet-api-versioning - 1756
- plcrashreporter - 1752
- just - 1683
- AutonomousDrivingCookbook - 1670
- TypeScript-Sublime-Plugin - 1649
- msquic - 1623
- hummingbird - 1621
- TypeScript-Babel-Starter - 1604
- DirectXTK - 1582
- vscode-remote-release - 1581
- DirectXShaderCompiler - 1557
- USBuildingFootprints - 1518
- fluentui-system-icons - 1480
- forecasting - 1478
- BlingFire - 1428
- wil - 1402
- microsoft-pdb - 1397
- tsyringe - 1391
- vscode-pull-request-github - 1390
- FluentDarkModeKit - 1371
- msphpsql - 1371
- TouchDevelop - 1361
- Pyjion - 1348
- Win2D - 1342
- BotFramework-Emulator - 1337
- NeuronBlocks - 1321
- unilm - 1302
- react-native-macos - 1284
- pxt - 1277
- AttackSurfaceAnalyzer - 1238
- caffe - 1211
- HoloJS - 1172
- onnxjs - 1147
- BotFramework-WebChat - 1123
- WSL-DistroLauncher - 1097
- Trill - 1088
- presidio - 1066
- vscode-mssql - 1048
- maker.js - 1047
- mssql-docker - 1023
- azure-pipelines-agent - 1023
- cppwinrt - 989
- ShaderConductor - 986
- ProjectOxford-ClientSDK - 981
- Windows-Driver-Frameworks - 971
- FFmpegInterop - 955
- VSSDK-Extensibility-Samples - 939
- automatic-graph-layout - 932
- Mobius - 926
- PowerBI-visuals - 925
- botframework-solutions - 921
- rDSN - 920
- DialoGPT - 915
- vscode-eslint - 913
- tigertoolbox - 909
- gated-graph-neural-network-samples - 908
- DirectXTex - 907
- EconML - 904
- vscode-dev-containers - 903
- MASS - 892
- MSRC-Security-Research - 884
- WindowsCompositionSamples - 881
- GalaxyExplorer - 878
- EdgeML - 877
- ace - 842
- CodeContracts - 834
- Microsoft.IO.RecyclableMemoryStream - 832
- TextWorld - 829
- LightLDA - 816
- xaml-standard - 815
- VS-PPT - 805
- AdaptiveCards - 802
- Recognizers-Text - 799
- node-v0.12 - 797
- ProjectReunion - 794
- redux-dynamic-modules - 791
- dotnet-apiport - 791
- AzureTipsAndTricks - 768
- Multiverso - 755
- mssql-jdbc - 747
- DirectXMath - 746
- monaco-editor-samples - 744
- azure-pipelines-image-generation - 738
- vscode-arduino - 737
- MixedRealityToolkit - 717
- python-language-server - 716
- Azure-Kinect-Sensor-SDK - 705
- Microsoft-threat-protection-Hunting-Queries - 705
- tolerant-php-parser - 700
- OpenAPI.NET - 699
- CDM - 694
- tslint-microsoft-contrib - 694
- appcenter - 683
- SmartHotel360 - 675
- node-pty - 675
- clrmd - 675
- msix-packaging - 671
- Xaml-Controls-Gallery - 670
- PowerBI-JavaScript - 669
- tslib - 666
- dotnet-samples - 657
- dtslint - 656
- xlang - 655
- ClearScript - 654
- WSLab - 653
- Deep3DFaceReconstruction - 651
- RoomAliveToolkit - 641
- BuildXL - 638
- TypeScript-New-Handbook - 637
- vscode-languageserver-node - 628
- MCW - 627
- DirectXTK12 - 627
- azure-repos-vscode - 624
- Cognitive-Samples-IntelligentKiosk - 622
- linux-vm-tools - 621
- typescript-styled-plugin - 621
- TypeScript-WeChat-Starter - 618
- diskspd - 614
- MIEngine - 608
- vscode-icons - 600
- TechnicalCommunityContent - 600
- pict - 599
- ReSub - 595
- InteractiveDataDisplay.WPF - 587
- Windows-Machine-Learning - 583
