
OCP Oracle Certified Professional Java SE 17 Developer Study Guide - Exam 1Z0-829 by Scott Selikoff and Jeanne Boyarsky

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“ (OCP17SelBoy 2022)

Exam 1Z0-829

Oracle Certified Professional Java SE 17 Developer Study Guide

Book Summary

An effective and practical study aid to the new OCP Java SE 17 Developer certification exam

In the OCP Oracle Certified Professional Java SE 17 Developer Study Guide: Exam 1Z0-829, you'll find accessible and essential test prep material for the in-demand and practical OCP Java SE 17 Developer certification. Providing comprehensive coverage of all OCP Java SE 17 exam objectives and competencies, the Study Guide offers you access to all the skills and knowledge you'll need to succeed on the test and in the field as a new or experienced Java developer.

This book provides material on records, sealed classes, text blocks, dates, streams, controlling program flow, using the Java object-oriented approach, handling exceptions, working with arrays and collections, and more. You'll also get:

  • Intuitively organized information that aligns with the competencies tested on the exam and those required by real-world Java developers
  • Opportunities to practice and develop skills that remain in high demand in the IT industry
  • Access to the Sybex online learning center, with chapter review questions, full-length practice exams, hundreds of electronic flashcards, and a glossary of key terms
  • Perfect for anyone prepping for the brand-new OCP Java SE 17 credential, OCP Oracle Certified * Professional Java SE 17 Developer Study Guide: Exam 1Z0-829 is also a can't-miss reference for practicing and aspiring Java developers seeking to learn or reinforce their foundational skills in Java programming and improve their performance on the job.

Brief Table of Contents

Explanations of the Chapters

“This book is divided into 15 chapters, plus supplementary online material: a glossary of important terms, 500+ flash cards, and three practice exams that simulate the real exam.” (OCP17SelBoy 2022)

“Unlike the exam objectives, we organize our chapters organically so that each chapter builds on the material of the previous chapters. We also want to make things easier to learn and remember. This means some chapters cover multiple objectives.” (OCP17SelBoy 2022)

“The chapters are organized as follows:” (OCP17SelBoy 2022)

Chapter 1: Building Blocks describes the basics of Java, such as how to run a program. It covers variables such as primitives, object data types, and scoping variables. It also discusses garbage collection.

Chapter 2: Operators explains operations with variables. It also talks about casting and the precedence of operators.

Chapter 3: Making Decisions covers core logical constructs such as decision statements, pattern matching, and loops.

Chapter 4: Core APIs works with String, StringBuilder, arrays, and dates.

Chapter 5: Methods explains how to design and write methods. It also introduces access modifiers, which are used throughout the book.

Chapter 6: Class Design covers class structure, constructors, inheritance, and initialization. It also teaches you how to create abstract classes and overload methods.

Chapter 7: Beyond Classes introduces many top-level types (other than classes), including interfaces, enums, sealed classes, records, and nested classes. It also covers polymorphism.

Chapter 8: Lambdas and Functional Interfaces shows how to use lambdas, method references, and built-in functional interfaces.

Chapter 9: Collections and Generics demonstrates method references, generics with wildcards, and Collections. The Collections portion covers many common interfaces, classes, and methods that are useful for the exam and in everyday software development.

Chapter 10: Streams explains stream pipelines in detail. It also covers the Optional class. If you want to become skilled at creating streams, read this chapter more than once!

Chapter 11: Exceptions and Localization demonstrates the different types of exception classes and how to apply them to build more resilient programs. It concludes with localization and formatting, which allow your program to gracefully support multiple countries or languages.

Chapter 12: Modules details the benefits of the new module feature. It shows how to compile and run module programs from the command line. Additionally, it describes services and how to migrate an application to a modular infrastructure.

Chapter 13: Concurrency introduces the concept of thread life cycle and thread-safety. It teaches you how to build multithreaded programs using the Concurrency API and parallel streams.

