
Networking and Kubernetes

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by James Strong and Vallery Lancey

Kubernetes has become an essential part of the daily work for most system, network, and cluster administrators today. But to work effectively together on a production-scale Kubernetes system, they must be able to speak the same language. This book provides a clear guide to the layers of complexity and abstraction that come with running a Kubernetes network.

Authors James Strong and Vallery Lancey bring you up to speed on the intricacies that Kubernetes has to offer for large container deployments. If you're to be effective in troubleshooting and maintaining a production cluster, you need to be well versed in the abstraction provided at each layer. This practical book shows you how.

About the Authors

James began his career in Networking, first attending Cisco Networking Academy in High School. He then went on to be a Network Engineer at the University of Dayton and GE Appliances. While attending GE’s Information Technology Leadership program, James was able to see many of the problems that face system administrators and developers in an Enterprise environment. As the Cloud Native Director at Contino, James leads many large-scale enterprises and financial institutions through their Cloud and DevOps journeys. He is deeply involved in his local cloud native community, running local meetups, both AWS User Group & Cloud-Native Louisville. He holds a Master of Science in Computer Science from the University of Louisville, six AWS Certifications, including the Certified Advanced Networking Specialty, along with the CNCF’s CKA.

Vallery started her career at Checkfront as the company’s first DevOps Engineer. She began adopting Kubernetes in 2017, living through many of the early-adopter challenges, and rapidly evolving features. At Lyft, she works on the Compute Platform team as an Infrastructure Software Engineer, building and maintaining Lyft’s multi-cluster Kubernetes platform. At Lyft, she has worked on multicluster ingress support. Vallery is a Kubernetes contributor, and got her start in SIG-Network. There, she has contributed to kube-proxy, and IP dualstack support. She currently contributes to multiple areas of Kubernetes, and brings an end-user perspective to the project.

Product details



Just Another Packet

Since the first two computers were joined together over a cable, networking has been a crucial part of our infrastructure. Networks now have layers and layers of complexity to support a multitude of use cases, and the advent of containers and projects like Mesosphere and Kubernetes have not changed that. While the contributors of Kubernetes have attempted to abstract away this networking complexity for developers, computer science is just that, abstraction upon abstraction. Kubernetes, and its networking API, is another abstraction that makes it easier and faster to deploy applications for consumption. What about the administrator who has to manage Kubernetes? This book intends to dispel the mysticism around the abstractions Kubernetes puts in place, guide administrators through the layers of complexity, and help you realize Kubernetes is not just another packet.

Who This Book Is For

According to 451 Research, the global application container market is expected to grow from USD 2.1 billion in 2019 to USD 4.2 billion by 2022. This explosive growth in the container market underscores the need for IT professionals to be knowledgeable in deploying, managing, and troubleshooting containers.

This book is intended to be read from beginning to end by new network, Linux, or cluster administrators, and it can be used by more experienced DevOps engineers to jump to specific topics for which they find themselves needing to be upskilled. Network, Linux, and cluster administrators need to be familiar with how to operate Kubernetes at scale.

In this book, readers will find the information required to navigate the layers of complexity that come with running a Kubernetes network. This book will peel back the abstractions that Kubernetes puts in place so that developers have a similar experience across deployments on-premises, in the cloud, and with managed services. Engineers responsible for production cluster operations and network uptime can use this book to bridge the gap in their knowledge of those abstractions.

What You Will Learn

By the end of this book, the reader will understand the following:

Also, the reader will be able to do the following:

Conventions Used in This Book

The following typographical conventions are used in this book:


Indicates new terms, URLs, email addresses, filenames, and file extensions.

Constant width

Used for program listings, as well as within paragraphs to refer to program elements such as variable or function names, databases, data types, environment variables, statements, and keywords.

Constant width bold

Shows commands or other text that should be typed literally by the user.

Constant width italic

Shows text that should be replaced with user-supplied values or by values determined by context.


This element signifies a tip or suggestion.


This element signifies a general note.


This element indicates a warning or caution.

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We appreciate, but generally do not require, attribution. An attribution usually includes the title, author, publisher, and ISBN. For example: “Networking and Kubernetes by James Strong and Vallery Lancey (O'Reilly). Copyright 2021 Strongjz tech and Vallery Lancey, 978-1-492-08165-4.”

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The authors would like to thank the team at O'Reilly Media for helping them through the process of writing their first book. Melissa Potter was instrumental in getting this across the finish line. We would also like to recognize Thomas Behnken for aiding us with his Azure expertise.

James: Karen, thank you for all your faith in me and for helping him believe in himself even when he didn’t. Wink, you are the reason I started working in this field, and I am forever grateful. Ann, I have come a long way since learning English is supposed to be capitalized. James would also like to thank all the other teachers and coaches in his life who supported him.

Vallery: I’d like to thank the friendly faces in SIG-Network for helping me get started in upstream Kubernetes.

Finally, the authors would like to thank the Kubernetes community; this book wouldn’t exist without them. We hope it helps further the knowledge for all engineers looking to adopt Kubernetes.

Chapter 1. Networking Introduction

“Guilty until proven innocent.” That’s the mantra of networks and the engineers who supervise them. In this opening chapter, we will wade through the development of networking technologies and standards, give a brief overview of the dominant theory of networking, and introduce our Golang web server that will be the basis of the networking examples in Kubernetes and the cloud throughout the book.

Let’s begin…at the beginning.

Networking History

The internet we know today is vast, with cables spanning oceans and mountains and connecting cities with lower latency than ever before. Barrett Lyon’s “Mapping the Internet,” shown in Figure 1-1, shows just how vast it truly is. That image illustrates all the connections between the networks of networks that make up the internet. The purpose of a network is to exchange information from one system to another system. That is an enormous ask of a distributed global system, but the internet was not always global; it started as a conceptual model and slowly was built up over time, to the behemoth in Lyon’s visually stunning artwork. There are many factors to consider when learning about networking, such as the last mile, the connectivity between a customer’s home and their internet service provider’s network—all the way to scaling up to the geopolitical landscape of the internet. The internet is integrated into the fabric of our society. In this book, we will discuss how networks operate and how Kubernetes abstracts them for us.

Figure 1-1. Barrett Lyon, “Mapping the Internet,” 2003

Table 1-1 briefly outlines the history of networking before we dive into a few of the important details.