- cordova-plugin-code-push - 579
- vstest - 578
- angle - 578
- azure-pipelines-yaml - 577
- vscode-cmake-tools - 576
- vscode-docker - 576
- IEDiagnosticsAdapter - 576
- botbuilder-dotnet - 564
- vswhere - 551
- samples-for-ai - 544
- Windows-iotcore-samples - 534
- DbgShell - 532
- electionguard - 529
- uwp-experiences - 529
- XamlBehaviors - 529
- SmartHotel360-Mobile - 527
- GraphView - 524
- WhatTheHack - 520
- PartsUnlimited - 519
- tf-gnn-samples - 518
- chart-parts - 517
- fhir-server - 516
- MixedRealityCompanionKit - 505
- SymCrypt - 495
- LLVMSharp - 491
- UVAtlas - 489
- code-with-engineering-playbook - 487
- accessibility-insights-web - 486
- vs-threading - 486
- RepPoints - 476
- scalar - 475
- MLOps - 473
- - 473
- ptvsd - 472
- PowerBI-Developer-Samples - 470
- binskim - 466
- singleshotpose - 465
- BotFramework-Composer - 462
- thrifty - 461
- AL - 456
- CSharpClient-for-Kafka - 456
- DevSkim - 455
- workbooks - 451
- Freeflow - 450
- pxt-microbit - 446
- RoslynClrHeapAllocationAnalyzer - 446
- sqlworkshops - 443
- TypeScript-Website - 442
- vscode-generator-code - 442
- mssql-scripter - 441
- MixedReality-WebRTC - 440
- coyote - 439
- typed-rest-client - 439
- go-winio - 438
- bedrock - 437
- Mesh-processing-library - 436
- com-rs - 431
- prose - 431
- InventorySample - 430
- pylance-release - 428
- mu - 425
- BikeSharing360_MobileApps - 424
- llvm-mctoll - 423
- ApplicationInsights-JS - 422
- debug-adapter-protocol - 419
- TailwindTraders - 416
- RockPaperScissorsLizardSpock - 414
- powerapps-tools - 414
- lain - 413
- PowerBI-CSharp - 412
- docker - 407
- IIS.Administration - 405
- angular-react - 404
- botbuilder-js - 401
- YamUI - 399
- vscode-tslint - 392
- ALEX - 391
- botbuilder-python - 391
- ngconf2015demo - 391
- project-rome - 390
- snmalloc - 387
- fluent-xaml-theme-editor - 387
- types-publisher - 386
- RTVS - 382
- BuildCast - 379
- XmlNotepad - 379
- DirectXMesh - 379
- fluent-ui-react - 376
- botbuilder-tools - 376
- MixedRealityDesignLabs_Unity - 375
- 25-days-of-serverless - 374
- roosterjs - 372
- TypeSearch - 372
- qsharp-compiler - 371
- DesktopBridgeToUWP-Samples - 370
- O-CNN - 368
- DataConnectors - 368
- fluentui-apple - 367
- dotnet-framework-docker - 366
- CCF - 365
- BotFramework-Samples - 365
- RulesEngine - 364
- Xbox-ATG-Samples - 363
- satcheljs - 362
- testfx - 360
- react-native-tscodegen - 357
- cordova-samples - 357
- Localization - 353
- ClangSharp - 351
- azuredevopslabs - 349
- appcenter-cli - 348
- azure-spring-boot - 347
- vs-streamjsonrpc - 347
- FX11 - 345
- XamlBehaviorsWpf - 344
- EasyRepro - 343
- ProjectOxford-Apps-MimickerAlarm - 343
- generator-docker - 343
- MLOpsPython - 341
- KubeGPU - 341
- fastlane-plugin-appcenter - 341
- AMBROSIA - 340
- FERPlus - 340
- msticpy - 338
- VCSamples - 337
- Windows-appsample-customers-orders-database - 329
- charticulator - 325
- HoloLensForCV - 325
- DXUT - 325
- bistring - 324
- appcenter-sdk-apple - 324
- AaronLocker - 319
- monaco-editor-webpack-plugin - 319
