
OCP Oracle Certified Professional Java SE 17 Developer Study Guide Table of Contents

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Title Page




About the Authors

About the Technical Editor About the Technical Proofreader

Introduction Understanding the Exam

Reading This Book

Studying for the Exam

Applying Test-Taking Strategies

Taking the Exam

Objective Map

Java Assessment Test

Brief Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Building Blocks

Chapter 2: Operators

Chapter 3: Making Decisions

Chapter 4: Core APIs

Chapter 5: Methods

Chapter 6: Class Design

Chapter 7: Beyond Classes

Chapter 8: Java Lambdas and Functional Interfaces

Chapter 9: Collections and Generics

Chapter 10: Streams

Chapter 11: Exceptions and Localization

Chapter 13: Concurrency

Chapter 14: Java I/O

Chapter 15: JDBC

Appendix: Answers to the Java Review Questions

Appendix: Answers to the Java Review Questions

End User License Agreement

List of Tables

Introduction TABLE I.1 Exam information

Chapter 1 TABLE 1.1 Setup procedure by operating system

TABLE 1.2 Important javac options

TABLE 1.3 Important java options

TABLE 1.4 Important jar options

TABLE 1.5 Order for declaring a class

TABLE 1.6 Primitive types

TABLE 1.7 Wrapper classes

TABLE 1.8 Text block formatting

TABLE 1.9 Reserved words

TABLE 1.10 Tracking scope by block

Chapter 2 TABLE 2.1 Order of operator precedence

TABLE 2.2 Unary operators

TABLE 2.3 Increment and decrement operators

TABLE 2.4 Binary arithmetic operators

TABLE 2.5 Simple assignment operator

TABLE 2.6 Compound assignment operators

TABLE 2.7 Equality operators

TABLE 2.8 Relational operators

TABLE 2.9 Logical operators

TABLE 2.10 Conditional operators

Chapter 3 TABLE 3.1 Control statement usage

Chapter 4 TABLE 4.1 Rules for indent() and stripIndent()

TABLE 4.2 Common formatting symbols

TABLE 4.3 Binary search rules

TABLE 4.4 Arrays.compare() examples

TABLE 4.5 Equality vs. comparison vs. mismatch

TABLE 4.6 Methods in LocalDate, LocalTime, LocalDateTime, and ZonedDateTime

TABLE 4.7 Where to use Duration and Period

Chapter 5 TABLE 5.1 Parts of a method declaration in Figure 5.1

TABLE 5.2 Optional specifiers for methods

TABLE 5.3 Optional specifiers for instance variables

TABLE 5.4 A method in ______ can access a ______ member.