Table 1-1. A brief history of networking Year Event


ARPANET’s first connection test


Telnet 1969 Request for Comments (RFC) 15 drafted


FTP RFC 114 drafted


FTP RFC 354 drafted


TCP RFC 675 by Vint Cerf, Yogen Dalal, and Carl Sunshine drafted


Development of Open Systems Interconnection model begins


IP RFC 760 drafted


NORSAR and University College London left the ARPANET and began using TCP/IP over SATNET


ISO 7498 Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model published


National Information Infrastructure (NII) Bill passed with Al Gore’s help


First version of Linux released


First version of Kubernetes released

In its earliest forms, networking was government run or sponsored; in the United States, the Department of Defense (DOD) sponsored the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET), well before Al Gore’s time in politics, which will be relevant in a moment. In 1969, ARPANET was deployed at the University of California–Los Angeles, the Augmentation Research Center at Stanford Research Institute, the University of California–Santa Barbara, and the University of Utah School of Computing. Communication between these nodes was not completed until 1970, when they began using the Network Control Protocol (NCP). NCP led to the development and use of the first computer-to-computer protocols like Telnet and File Transfer Protocol (FTP).

The success of ARPANET and NCP, the first protocol to power ARPANET, led to NCP’s downfall. It could not keep up with the demands of the network and the variety of networks connected. In 1974, Vint Cerf, Yogen Dalal, and Carl Sunshine began drafting RFC 675 for Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). (You’ll learn more about RFCs in a few paragraphs.) TCP would go on to become the standard for network connectivity. TCP allowed for exchanging packets across different types of networks. In 1981, the Internet Protocol (IP), defined in RFC 791, helped break out the responsibilities of TCP into a separate protocol, increasing the modularity of the network. In the following years, many organizations, including the DOD, adopted TCP as the standard. By January 1983, TCP/IP had become the only approved protocol on ARPANET, replacing the earlier NCP because of its versatility and modularity.

A competing standards organization, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), developed and published ISO 7498, “Open Systems Interconnection Reference Model,” which detailed the OSI model. With its publication also came the protocols to support it. Unfortunately, the OSI model protocols never gained traction and lost out to the popularity of TCP/IP. The OSI model is still an excellent learning tool for understanding the layered approach to networking, however.

In 1991, Al Gore invented the internet (well, really he helped pass the National Information Infrastructure [NII] Bill), which helped lead to the creation of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). Nowadays standards for the internet are under the management of the IETF, an open consortium of leading experts and companies in the field of networking, like Cisco and Juniper. RFCs are published by the Internet Society and the Internet Engineering Task Force. RFCs are prominently authored by individuals or groups of engineers and computer scientists, and they detail their processes, operations, and applications for the internet’s functioning.

An IETF RFC has two states:

Proposed Standard

A protocol specification has reached enough community support to be considered a standard. The designs are stable and well understood. A proposed standard can be deployed, implemented, and tested. It may be withdrawn from further consideration, however.

Internet Standard

Per RFC 2026: “In general, an internet standard is a stable specification and well understood, technically competent, has multiple, independent, and interoperable implementations with substantial operational experience, enjoys significant public support, and is recognizably useful in some parts of the internet.”


Draft standard is a third classification that was discontinued in 2011.

There are thousands of internet standards defining how to implement protocols for all facets of networking, including wireless, encryption, and data formats, among others. Each one is implemented by contributors of open source projects and privately by large organizations like Cisco.

A lot has happened in the nearly 50 years since those first connectivity tests. Networks have grown in complexity and abstractions, so let’s start with the OSI model.

OSI Model

The OSI model is a conceptual framework for describing how two systems communicate over a network. The OSI model breaks down the responsibility of sending data across networks into layers. This works well for educational purposes to describe the relationships between each layer’s responsibility and how data gets sent over networks. Interestingly enough, it was meant to be a protocol suite to power networks but lost to TCP/IP.

Here are the ISO standards that outline the OSI model and protocols:

ISO/IEC 7498-1, “The Basic Model

ISO/IEC 7498-2, “Security Architecture

ISO/IEC 7498-3, “Naming and Addressing”

ISO/IEC 7498-4, “Management Framework

The ISO/IEC 7498-1 describes what the OSI model attempts to convey: The basic structuring technique in the Reference Model of Open Systems Interconnection is layering. According to this technique, each open system is viewed as logically composed of an ordered set of (N)-subsystems…Adjacent (N)-subsystems communicate through their common boundary. (N)-subsystems of the same rank (N) collectively form the (N)-layer of the Reference Model of Open Systems Interconnection. There is one and only one (N)-subsystem in an open system for layer N. An (N)-subsystem consists of one or several (N)-entities. Entities exist in each (N)-layer. Entities in the same (N)-layer are termed peer-(N)-entities. Note that the highest layer does not have an (N+l)-layer above it, and the lowest layer does not have an (N-1)-layer below it.

The OSI model description is a complex and exact way of saying networks have layers like cakes or onions. The OSI model breaks the responsibilities of the network into seven distinct layers, each with different functions to aid in transmitting information from one system to another, as shown in Figure 1-2. The layers encapsulate information from the layer below it; these layers are Application, Presentation, Session, Transport, Network, Data Link, and Physical. Over the next few pages, we will go over each layer’s functionality and how it sends data between two systems.

Figure 1-2. OSI model layers

Each layer takes data from the previous layer and encapsulates it to make its Protocol Data Unit (PDU). The PDU is used to describe the data at each layer. PDUs are also part of TCP/IP. The applications of the Session layer are considered “data” for the PDU, preparing the application information for communication. Transport uses ports to distinguish what process on the local system is responsible for the data. The Network layer PDU is the packet. Packets are distinct pieces of data routed between networks. The Data Link layer is the frame or segment. Each packet is broken up into frames, checked for errors, and sent out on the local network. The Physical layer transmits the frame in bits over the medium. Next we will outline each layer in detail:


The Application layer is the top layer of the OSI model and is the one the end user interacts with every day. This layer is not where actual applications live, but it provides the interface for applications that use it like a web browser or Office 365. The single biggest interface is HTTP; you are probably reading this book on a web page hosted by an O'Reilly web server. Other examples of the Application layer that we use daily are DNS, SSH, and SMTP. Those applications are responsible for displaying and arranging data requested and sent over the network.


