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Last Update: 2022-08-29 14:20 UTC

NixOS OS Type: Linux Based on: Independent Origin: Netherlands Architecture: i686, x86_64 Desktop: Awesome, Enlightenment, Fluxbox, GNOME, i3, IceWM, KDE Plasma, Ratpoison, Xfce Category: Desktop, Education, Live Medium, Server Status: Active Popularity: 37 (255 hits per day)

NixOS is an independently developed GNU/Linux distribution that aims to improve the state of the art in system configuration management. In NixOS, the entire operating system, including the kernel, applications, system packages and configuration files, are built by the Nix package manager. Nix stores all packages in isolation from each other; as a result there are no /bin, /sbin, /lib or /usr directories and all packages are kept in /nix/store instead. Other innovative features of NixOS include reliable upgrades, rollbacks, reproducible system configurations, source-based model with binaries, and multi-user package management. Although NixOS started as a research project, it is now a functional and usable operating system that includes hardware detection, KDE as the default desktop, and systemd for managing system services.

NixOS Summary Distribution NixOS Home Page Mailing Lists – User Forums Alternative User Forums Documentation Screenshots • DistroWatch Gallery Screencasts Download Mirrors • DistroWatch Torrent Archive Bug Tracker

Releases announcements with download links and checksums:
• 2022-05-30: Distribution Release: NixOS 22.05
• 2021-12-01: Distribution Release: NixOS 21.11
• 2021-06-02: Distribution Release: NixOS 21.05
• 2020-10-27: Distribution Release: NixOS 20.09
• 2020-04-21: Distribution Release: NixOS 20.03
• 2019-10-09: Distribution Release: NixOS 19.09
• 2019-04-11: Distribution Release: NixOS 19.03
• 2018-10-06: Distribution Release: NixOS 18.09
• 2018-04-04: Distribution Release: NixOS 18.03
• 2017-10-03: Distribution Release: NixOS 17.09
• 2017-03-31: Distribution Release: NixOS 17.03
• 2016-10-03: Distribution Release: NixOS 16.09

NixOS: Functional Linux, Nix Resources (Nix Learning, Nix Discovery, Nix Newsletters), Nix Installation Media, Nix Channel History, Nix Deployment Tools, Nix Command-Line Tools, Nix Development, Nix Programming Languages (Nix Arduino, Nix Crystal, Nix Elm, Nix Haskell, Nix Node.js, Nix PHP, Nix PureScript, Nix Python, Nix Ruby, Nix Rust, Nix Scala), NixOS Modules, Nix Overlays, Nix Community.


Linux: Linux Fundamentals, Linux Inventor: Linus Torvalds says “ Linux just sucks less.”, Linux Best Practices - Linux Anti-Patterns, Linux kernel, Linux commands-Linux Shells-Linux CLI-GNU-Linux GUI-X11, Linux DevOps-Linux development-Linux system programming-Bash-zsh-Linux API, Linux package managers, Linux configuration management (Ansible on Linux, Chef on Linux, Puppet on Linux, PowerShell on Linux), Linux Distros (RHEL-Rocky Linux-CentOS (CentOS Stream)-Oracle Linux-Fedora, Ubuntu-Debian-Linux Mint-Raspberry Pi OS-Kali Linux-Tails, openSUSE - SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES), Arch Linux-Manjaro Linux, Alpine Linux-BusyBox - Slackware - Android-Chrome OS); UNIX-UNIX Distros (FreeBSD-OpenBSD, BSD, macOS), Linux networking, Linux storage, Linux secrets, Linux security (Linux IAM-LDAP-Linux Firewall-Linux Proxy), Linux docs, Linux GitHub, Linux Containers, Linux VM, Linux on AWS, Linux on Azure, Linux on GCP, Linux on Windows (WSL), Linux on IBM, Linux on Mainframe (Linux on IBM Z mainframe - Linux for System z - IBM LinuxONE), Embedded Linux, Linus IoT-Linux on Raspberry Pi, LinuxOps-Linux sysadmin, systemd-userland-kernel space-POSIX-SUS-Linux filesystem-Linux architecture, Linux books-UNIX books, Linux courses, Linux Foundation, Linux history, Linux philosophy, Linux adoption, Linux glossary, Linux topics (navbar_linux and navbar_unix - see also navbar_fedora, navbar_rhel, navbar_centos, navbar_debian, navbar_ubuntu, navbar_linux_mint, navbar_freebsd, navbar_opensuse, navbar_manjaro, navbar_kali_linux, navbar_nixos, navbar_alpine_linux, navbar_tails_linux, navbar_slackware, navbar_rocky_linux, navbar_arch_linux, navbar_oracle_linux)

nixos.txt · Last modified: 2022/10/10 21:08 by