TABLE 5.5 Static vs. instance calls

TABLE 5.6 The order that Java uses to choose the right overloaded method

Chapter 6 TABLE 6.1 Class modifiers

Chapter 7 TABLE 7.1 Interface member types

TABLE 7.2 Interface member access

TABLE 7.3 Usage of the permits clause in sealed classes

TABLE 7.4 Modifiers in nested classes

TABLE 7.5 Nested class access rules

Chapter 8 TABLE 8.1 Valid lambdas that return a boolean

TABLE 8.2 Invalid lambdas that should return a boolean

TABLE 8.3 Method references

TABLE 8.4 Common functional interfaces

TABLE 8.5 Convenience methods

TABLE 8.6 Common functional interfaces for primitives

TABLE 8.7 Primitive-specific functional interfaces

TABLE 8.8 Rules for accessing a variable from a lambda body inside a method…

Chapter 9 TABLE 9.1 Factory methods to create a List

TABLE 9.2 List methods

TABLE 9.3 Queue methods

TABLE 9.4 Deque methods

TABLE 9.5 Using a Deque as a stack

TABLE 9.6 Map methods

TABLE 9.7 Behavior of the merge() method

TABLE 9.8 Java Collections Framework types

TABLE 9.9 Collection attributes

TABLE 9.10 Comparison of Comparable and Comparator

TABLE 9.11 Helper static methods for building a Comparator

TABLE 9.12 Helper default methods for building a Comparator

TABLE 9.13 Types of bounds

TABLE 9.14 Why we need a lower bound

Chapter 10 TABLE 10.1 Common Optional instance methods

TABLE 10.2 Intermediate vs. terminal operations

TABLE 10.3 Creating a source

TABLE 10.4 Terminal stream operations

TABLE 10.5 Common primitive stream methods

TABLE 10.6 Mapping methods between types of streams

TABLE 10.7 Function parameters when mapping between types of streams

TABLE 10.8 Optional types for primitives

TABLE 10.9 Spliterator methods

TABLE 10.10 Examples of grouping/partitioning collectors

Chapter 11 TABLE 11.1 Types of exceptions and errors

TABLE 11.2 Unchecked exceptions

TABLE 11.3 Checked exceptions

TABLE 11.4 Errors

TABLE 11.5 DecimalFormat symbols

TABLE 11.6 Common date/time symbols

TABLE 11.7 Supported date/time symbols

TABLE 11.8 Factory methods to get a NumberFormat

TABLE 11.9 Factory methods to get a DateTimeFormatter

TABLE 11.10 Locale.Category values

TABLE 11.11 Picking a resource bundle for French/France with default locale …

TABLE 11.12 Selecting resource bundle properties

Chapter 12 TABLE 12.1 Options you need to know for using modules with javac

TABLE 12.2 Options you need to know for using modules with java

TABLE 12.3 Access control with modules

TABLE 12.4 Reviewing services

TABLE 12.5 Reviewing directives

TABLE 12.6 Common modules

TABLE 12.7 Java modules prefixed with java

TABLE 12.8 Java modules prefixed with jdk

TABLE 12.9 Modes using jmod

TABLE 12.10 Comparing command-line operations

TABLE 12.11 Options you need to know for the exam: javac

TABLE 12.12 Options you need to know for the exam: java

TABLE 12.13 Options you need to know for the exam: jar

TABLE 12.14 Options you need to know for the exam: jdeps

TABLE 12.15 Options you need to know for the exam: jlink

TABLE 12.16 Practicing with automatic module names

TABLE 12.17 Properties of module types

TABLE 12.18 Comparing migration strategies

Chapter 13 TABLE 13.1 ExecutorService methods

TABLE 13.2 Future methods

TABLE 13.3 TimeUnit values

TABLE 13.4 ScheduledExecutorService methods

TABLE 13.5 Executors factory methods

TABLE 13.6 Atomic classes

TABLE 13.7 Common atomic methods

TABLE 13.8 Lock methods

TABLE 13.9 Concurrent collection classes

TABLE 13.10 Synchronized Collections methods

Chapter 14 TABLE 14.1 File-system symbols

TABLE 14.2 Options for creating File and Path

TABLE 14.3 Common File and Path operations

TABLE 14.4 Common File and Files operations

TABLE 14.5 Common NIO.2 method arguments

TABLE 14.6 Path APIs

TABLE 14.7 The java.io abstract stream base classes

TABLE 14.8 The java.io concrete I/O stream classes

TABLE 14.9 Common I/O read and write methods

TABLE 14.10 Common Files NIO.2 read and write methods

TABLE 14.11 Common I/O stream methods

TABLE 14.12 The attributes and view types

TABLE 14.13 Walking a directory with a cycle using breadth-first search

TABLE 14.14 Key APIs

Chapter 15 TABLE 15.1 CRUD operations


TABLE 15.3 SQL runnable by the execute method

TABLE 15.4 Return types of execute methods

TABLE 15.5 PreparedStatement methods

TABLE 15.6 ResultSet get methods

TABLE 15.7 Sample stored procedures

TABLE 15.8 Stored procedure parameter types

TABLE 15.9 Connection APIs for transactions

List of Illustrations

Chapter 1 FIGURE 1.1 Compiling with packages

FIGURE 1.2 Compiling with packages and directories

FIGURE 1.3 Text block

FIGURE 1.4 Your drawing after line 5

FIGURE 1.5 Your drawing after line 7

Chapter 2 FIGURE 2.1 Java operation

FIGURE 2.2 The logical truth tables for &, |, and ^

Chapter 3 FIGURE 3.1 The structure of an if statement

FIGURE 3.2 The structure of an else statement

FIGURE 3.3 The structure of a switch statement

FIGURE 3.4 The structure of a switch expression

FIGURE 3.5 The structure of a while statement

FIGURE 3.6 The structure of a do/while statement

FIGURE 3.7 The structure of a basic for loop

FIGURE 3.8 The structure of an enhanced for-each loop

FIGURE 3.9 The structure of a break statement

FIGURE 3.10 The structure of a continue statement

Chapter 4 FIGURE 4.1 Indexing for a string