This layer provides independence from data representation by translating between application and network formats. It can be referred to as the syntax layer. This layer allows two systems to use different encodings for data and still pass data between them. Encryption is also done at this layer, but that is a more complicated story we’ll save for “TLS”.


The Session layer is responsible for the duplex of the connection, in other words, whether sending and receiving data at the same time. It also establishes procedures for performing checkpointing, suspending, restarting, and terminating a session. It builds, manages, and terminates the connections between the local and remote applications.


The Transport layer transfers data between applications, providing reliable data transfer services to the upper layers. The Transport layer controls a given connection’s reliability through flow control, segmentation and desegmentation, and error control. Some protocols are state- and connection-oriented. This layer tracks the segments and retransmits those that fail. It also provides the acknowledgment of successful data transmission and sends the next data if no errors occurred. TCP/IP has two protocols at this layer: TCP and User Datagram Protocol (UDP).


The Network layer implements a means of transferring variable-length data flows from a host on one network to a host on another network while sustaining service quality. The Network layer performs routing functions and might also perform fragmentation and reassembly while reporting delivery errors. Routers operate at this layer, sending data throughout the neighboring networks. Several managementprotocols  belong  to  the  Networklayer,  including  routingprotocols,  multicastgroupmanagement,  network-layer information, error handling, and network-layer address assignment, which we will discuss further in “TCP/IP”.

Data Link

This layer is responsible for the host-to-host transfers on the same network. It defines the protocols to create and terminate the connections between two devices. The Data Link layer transfers data between network hosts and provides the means to detect and possibly correct errors from the Physical layer. Data Link frames, the PDU for layer 2, do not cross the boundaries of a local network.


The Physical layer is represented visually by an Ethernet cord plugged into a switch. This layer converts data in the form of digital bits into electrical, radio, or optical signals. Think of this layer as the physical devices, like cables, switches, and wireless access points. The wire signaling protocols are also defined at this layer.


There are many mnemonics to remember the layers of the OSI model; our favorite is All People Seem To Need Data Processing.

Table 1-2 summarizes the OSI layers.

Table 1-2. OSI layer details Layer number Layer name Protocol data unit Function overview




High-level APIs and application protocols like HTTP, DNS, and SSH.




Character encoding, data compression, and encryption/decryption.




Continuous data exchanges between nodes are managed here: how much data to send, when to send more.



Segment, datagram

Transmission of data segments between endpoints on a network, including segmentation, acknowledgment, and multiplexing.




Structuring and managing addressing, routing, and traffic control for all endpoints on the network.


Data Link


Transmission of data frames between two nodes connected by a Physical layer.




Sending and receiving of bitstreams over the medium.

The OSI model breaks down all the necessary functions to send a data packet over a network between two hosts. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, it lost out to TCP/IP as the standard adopted by the DOD and all other major players in networking. The standard defined in ISO 7498 gives a brief glimpse into the implementation details that were considered by most at the time to be complicated, inefficient, and to an extent unimplementable. The OSI model at a high level still allows those learning networking to comprehend the basic concepts and challenges in networking. In addition, these terms and functions are used in the TCP/IP model covered in the next section and ultimately in Kubernetes abstractions. Kubernetes services break out each function depending on the layer it is ope[[rating at, for example, a layer 3 IP address or a layer 4 port; you will learn more about that in Chapter 4. Next, we will do a deep dive into the TCP/IP suite with an example walk-through.


TCP/IP creates a heterogeneous network with open protocols that are independent of the ope[[rating system and architectural differences. Whether the hosts are running Windows, Linux, or another OS, TCP/IP allows them to communicate; TCP/IP does not care if you are running Apache or Nginx for your web server at the Application layer. The separation of responsibilities similar to the OSI model makes that possible. In Figure 1-3, we compare the OSI model to TCP/IP.

Figure 1-3. OSI model compared to TCP/IP

Here we expand on the differences between the OSI model and the TCP/IP:


In TCP/IP, the Application layer comprises the communications protocols used in process-to-process communications across an IP network. The Application layer standardizes communication and depends upon the underlying Transport layer protocols to establish the host-to-host data transfer. The lower Transport layer also manages the data exchange in network communications. Applications at this layer are defined in RFCs; in this book, we will continue to use HTTP, RFC 7231 as our example for the Application layer.


TCP and UDP are the primary protocols of the Transport layer that provide host-to-host communication services for applications. Transport protocols are responsible for connection-oriented communication, reliability, flow control, and multiplexing. In TCP, the window size manages flow control, while UDP does not manage the congestion flow and is considered unreliable; you’ll learn more about that in “UDP”. Each port identifies the host process responsible for processing the information from the network communication. HTTP uses the well-known port 80 for nonsecure communication and 443 for secure communication. Each port on the server identifies its traffic, and the sender generates a random port locally to identify itself. The governing body that manages port number assignments is the Internet Assigned Number Authority (IANA); there are 65,535 ports.


The Internet, or Network layer, is responsible for transmitting data between networks. For an outgoing packet, it selects the next-hop host and transmits it to that host by passing it to the appropriate link-layer. Once the packet is received by the destination, the Internet layer will pass the packet payload up to the appropriate Transport layer protocol.

IP provides the fragmentation or defragmentation of packets based on the maximum transmission unit (MTU); this is the maximum size of the IP packet. IP makes no guarantees about packets’ proper arrival. Since packet delivery across diverse networks is inherently unreliable and failure-prone, that burden is with the endpoints of a communication path, rather than on the network. The function of providing service reliability is in the Transport layer. A checksum ensures that the information in a received packet is accurate, but this layer does not validate data integrity. The IP address identifies packets on the network.


The Link layer in the TCP/IP model comprises networking protocols that operate only on the local network that a host connects to. Packets are not routed to nonlocal networks; that is the Internet layer’s role. Ethernet is the dominant protocol at this layer, and hosts are identified by the link-layer address or commonly their Media Access Control addresses on their network interface cards. Once determined by the host using Address Resolution Protocol 9 (ARP), data sent off the local network is processed by the Internet layer. This layer also includes protocols for moving packets between two Internet layer hosts.