- WindowsProtocolTestSuites - 319
- avml - 318
- vs-tools-for-ai - 318
- SDN - 318
- multiview-human-pose-estimation-pytorch - 315
- AzureML-BERT - 315
- SQL-Server-R-Services-Samples - 313
- SLAyer - 311
- DirectX-Specs - 309
- ApplicationInsights-dotnet - 309
- Windows-appsample-rssreader - 304
- ApplicationInsights-aspnetcore - 304
- krabsetw - 303
- TailwindTraders-Mobile - 301
- appcenter-sdk-react-native - 301
- tfs-cli - 301
- PowerApps-Samples - 300
- redux-dag-history - 300
- AzureNotebooks - 300
- gather - 296
- git - 289
- Cognitive-Samples-VideoFrameAnalysis - 287
- fsharplu - 287
- checkedc-clang - 286
- Appsample-Photosharing - 286
- etcd3 - 285
- powerbi-desktop-samples - 284
- azure-pipelines-task-lib - 282
- FeatureManagement-Dotnet - 279
- IPC - 278
- vscode-vsce - 278
- PowerShellForGitHub - 276
- OMS-Agent-for-Linux - 276
- ghcrawler - 275
- LocalizedStringKit - 274
- AzureSearch_JFK_Files - 274
- botframework - 272
- vscode-java-debug - 272
- Docker-PowerShell - 271
- azure-devops-node-api - 271
- ALAppExtensions - 270
- ReportingServicesTools - 269
- Sora - 269
- WinDbg-Samples - 268
- Cognitive-Face-Android - 267
- hcsshim - 264
- HolographicAcademy - 263
- typescript-tslint-plugin - 261
- glTF-SDK - 261
- monaco-languages - 261
- vscode-postgresql - 260
- vscode-js-debug - 258
- fluentui-react-native - 258
- vscode-cordova - 257
- schemy - 256
- VS-ColorThemes - 256
- JSanity - 256
- PowerShell-DSC-for-Linux - 256
- NimbusML - 255
- artifacts-credprovider - 255
- opensource-portal - 252
- Tx - 251
- TypeScript-wiki - 250
- knack - 247
- hdfs-mount - 247
- pxt-arcade - 245
- StudentsAtBuild - 244
- mouselog - 244
- join-dev-design - 243
- vsts-extension-samples - 243
- vscode-tools-for-ai - 242
- TSJS-lib-generator - 242
- Reactors - 241
- Windows-task-snippets - 241
- fabrikate - 236
- VSProjectSystem - 236
- service-fabric-services-and-actors-dotnet - 234
- team-explorer-everywhere - 234
- data-accelerator - 233
- sqltoolsservice - 233
- ConferenceVision - 232
- vs-mef - 231
- Reporting-Services - 230
- icecaps - 228
- appcenter-sdk-dotnet - 226
- graphics-driver-samples - 225
- Azure-Kinect-Samples - 224
- Cognitive-Face-Python - 224
- QuantumLibraries - 223
- Microsoft.Unity.Analyzers - 221
- timelinestoryteller - 220
- PQCrypto-VPN - 219
- WPFDXInterop - 219
- MapsSDK-Unity - 218
- PowerStig - 217
- clarity-js - 217
- tf2-gnn - 216
- xbox-live-api - 216
- 0xDeCA10B - 212
- WinDev - 211
- slow-cheetah - 211
- azure-devops-python-api - 210
- BaselineManagement - 210
- Microsoft365DSC - 209
- Analysis-Services - 206
- XamarinAzure_ShoppingDemoApp - 205
- ntttcp-for-linux - 205
- Dynamics-AX-Integration - 204
- ApplicationInsights-node.js - 204
- Build2020_DigitalSwag - 203
- CameraTraps - 203
- VSLinux - 203
- vscode-textmate - 203
- Yams - 201
- TypeScript-TmLanguage - 200
- OCR-Form-Tools - 199
- Chakra-Samples - 199
- PQCrypto-SIDH - 198
- omi - 197
- Recursive-Cascaded-Networks - 196
- vscode-sublime-keybindings - 196