FIGURE 4.2 Indexes for a substring

FIGURE 4.3 The basic structure of an array

FIGURE 4.4 An empty array

FIGURE 4.5 An initialized array

FIGURE 4.6 An array pointing to strings

FIGURE 4.7 A sparsely populated multidimensional array

FIGURE 4.8 An asymmetric multidimensional array

FIGURE 4.9 Period format

FIGURE 4.10 How daylight saving time works

Chapter 5 FIGURE 5.1 Method declaration

FIGURE 5.2 Classes used to show private and package access

FIGURE 5.3 Classes used to show protected access

FIGURE 5.4 Copying a reference with pass-by-value

Chapter 6 FIGURE 6.1 Subclass and superclass declarations

FIGURE 6.2 Types of inheritance

FIGURE 6.3 Java object inheritance

Chapter 7 FIGURE 7.1 Defining an interface

FIGURE 7.2 Implementing an interface

FIGURE 7.3 Interface Inheritance

FIGURE 7.4 Defining a simple enum

FIGURE 7.5 Defining a sealed class

FIGURE 7.6 Defining a record

FIGURE 7.7 Declaring a compact constructor

FIGURE 7.8 Object vs. reference

Chapter 8 FIGURE 8.1 Lambda syntax omitting optional parts

FIGURE 8.2 Lambda syntax including optional parts

Chapter 9 FIGURE 9.1 Java Collections Framework

FIGURE 9.2 Example of a List

FIGURE 9.3 Example of a Set

FIGURE 9.4 Examples of a HashSet and TreeSet

FIGURE 9.5 Example of a Deque

FIGURE 9.6 Working with a Deque

FIGURE 9.7 Working with a stack

FIGURE 9.8 Example of a Map

Chapter 10 FIGURE 10.1 Optional

FIGURE 10.2 Stream pipeline

FIGURE 10.3 Steps in running a stream pipeline

FIGURE 10.4 A stream pipeline with a limit

FIGURE 10.5 Stream pipeline with multiple intermediate operations

Chapter 11 FIGURE 11.1 Categories of exception

FIGURE 11.2 The syntax of a try statement

FIGURE 11.3 The syntax of a multi-catch block

FIGURE 11.4 The syntax of a try statement with finally

FIGURE 11.5 The syntax of a basic try-with-resources statement

FIGURE 11.6 Locale formats

Chapter 12 FIGURE 12.1 Design of a modular system

FIGURE 12.2 Looking inside a module

FIGURE 12.3 Contents of zoo.animal.feeding

FIGURE 12.4 Module zoo.animal.feeding directory structure

FIGURE 12.5 Running a module using java

FIGURE 12.6 Modules depending on zoo.animal.feeding

FIGURE 12.7 Contents of zoo.animal.care

FIGURE 12.8 Dependencies for zoo.animal.talks

FIGURE 12.9 Contents of zoo.animal.talks

FIGURE 12.10 Contents of zoo.staff

FIGURE 12.11 Dependencies for zoo.staff

FIGURE 12.12 Transitive dependency version of our modules

FIGURE 12.13 Modules in the tour application

FIGURE 12.14 Determining the order

FIGURE 12.15 Determining the order when not unique

FIGURE 12.16 Bottom-up migration

FIGURE 12.17 Top-down migration

FIGURE 12.18 First attempt at decomposition

FIGURE 12.19 Removing the cyclic dependencies

Chapter 13 FIGURE 13.1 Process model

FIGURE 13.2 Thread states

FIGURE 13.3 ExecutorService life cycle

FIGURE 13.4 Lack of thread synchronization

FIGURE 13.5 Thread synchronization using atomic operations

FIGURE 13.6 Race condition on user creation

Chapter 14 FIGURE 14.1 Directory and file hierarchy

FIGURE 14.2 Relative paths using path symbols

FIGURE 14.3 I/O and NIO.2 class and interface relationships

FIGURE 14.4 Comparing file uniqueness

FIGURE 14.5 Visual representation of an I/O stream

FIGURE 14.6 Serialization process

FIGURE 14.7 File system with cycle

FIGURE 14.8 Diagram of I/O stream classes

Chapter 15 FIGURE 15.1 Tables in our relational database

FIGURE 15.2 Key JDBC interfaces

FIGURE 15.3 The JDBC URL format

FIGURE 15.4 Types of statements

FIGURE 15.5 The ResultSet cursor

Fair Use Sources

Java: Java Fundamentals, Java Inventor - Java Language Designer: James Gosling of Sun Microsystems, Java Docs, JDK, JVM, JRE, Java Keywords, JDK 17 API Specification, java.base, Java Built-In Data Types, Java Data Structures - Java Algorithms, Java Syntax, Java OOP - Java Design Patterns, Java Installation, Java Containerization, Java Configuration, Java Compiler, Java Transpiler, Java IDEs (IntelliJ - Eclipse - NetBeans), Java Development Tools, Java Linter, JetBrains, Java Testing (JUnit, Hamcrest, Mockito), Java on Android, Java on Windows, Java on macOS, Java on Linux, Java DevOps - Java SRE, Java Data Science - Java DataOps, Java Machine Learning, Java Deep Learning, Functional Java, Java Concurrency, Java History,

Java Bibliography (Effective Java, Head First Java, Java - A Beginner's Guide by Herbert Schildt, Java Concurrency in Practice, Clean Code by Robert C. Martin, Java - The Complete Reference by Herbert Schildt, Java Performance by Scott Oaks, Thinking in Java, Java - How to Program by Paul Deitel, Modern Java in Action, Java Generics and Collections by Maurice Naftalin, Spring in Action, Java Network Programming by Elliotte Rusty Harold, Functional Programming in Java by Pierre-Yves Saumont, Well-Grounded Java Developer, Second Edition, Java Module System by Nicolai Parlog

), Manning Java Series, Java Glossary, Java Topics, Java Courses, Java Security - Java DevSecOps, Java Standard Library, Java Libraries, Java Frameworks, Java Research, Java GitHub, Written in Java, Java Popularity, Java Awesome List, Java Versions. (navbar_java and navbar_java_detailed - see also navbar_jvm, navbar_java_concurrency, navbar_java_standard_library, navbar_java_libraries, navbar_java_navbars)

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