Physical layer

The Physical layer defines the components of the hardware to use for the network. For example, the Physical network layer stipulates the physical characteristics of the communications media. The Physical layer of TCP/IP details hardware standards such as IEEE 802.3, the specification for Ethernet network media. Several interpretations of RFC 1122 for the Physical layer are included with the other layers; we have added this for completeness.

Throughout this book, we will use the minimal Golang web server (also called Go) from Example 1-1 to show various levels of networking components from tcpdump, a Linux syscall, to show how Kubernetes abstracts the syscalls. This section will use it to demonstrate what is happening at the Application, Transport, Network, and Data Link layers.


As mentioned, Application is the highest layer in the TCP/IP stack; it is where the user interacts with data before it gets sent over the network. In our example walk-through, we are going to use Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and a simple HTTP transaction to demonstrate what happens at each layer in the TCP/IP stack.


HTTP is responsible for sending and receiving Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) documents—you know, a web page. A vast majority of what we see and do on the internet is over HTTP: Amazon purchases, Reddit posts, and tweets all use HTTP. A client will make an HTTP request to our minimal Golang web server from Example 1-1, and it will send an HTTP response with “Hellotext. The web server runs locally in an Ubuntu virtual machine to test the full TCP/IP stack.


See the example code repository for full instructions.

Example 1-1. Minimal web server in Go

package main import ( “fmt” “net/http” ) func hello(w http.ResponseWriter, _ *http.Request) { fmt.Fprintf(w, “Hello”) } func main() { http.HandleFunc(“/”, hello) http.ListenAndServe(“”, nil) }

In our Ubuntu virtual machine we need to start our minimal web server, or if you have Golang installed locally, you can just run this:

go run web-server.go

Let’s break down the request for each layer of the TPC/IP stack.

cURL is the requesting client for our HTTP request example. Generally, for a web page, the client would be a web browser, but we’re using cURL to simplify and show the command line.


cURL is meant for uploading and downloading data specified with a URL. It is a client-side program (the c) to request data from a URL and return the response.

In Example 1-2, we can see each part of the HTTP request that the cURL client is making and the response. Let’s review what all those options and outputs are.

Example 1-2. Client request

○ → curl localhost:8080 -vvv * Trying ::1…

curl localhost:8080 -vvv: This is the curl command that opens a connection to the locally running web server, localhost on TCP port 8080. -vvv sets the verbosity of the output so we can see everything happening with the request. Also, TCP_NODELAY instructs the TCP connection to send the data without delay, one of many options available to the client to set.

Connected to localhost (::1) port 8080: It worked! cURL connected to the web server on localhost and over port 8080.

Get / HTTP/1.1: HTTP has several methods for retrieving or updating information. In our request, we are performing an HTTP GET to retrieve our “Helloresponse. The forward slash is the next part, a Uniform Resource Locator (URL), which indicates where we are sending the client request to the server. The last section of this header is the version of HTTP the server is using, 1.1.

Host: localhost:8080: HTTP has several options for sending information about the request. In our request, the cURL process has set the HTTP Host header. The client and server can transmit information with an HTTP request or response. An HTTP header contains its name followed by a colon (:) and then its value.

User-Agent: cURL/7.64.1: The user agent is a string that indicates the computer program making the HTTP request on behalf of the end user; it is cURL in our context. This string often identifies the browser, its version number, and its host ope[[rating system.

Accept: */*: This header instructs the web server what content types the client understands. Table 1-3 shows examples of common content types that can be sent.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK: This is the server response to our request. The server responds with the HTTP version and the response status code. There are several possible responses from the server. A status code of 200 indicates the response was successful. 1XX means informational, 2XX means successful, 3XX means redirects, 4XX responses indicate there are issues with the requests, and 5XX generally refers to issues from the server.

Date: Sat, July 25, 2020, 14:57:46 GMT: The Date header field represents the date and time at which the message originated. The sender generates the value as the approximate date and time of message generation.

Content-Length: 5: The Content-Length header indicates the size of the message body, in bytes, sent to the recipient; in our case, the message is 5 bytes.

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8: The Content-Type entity header is used to indicate the resource’s media type. Our response is indicating that it is returning a plain-text file that is UTF-8 encoded.


Table 1-3. Common content types for HTTP data Type Description


Any kind of binary data that doesn’t fall explicitly into one of the other types. Common examples include application/json, application/pdf, application/pkcs8, and application/zip.


Audio or music data. Examples include audio/mpeg and audio/vorbis.


Font/typeface data. Common examples include font/woff, font/ttf, and font/otf.


Image or graphical data including both bitmap and vector such as animated GIF or APNG. Common examples are image/jpg, image/png, and image/svg+xml.


Model data for a 3D object or scene. Examples include model/3mf and model/vrml.


Text-only data including human-readable content, source code, or text data. Examples include text/plain, text/csv, and text/html.


Video data or files, such as video/mp4.

This is a simplistic view that happens with every HTTP request. Today, a single web page makes an exorbitant number of requests with one load of a page, and in just a matter of seconds! This is a brief example for cluster administrators of how HTTP (and for that matter, the other seven layers’ applications) operate. We will continue to build our knowledge of how this request is completed at each layer of the TCP/IP stack and then how Kubernetes completes those same requests. All this data is formatted and options are set at layer 7, but the real heavy lifting is done at the lower layers of the TCP/IP stack, which we will go over in the next sections.


The Transport layer protocols are responsible for connection-oriented communication, reliability, flow control, and multiplexing; this is mostly true of TCP. We’ll describe the differences in the following sections. Our Golang web server is a layer 7 application using HTTP; the Transport layer that HTTP relies on is TCP.


As already mentioned, TCP is a connection-oriented, reliable protocol, and it provides flow control and multiplexing. TCP is considered connection-oriented because it manages the connection state through the life cycle of the connection. In TCP, the window size manages flow control, unlike UDP, which does not manage the congestion flow. In addition, UDP is unreliable, and data may arrive out of sequence. Each port identifies the host process responsible for processing the information from the network communication. TCP is known as a host-to-host layer protocol. To identify the process on the host responsible for the connection, TCP identifies the segments with a 16-bit port number. HTTP servers use the well-known port of 80 for nonsecure communication and 443 for secure communication using Transport Layer Security (TLS). Clients requesting a new connection create a source port local in the range of 0–65534.