- Oryx - 195
- cordova-simulate - 195
- typescript-lit-html-plugin - 194
- AI - 193
- vscode-node-debug - 193
- Microsoft-Rocketbox - 192
- spring-cloud-azure - 192
- SqlNexus - 192
- TACO - 192
- DisentangledFaceGAN - 189
- Cognitive-Face-iOS - 189
- AirSim-NeurIPS2019-Drone-Racing - 188
- vsts-agent-docker - 188
- libHttpClient - 186
- Ironclad - 186
- vsminecraft - 186
- vscode-react-sample - 185
- mattercenter - 185
- LQ-Nets - 184
- MSBuildSdks - 184
- DNS-Challenge - 183
- DMF - 183
- glTF-Toolkit - 183
- DirectML - 182
- azure-maven-plugins - 182
- windows-framer-toolkit - 182
- node-jsonc-parser - 182
- Office-Online-Test-Tools-and-Documentation - 182
- php-sdk-binary-tools - 182
- ivy - 181
- MaskFlownet - 180
- IgniteTheTour - 180
- Product-Recommendations - 180
- DLWorkspace - 180
- vscode-typescript-tslint-plugin - 179
- uf2 - 178
- TSS.MSR - 178
- Win2D-Samples - 178
- DSCEA - 175
- winsdkfb - 175
- xunit-performance - 174
- app-innovation-workshop - 173
- iis-docker - 173
- VSLua - 173
- vscode-edge-devtools - 172
- Windows.UI.Composition-Win32-Samples - 172
- BusinessPlatformApps - 172
- BotBuilder-CognitiveServices - 172
- Cognitive-Face-Windows - 172
- service-fabric-issues - 171
- openscraping-lib-csharp - 171
- vscode-azurefunctions - 170
- microsoft-r-open - 169
- TagAnomaly - 168
- navcontainerhelper - 168
- ProphetNet - 167
- vscode-java-test - 166
- clang - 166
- BotFramework-DirectLineJS - 165
- DiagManager - 165
- mwt-ds - 165
- WhackWhackTerminal - 164
- AzureBot - 163
- verisol - 162
- vscode-iot-workbench - 162
- accessibility-insights-windows - 161
- appcenter-sdk-android - 161
- UnitTestBoilerplateGenerator - 160
- vscode-samples - 158
- mail2bug - 158
- vscode-figma-toolkit - 157
- eEVM - 157
- CMake - 157
- PartsUnlimitedMRP - 156
- AzureStorageExplorer - 155
- vs4mac-labs - 155
- SmartHotel360-Website - 154
- WindowsDevicePortalWrapper - 154
- vscode-codicons - 153
- AzureDevOpsDemoGenerator - 153
- macos-cookbook - 153
- MRDL_Unity_PeriodicTable - 153
- WebRTC-universal-samples - 153
- monaco-typescript - 153
- Spartan - 152
- Bing-Maps-Fleet-Tracker - 152
- OpenAPI.NET.CSharpAnnotations - 152
- llvm - 152
- etl2pcapng - 151
- vscode-loc - 151
- MSC-Microsoft-Security-Updates-API - 151
- Cognitive-Vision-Windows - 151
- MSBuildForUnity - 150
- vstest-docs - 150
- vscode-hexeditor - 148
- Microsoft-Win32-Content-Prep-Tool - 148
- devops-project-samples - 148
- ApplicationInsights-Java - 148
- jericho - 147
- TrillSamples - 147
- vscode-debugadapter-node - 147
- playwright-python - 145
- IRNet - 145
- malmo-challenge - 145
- vscode-ios-web-debug - 143
- opencv - 143
- browsecloud - 142
- SDNet - 142
- vssetup.powershell - 142
- Windows-appsample-lunch-scheduler - 142
- nav-docker - 141
- Windows-appsample-familynotes - 141
- mu_basecore - 140
- node-uwp - 140
- Windows-appsample-networkhelper - 140
- winstore-jscompat - 140
- Oscar - 139
- debugpy - 139
- powerbi-powershell - 138
- Cognitive-Vision-Python - 138