Chapter 14: I/O introduces you to managing files and directories using the I/O and NIO.2 APIs. It covers a number of I/O stream classes, teaches you how to serialize data, and shows how to interact with a user. Additionally, it includes techniques for using streams to traverse and search the file system.

Chapter 15: JDBC provides the basics of working with databases in Java, including working with stored procedures and transactions.” (OCP17SelBoy 2022)

“At the end of each chapter, you'll find a few elements you can use to prepare for the exam:” (OCP17SelBoy 2022)

  • Summary - This section reviews the most important topics that were covered in the chapter and serves as a good review.
  • Java Exam Essentials: This section summarizes highlights that were covered in the chapter. You should be able to convey the information described.
  • Java Review Questions: Each chapter concludes with at least 20 review questions. You should answer these questions and check your answers against the ones provided in the Appendix. If you can't answer at least 80 percent of these questions correctly, go back and review the chapter, or at least those sections that seem to be giving you difficulty.“ (OCP17SelBoy 2022)

About the Authors

Jeanne Boyarsky was selected as a Java Champion in 2019. She has worked as a Java developer for more than 17 years at a bank in New York City where she develops, mentors, and conducts training. Besides being a senior moderator at CodeRanch.com in her free time, she works on the forum code base. Jeanne also mentors the programming division of a FIRST robotics team where she works with students just getting started with Java. She also speaks at several conferences each year.“ (OCP17SelBoy 2022)

“Jeanne got her Bachelor of Arts degree in 2002 and her Master in Computer Information Technology degree in 2005. She enjoyed getting her Master’s degree in an online program while working full-time. This was before online education was cool! Jeanne is also a Distinguished Toastmasters and a Scrum Master. You can find out more about Jeanne at www.jeanneboyarsky.com.” (OCP17SelBoy 2022)

Scott Selikoff is a professional software consultant, author, and owner of Selikoff Solutions, LLC, which provides software development solutions to businesses in the tri-state New York City area. Skilled in a plethora of software languages and platforms, Scott specializes in full-stack database-driven systems, cloud-based applications, microservice architectures, and service-oriented architectures.“ (OCP17SelBoy 2022)

“A native of Toms River, New Jersey, Scott achieved his Bachelor of Arts degree from Cornell University in Mathematics]] and Computer Science in 2002, after three years of study. In 2003, he received his Master of Engineering degree in Computer Science, also from Cornell University.” (OCP17SelBoy 2022)

“As someone with a deep love of education, Scott has always enjoyed teaching others new concepts. He’s given lectures at Cornell University and Rutgers University, as well as conferences including Oracle Code One and The Server Side Java Symposium. Scott lives in New Jersey with his loving wife, Patti, three amazing daughters, twins Olivia and Sophia and little Elysia, along with two very playful dogs, Webby and Georgette. You can find out more about Scott at www.linkedin.com/in/selikoff.” (OCP17SelBoy 2022)

“Jeanne and Scott are both moderators on the CodeRanch.com forums and can be reached there for question and comments. They also co-author a technical blog called Down Home Country Coding at www.selikoff.net.” (OCP17SelBoy 2022)

“In addition to this book, Scott and Jeanne are also authors of the following best-selling Java 8 certification books: OCA Oracle Certified Associate Java SE 8 Programmer I Study Guide (Sybex, 2015) and OCP Oracle Certified Professional Java SE 8 Programmer II Study Guide (Sybex, 2016). These two books have been combined into the single release: OCA/OCP Java SE 8 Programmer Certification Kit: Exam 1Z0-808 and Exam 1Z0-809 (Sybex 2016). They have also written a book of practice test questions for the Java 8 certification exams: OCA/OCP Java SE 8 Programmer Practice Tests (Sybex, 2017).” (OCP17SelBoy 2022)

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ocp_oracle_certified_professional_java_se_17_developer_study_guide_-_exam_1z0-829_by_scott_selikoff_and_jeanne_boyarsky.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/28 03:47 (external edit)