To understand how TCP performs multiplexing, let’s review a simple HTML page retrieval:

In a web browser, type in a web page address.

The browser opens a connection to transfer the page.

The browser opens connections for each image on the page.

The browser opens another connection for the external CSS.

Each of these connections uses a different set of virtual ports.

All the page’s assets download simultaneously.

The browser reconstructs the page.

Let’s walk through how TCP manages multiplexing with the information provided in the TCP segment headers:

Source port (16 bits)

This identifies the sending port.

Destination port (16 bits)

This identifies the receiving port.

Sequence number (32 bits)

If the SYN flag is set, this is the initial sequence number. The sequence number of the first data byte and the acknowledged number in the corresponding ACK is this sequence number plus 1. It is also used to reassemble data if it arrives out of order.

Acknowledgment number (32 bits)

If the ACK flag is set, then this field’s value is the next sequence number of the ACK the sender is expecting. This acknowledges receipt of all preceding bytes (if any). Each end’s first ACK acknowledges the other end’s initial sequence number itself, but no data has been sent.

Data offset (4 bits)

This specifies the size of the TCP header in 32-bit words.

Reserved (3 bits)

This is for future use and should be set to zero.

Flags (9 bits)

There are nine 1-bit fields defined for the TCP header:

NS–ECN-nonce: Concealment protection.

CWR: Congestion Window Reduced; the sender reduced its sending rate.

ECE: ECN Echo; the sender received an earlier congestion notification.

URG: Urgent; the Urgent Pointer field is valid, but this is rarely used.

ACK: Acknowledgment; the Acknowledgment Number field is valid and is always on after a connection is established.

PSH: Push; the receiver should pass this data to the application as soon as possible.

RST: Reset the connection or connection abort, usually because of an error.

SYN: Synchronize sequence numbers to initiate a connection.

FIN: The sender of the segment is finished sending data to its peer.


The NS bit field is further explained in RFC 3540, “Robust Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) Signaling with Nonces.” This specification describes an optional addition to ECN improving robustness against malicious or accidental concealment of marked packets.

Window size (16 bits)

This is the size of the receive window.

Checksum (16 bits)

The checksum field is used for error checking of the TCP header.

Urgent pointer (16 bits)

This is an offset from the sequence number indicating the last urgent data byte.


Variable 0–320 bits, in units of 32 bits.


The TCP header padding is used to ensure that the TCP header ends, and data begins on a 32-bit boundary.


This is the piece of application data being sent in this segment.

In Figure 1-4, we can see all the TCP segment headers that provide metadata about the TCP streams.

Figure 1-4. TCP segment header

These fields help manage the flow of data between two systems. Figure 1-5 shows how each step of the TCP/IP stack sends data from one application on one host, through a network communicating at layers 1 and 2, to get data to the destination host.

Figure 1-5. tcp/ip data flow



Accept header, HTTP request, HTTP-HTTP

ACK flag, TCP, TCP, TCP handshake, tcpdump

acknowledgment number, TCP, TCP, tcpdump

ACR (Azure Container Registry), Deploying an Application to Azure Kubernetes Service, Connecting to and configuring AKS, Deploying the Go web server

Address Resolution Protocol (ARP), TCP/IP, Link Layer-Link Layer

addresses output, Kubernetes, Endpoint Slices

addresses, endpoints and, Endpoints

addresses, IP (see IP (Internet Protocol) addresses)

Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET), Networking History

agent, Cilium, Popular CNI Plugins

AGIC (application gateway ingress controller), Azure, Azure load balancer, Application gateway ingress controller

AKS (see Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS))

ALB (see AWS ALB (application load balancer) ingress controller)

allocate-node-cidrs flag, Kubernetes, kube-controller-manager Configuration

Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) (see EKS (Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service))

Amazon Web Services (AWS) (see AWS (Amazon Web Services))

annotations, Kubernetes, Ingress Controllers and Rules, Service Meshes

API, Kubernetes, Pod Readiness and Probes, NetworkPolicy, Rules, Service Meshes

app command, NetworkPolicy, NetworkPolicy, Selecting Pods, Rules

application deployment - benefits of containers for, Containers, Setting Up Namespaces

challenges of, Applications-Hypervisor, Docker

application gateway ingress controller (AGIC), Azure, Azure load balancer, Application gateway ingress controller

Application layer (L7)with Cilium, eBPF, Popular CNI Plugins, NetworkPolicy Example with Cilium

examples of, OSI Model, TCP/IP

with HTTP, cURL, NetworkPolicy Example with Cilium, Elastic load balancers, Azure load balancer

ingress and, Ingress, Deploy ingress rules, Application gateway ingress controller

load balancers for, LoadBalancer, Azure load balancer

with NetworkPolicy, NetworkPolicy Example with Cilium

of OSI model, OSI Model, TCP/IP

of TCP/IP, TCP/IP, Application-HTTP

application load balancers (ALB) (see AWS ALB (application load balancer) ingress controller)

ARM (Azure Resource Manager), Azure, Network security groups

ARP (Address Resolution Protocol), TCP/IP, Link Layer-Link Layer

ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network), Networking History

ASNs (autonomous system numbers), Getting round the network-Getting round the network

attacker strategieswith networking tools, Security Warning

NetworkPolicies and, NetworkPolicy, NetworkPolicy, Rules, Rules

nmap for, nmap

authenticationfor AWS load balancers, Elastic load balancers

for Azure Kubernetes, Deploying an Azure Kubernetes Service cluster

authorization policies, service mesh, Service Meshes

Auto Scaling groups, Amazon EKS, EKS nodes

autonomous system numbers (ASNs), Getting round the network-Getting round the network

Autopath, Kubernetes, DNS

availability zones (AZs), Region and availability zones, Security groups, Azure backbone infrastructure-Route tables, Deploying an Azure Kubernetes Service cluster

AWS (Amazon Web Services)App Mesh service mesh in, Service Meshes

AWS networking in (see AWS networking)

AWS VPC CNI in, Container Network Interface, eksctl-AWS VPC CNI

EKS in (see EKS (Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service))

overview of, Amazon Web Services

AWS Account ID, Deploy ALB ingress and verify

AWS ALB (application load balancer) ingress controllerexample deployment of, AWS ALB ingress controller-Cleanup

overview of, Elastic load balancers, AWS VPC CNI-AWS ALB ingress controller

AWS Managed Service NAT gateway (NAT GW), Network address translation] [[devices, EKS nodes