- azure-tools-for-java - 138
- seismic-deeplearning - 137
- AISkillsForWindows - 137
- vscode-npm-scripts - 137
- distributed_word_embedding - 137
- openssl - 137
- poshtools - 136
- GenStudio - 134
- cppgraphqlgen - 134
- IIS.WebManager - 134
- Windows-appsample-trafficapp - 134
- hyperspace - 133
- acceleratoRs - 133
- Windows-appsample-coloringbook - 133
- uf2-samdx1 - 132
- AADConnectConfigDocumenter - 132
- PowerBI-visuals-tools - 132
- xbox-live-unity-plugin - 131
- Cognitive-LUIS-Windows - 131
- TVHelpers - 131
- vso-agent - 131
- Windows-Sandbox-Utilities - 130
- Kusto-Query-Language - 130
- PowerPlatformConnectors - 130
- Bing-COVID-19-Data - 129
- Microsoft-Rocket-Video-Analytics-Platform - 129
- Application-Insights-Workbooks - 129
- L4 - 129
- BingMapsRESTToolkit - 129
- aspnet-docker - 129
- fluentui-android - 128
- qsharp-runtime - 128
- SmartHotel360-Backend - 128
- vscode-mock-debug - 128
- DockerTools - 128
- extendvs - 128
- vscode-remote-try-python - 127
- language-server-protocol-inspector - 127
- MRLightingTools-Unity - 126
- java-debug - 126
- vscode-cosmosdb - 126
- vscode-chrome-debug-core - 126
- D3D12TranslationLayer - 125
- FishStore - 125
- TailwindTraders-Website - 125
- Requirements - 125
- vs-dockerfiles - 125
- frameworkcontroller - 124
- appcenter-build-scripts-examples - 124
- Cognitive-Vision-Android - 124
- VS-Macros - 124
- edge-diagnostics-adapter - 124
- CryptoNets - 123
- vscode-css-languageservice - 123
- Availability-Monitor-for-Kafka - 123
- CsWinRT - 122
- aksworkshop - 122
- vscode-remote-try-node - 122
- fhir-server-samples - 122
- LUIS-Samples - 122
- code-challenges - 122
- constrained-graph-variational-autoencoder - 121
- vscode-java-pack - 121
- snca.pytorch - 120
- PointerSQL - 120
- Windows-appsample-photo-editor - 117
- ManagedEsent - 117
- Snip-Insights - 116
- OpenType-SVG-Font-Editor - 116
- Range-V3-VS2015 - 116
- vscode-atom-keybindings - 116
- CoCosNet - 115
- RdpGamepad - 115
- AIVisualProvision - 115
- distributed_skipgram_mixture - 115
- vscode-extension-vscode - 115
- MS-SNSD - 114
- VanArsdel - 114
- kafka-proxy-ws - 114
- AzureMonitorCommunity - 112
- MPNet - 112
- Intune-PowerShell-SDK - 112
- ReverseDSC - 112
- BluetoothLEExplorer - 112
- BikeSharing360_Websites - 112
- winmd-rs - 111
- Microsoft-MPI - 111
- MCW-Big-data-and-visualization - 111
- WingtipTicketsSaaS-DbPerTenant - 111
- vcperf - 110
- 2D-TAN - 110
- graph-based-code-modelling - 110
- spring-data-gremlin - 110
- vsts-work-item-migrator - 110
- bobsql - 110
- vscode-mono-debug - 110
- vss-web-extension-sdk - 110
- ApplicationInsights-Python - 110
- Elevation - 109
- petridishnn - 107
- CanadianBuildingFootprints - 106
- MixedReality-SpectatorView - 105
- botbuilder-java - 104
- Picnic - 104
- Cognitive-LUIS-Python - 103
- Azure_Kinect_ROS_Driver - 102
- vision-ai-developer-kit - 102
- AzureKeyVaultExplorer - 102
- Cognitive-Emotion-Android - 102
- macaw - 101
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