AWS networking, AWS Network Services-Elastic load balancersAWS ALB ingress controller in, AWS Network Services, Elastic load balancers, AWS VPC CNI-Cleanup

with AZs and geographic regions, Region and availability zones, Security groups

elastic load balancer in, Elastic load balancers-Elastic load balancers

ENIs and EIPs in, Elastic network interface-Elastic IP address

internet gateway in, Internet gateway

NAT devices in, Network address translation] [[devices

route tables in, Routing tables-Elastic network interface, Network address translation] [[devices

security controls in, Security controls-Network access control lists

subnets in, Subnet-Elastic network interface, Elastic IP address-Network access control lists, eksctl, Deploy EKS cluster

AZs (availability zones), Region and availability zones, Security groups, Azure backbone infrastructure-Route tables, Deploying an Azure Kubernetes Service cluster

Azure, Azure-AKS conclusionAKS (Azure Kubernetes Service) in, Azure Kubernetes Service-AKS conclusion

CNI for, Azure CNI

communications external to, Communication outside the virtual network

deployment models for, Azure, Network security groups

load balancing in, Azure load balancer-Azure load balancer

overview of, Azure-Azure backbone infrastructure

Vnet networking in, Azure Networking Services-Communication outside the virtual network

Azure Active Directory service principals, Deploying an Application to Azure Kubernetes Service, Deploying an Azure Kubernetes Service cluster

Azure Container Registry (ACR), Deploying an Application to Azure Kubernetes Service, Connecting to and configuring AKS, Deploying the Go web server

Azure Geography, Azure backbone infrastructure

Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), Azure Kubernetes Service-AKS conclusionapplication gateway ingress controller in, Azure load balancer, Application gateway ingress controller

authentication page in, Deploying an Azure Kubernetes Service cluster

CNI for, Azure CNI

create page in, Deploying an Azure Kubernetes Service cluster-Deploying an Azure Kubernetes Service cluster

example deployment with, Deploying an Application to Azure Kubernetes Service-AKS conclusion

overview of, Azure Kubernetes Service-Azure Kubernetes Service

validation page in, Deploying an Azure Kubernetes Service cluster

Azure networking services (Vnet), Azure Networking Services-Communication outside the virtual networkcommunications external to, Communication outside the virtual network

public/private IPs in, Public and private IPs, Communication outside the virtual network

regions of, Azure backbone infrastructure-Route tables, Communication outside the virtual network, Deploying an Azure Kubernetes Service cluster

route tables in, Route tables-Route tables

security with, Route tables, Network security groups-Communication outside the virtual network

subnets in, Subnets, Route tables, Communication outside the virtual network

Azure Resource Manager (ARM), Azure, Network security groups



caching system, container, Container Connectivity

Calico CNI plugin, Container Network Interface, Popular CNI Plugins, NetworkPolicy

cert-manager, Ingress Controllers and Rules

certificates and keyscURL for, cURL

with ingress, Ingress Controllers and Rules

OpenSSL for, Openssl-Openssl


cgroup-bpf, eBPF, eBPF

cgroups (control groups), Containers, Container Primitives-Control Groups, Namespaces

chains, iptablesexecution of, iptables, iptables chains-Subchains

iptables -L for showing, Practical iptables

Netfilter hooks and, Netfilter, iptables, iptables chains

and subchains, Subchains

checksum, TCP/IP, TCP, tcpdump, UDP, Internet Protocol, ICMP

CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing) rangesfor Amazon EKS, EKS nodes, eksctl

for AWS network services, Virtual private cloud, Subnet, eksctl

for Azure Vnet, Azure Networking Services

for Google GCP, Virtual private cloud

with kube-controller-manager, kube-controller-manager Configuration

in Kubernetes pods, Flat Networks-Flat Networks, kube-controller-manager Configuration

with NetworkPolicy, Rules

overview of, Internet Protocol-Internet Protocol

Ciliumas CNI plugin, Container Network Interface, Popular CNI Plugins-Popular CNI Plugins, NetworkPolicy

connectivity check for, Popular CNI Plugins-Popular CNI Plugins

eBPF for, eBPF, Container Network Interface

example deployment of, Popular CNI Plugins-Popular CNI Plugins

NetworkPolicy example with, NetworkPolicy Example with Cilium-NetworkPolicy Example with Cilium

circuit breaking, service meshes for, Service Meshes, Service Meshes

class, ingress selection of, Ingress Controllers and Rules

classful IP addressing, Internet Protocol

classic load balancers, Elastic load balancers

Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) (see CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing) ranges)

CLI (client/command-line interface)in Azure, Connecting to and configuring AKS

in Cilium, Popular CNI Plugins

in Docker, Docker, Container Connectivity, Deploying an Application to Azure Kubernetes Service

eksctl as, AWS Network Services, Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service

in Linkerd, Service Meshes-Service Meshes, Service Meshes, Service Meshes

client requestswith HTTP, HTTP-HTTP, Revisiting Our Web Server-Revisiting Our Web Server, Basics, Basics-Basics

with TCL encryption, TLS-TLS

with TCP handshake, TCP handshake-TCP handshake

CLOSED connection state, TCP, TCP handshake

cloud networking and Kuberneteswith AWS (see AWS (Amazon Web Services))

with Azure (see Azure)

CNIs for, Container Network Interface, Kubernetes and Cloud Networking, eksctl-AWS VPC CNI, Azure CNI

flat layout for, Flat Networks

with Google Compute Cloud (GCP), Google Compute Cloud (GCP)-GCP GKE nodes

LoadBalancer services and, LoadBalancer, LoadBalancer, Ingress Controllers and Rules

summary of options for, Conclusion

cluster administratorsAWS EKS and, Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service

AWS VPC networks and, Container Network Interface

CNI selection by, CNI Plugins, NetworkPolicy Example with Cilium

CoreDNS and, Conclusion

NetworkPolicies and, Rules

tcpdump and, tcpdump

VPC decisions by, EKS mode, eksctl

cluster modes, GKE, GCP GKE nodes-GCP GKE nodes

cluster networking, Conclusion(see also Kubernetes networking abstractions)

in cloud, EKS nodes, GCP GKE nodes, Azure Kubernetes Service, Deploying an Azure Kubernetes Service cluster-AKS conclusion

complexity of IP addresses with, The Kubernetes Networking Model

data flow of, Pod Readiness and Probes

default-open status of, The Kubernetes Networking Model

diagnostic tools for, Services Conclusion

with dual stacks, IPv4/IPv6 Dual Stack-Conclusion

ExternalName service in, ExternalName Service-ExternalName Service

with flat networks, Flat Networks-Flat Networks, CNI Plugins

with island networks, Island Networks

with isolated networks, Isolated Networks-Isolated Networks

L3 requirement for, Node and Pod Network Layout

local deployment for, Popular CNI Plugins-Popular CNI Plugins

multihost, The Kubernetes Networking Model

with overlay networks, CNI Plugins

cluster-CIDR flag, Kubernetes, kube-controller-manager Configuration

ClusterFirstWithHostNet, dnsPolicy, DNS

ClusterIP service, Kubernetes, kube-proxy, ClusterIP-Headless, Deploy ingress rules, Deploy test application

clusterip-service command, AWS EKS, Deploy test application

CMD instruction, Dockerfile, Container Connectivity

CNI (Container Network Interface)AWS VPC CNI as, Container Network Interface, eksctl-AWS VPC CNI

for Azure, Azure CNI

Cilium as, Popular CNI Plugins-Popular CNI Plugins

cloud networking with, Container Network Interface, Kubernetes and Cloud Networking, eksctl-AWS VPC CNI, Azure CNI

Kubelet and, The Kubelet, Pod Readiness and Probes

Kubernetes plugins with, Container Network Interface, The Kubernetes Networking Model, Flat Networks, CNI Plugins-Popular CNI Plugins, NetworkPolicy, AWS VPC CNI

network models for, CNI Plugins

NetworkPolicy and, NetworkPolicy, NetworkPolicy Example with Cilium

overview of, Overlay Networking, The CNI Specification

projects using, Container Network Interface-Container to Container Separate Hosts

specifications of, The CNI Specification

standardization with, Setting Up Namespaces, The Kubernetes Networking Model, The Kubernetes Networking Model

CNM (container networking model), Docker Networking Model-Overlay Networking

command-line interface (CLI) (see CLI (client/command-line interface))

communicationApplication layer for, TCP/IP

host-to-host, Overlay Networking-Overlay Networking

networking challenges with, Kubernetes Networking Introduction

pod-to-pod restrictions of (see NetworkPolicies, Kubernetes)

resiliency of, Service Meshes

service-to-service, Service Meshes

Community ingress Nginx, Ingress Controllers and Rules-Deploy ingress rules

conditionType attribute, Kubernetes, Pod Readiness and Probes

configure-cloud-routes flag, Kubernetes, kube-controller-manager Configuration

connection fan-out with iptables, Practical iptables

connection tracking, Conntrack-Conntrack

Conntrack, Linux, Conntrack-Conntrack

Consul service mesh, Service Meshes

container engine, Containers

container host, Containers

container ID, Container Network Basics, Container Connectivity, Container to Container

container networking model (CNM), Docker Networking Model-Overlay Networking

container orchestration, Containers

container runtime, Containers, The Kubelet, Pod Readiness and Probes

container-native cluster, GKE, GCP GKE nodes-GCP GKE nodes

containerd service, containerd, Docker

containerd-shim, containerd, Docker

containersas abstraction, Introduction to Containers

addresses for, Docker Networking Model

benefits of, Containers, Setting Up Namespaces, Container Network Basics

cgroups (control groups) and, Containers, Container Primitives-Control Groups, Namespaces

creating, Setting Up Namespaces-Setting Up Namespaces

CRI-O runtime with, CRI-O

defined, Containers

Docker (see Docker networking model)

functionality of, Containers-OCI

on global systems, Overlay Networking-Overlay Networking, Container to Container Separate Hosts

history of, Container Networking Basics-Containers

initiatives for, OCI-CRI-O

layers in, Container Connectivity

on local systems, Docker Networking Model, Container to Container-Container to Container

namespaces and (see namespaces, network)

network modes with, Container Network Basics-Container Network Basics, Docker Networking Model

networking scenarios with, Container Connectivity-Container to Container Separate Hosts

OCI specifications for, OCI

runC routines for, Containers, OCI, Docker, Container Primitives, Control Groups

runtimes of, Containers-OCI, containerd-CRI-O

terminology for, Containers-Containers

Content-Length header, HTTP request, HTTP-HTTP

Content-Type header, HTTP request, HTTP-HTTP

control plane, Kubernetesof Amazon EKS, EKS mode, EKS mode, eksctl

defined, Island Networks

with service meshes, Service Meshes

control-plane-version, Service Meshes

CoreDNScomponents of, DNS

dnsPolicy and, DNS-DNS

monitoring, DNS

plugins with, DNS-DNS

CoreOS CNI, Overlay Networking

corporate networks with ENIs, Elastic network interface

CRDs (custom resource definitions), The Kubernetes Networking Model, The Kubernetes Networking Model, Deploy ALB ingress and verify

create page, AKS, Deploying an Azure Kubernetes Service cluster-Deploying an Azure Kubernetes Service cluster

CRI runtime, CRI-O, The Kubelet, Pod Readiness and Probes

CRI-O runtime, CRI-O

cURL/curl tool client requests with, HTTP, tcpdump, Revisiting Our Web Server, cURL, Deploying the Go web server

commands with, cURL-cURL

for data transfer, cURL-cURL

for debugging TLS, cURL

localhost command with, HTTP, NetworkPolicy Example with Cilium, Deploy ingress rules

for service meshes, Service Meshes

for testing ingresses, Deploy ingress rules

custom container network mode, Container Network Basics, Docker Networking Model

custom resource definitions (CRDs), The Kubernetes Networking Model, The Kubernetes Networking Model, Deploy ALB ingress and verify

custom route table, VPC, Routing tables, Internet gateway

custom routes, Azure, Route tables

customer VPC, Amazon EKS, EKS mode-EKS mode, AWS VPC CNI


datahost-to-host transfer of, OSI Model, TCP/IP, TCP, Overlay Networking-Overlay Networking

HTTP content types of, HTTP

TCP header field, TCP

tcpdump transmissions of, tcpdump

data flow of TCP/IP, TCP

Data Link layer (see Link layer (L2))

data offset, TCP, TCP

data plane, Island Networks

database, Postgres, NetworkPolicy Example with Cilium, NetworkPolicy Example with Cilium, StatefulSets, Deploy test application

Date header, HTTP request, HTTP-HTTP

debugging, tcpdump, Basics, Network Troubleshooting Tools-cURL, Services Conclusion

deployment resource, Kubernetes, The Kubernetes Networking Modelendpoint controller and, Endpoints

pods and, Pod Readiness and Probes

versus StatefulSets, StatefulSets

destination address, IP header, Internet Protocol

destination hashing (dh), IPVS mode, IPVS

destination port identification, TCP, UDP

destination values, routing, Conntrack, Routing

developers, Applications-Hypervisor, Docker, Setting Up Namespaces, Conclusion, Service Meshes, Service Meshes, Security controls, Network access control lists, Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service

Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP), Internet Protocol

dig DNS lookup tool, dig-telnet

DNAT (destination NAT), Conntrack, iptables chains, iptables rules, Practical iptables

DNS (Domain Name System)dig lookup tool for, dig-telnet

ExternalService with, ExternalName Service-ExternalName Service

headless services with, Headless, ExternalName Service

in Kubernetes, DNS-DNS

StatefulSets and, StatefulSets

dnsPolicy, Kubernetes, DNS-DNS

dnsutils, Kuberneteswith AWS EKS deployment, Deploy test application-Verify LoadBalancer services for Golang web server

as debugging tool, Services Conclusion

image, Container Connectivity, Container to Container, StatefulSets, Headless

loopback address, Container to Container

with pod for NetworkPolicy, NetworkPolicy Example with Cilium-NetworkPolicy Example with Cilium, NetworkPolicy Example with Cilium

with StatefulSets, StatefulSets

Docker container technologyarchitecture and components of, Docker-CRI-O

bridge networking in, Container Network Basics-Container Network Basics

building, Namespaces

CLI (client) in, Docker

container-to-container connectivity with, Container Connectivity-Container to Container Separate Hosts

with Dockerfile, Container Connectivity-Container Connectivity

engine of, Docker, CRI-O

host networking in, Container Network Basics-Container Network Basics

images from, Popular CNI Plugins, LoadBalancer, Deploying an Application to Azure Kubernetes Service

installing, Container Network Basics-Container Network Basics

KIND network on, LoadBalancer

limitations of private networks of, Kubernetes Networking Introduction

Macvlan networks and, Container Network Basics

network types in, Container Network Basics-Docker Networking Model

networking model in, Docker Networking Model-Overlay Networking

OCI specifications and, OCI

runC architecture for, OCI

docker0 bridge interface, Container Network Basics, Container Network Basics, Docker Networking Model, Container to Container

Dockerfile, building image in, Container Connectivity-Container Connectivity

dockershim, CRI-O

drivers, local and global, Docker Networking Model

DSCP (Differentiated Services Code Point), Internet Protocol


eBPF (Berkeley Packet Filtering), eBPF-eBPFKubernetes and, eBPF

Linux kernel operations with, eBPF-eBPF, Popular CNI Plugins

EC2 instances, Amazon EKS, EKS nodes, eksctl, AWS VPC CNI

echo requests, ICMP, ICMP, ping

ECN (Robust Explicit Congestion Notification) Signaling with Nonces, TCP

edge association, VPC, Routing tables

egress, Node and Pod Network Layout, Selecting Pods, Rules-Rules

EIP (elastic IP addresses), Elastic IP address

EKS (Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service), Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service-CleanupAWS VPC CNI in, eksctl-AWS VPC CNI

communication path of, EKS mode

eksctl in, AWS Network Services, Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service, eksctl-eksctl

example deployment with, AWS ALB ingress controller-Cleanup

nodes in, EKS nodes, eksctl, eksctl-AWS VPC CNI

overview of, Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service

public/private network modes in, EKS mode-EKS mode

scaling with, Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service, AWS ALB ingress controller

security with, EKS mode, EKS mode, eksctl

EKS Pod Networking, information for, AWS VPC CNI

eksctl tool, AWS, AWS Network Services, Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service, eksctl-eksctl, Deploy EKS cluster

elastic IP addresses (EIP), Elastic IP address

elastic load balancers, Elastic load balancers-Elastic load balancers

elastic network interface (ENI) (see ENI (elastic network interface))

encryption with TCL, TLS-TLS

end-to-end encryption, Service Meshes

Endpoints objects, Endpoints, Endpoints, Endpoint Slices, Endpoint Slices

endpoints, Docker, Docker Networking Model, Overlay Networking

endpoints, Kubernetes, Endpoints-Endpointswith Amazon EKS, EKS mode, Deploy test application

ClusterIP and, ClusterIP

versus endpointslices, Endpoint Slices-Endpoint Slices

headless services with, Headless-Headless

with kube-proxy, kube-proxy

local versus cluster routing to, NodePort

readiness probes and, Pod Readiness and Probes

as service discovery tool, Endpoints-Endpoints

troubleshooting tips for, Services Conclusion

endpointslices, Kubernetes, Endpoint Slices-Endpoint Slicesversus EndPoints, Endpoint Slices-Endpoint Slices

with kube-proxy, kube-proxy, Endpoint Slices

readiness probes and, Pod Readiness and Probes

ENI (elastic network interface), Elastic network interface-Elastic IP address, AWS VPC CNI(see also EKS (Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service))

epoll, Basics-Basics

eth0 device and bridge interface, The Bridge Interface-The Bridge Interface, Setting Up Namespaces

Ethernetdemultiplexing example of, Link Layer

header and footers of, Link Layer

in host networking, Docker, Container Network Basics

in Link layer, TCP/IP, Link Layer-Link Layer

protocols, Link Layer-Link Layer

veth pairs and, The Bridge Interface

VLAN identifiers for, Overlay Networking

external load balancer controllers, Ingress Controllers and Rules

ExternalName Service, Kubernetes, ExternalName Service-ExternalName Service

externalTrafficPolicy routing, NodePort

extraPortMappings for ingress controller, Ingress Controllers and Rules

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