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Java libraries

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Top 10 Java libraries for saving time

“There are a lot of Java libraries out there. How can a busy developer separate the wheat from the chaff? In this article, Martin Patsov explains why he loves open source Java libraries and goes over his top 10 list.”

“There are lots of Java libraries out there and it’s hard to sort through them all. Personally, I’m a library evangelist. Here are a few reasons why I love them!”

“Libraries are an important part of the open source ecosystem. Open source libraries usually have great communities standing behind them. After all, it’s hard for a library to exist without a community putting in the effort to support and develop it.”

“Libraries keep us from having to reinvent the wheel every time we code. Reuse as much code as possible! Using libraries saves times, as does not implementing every single line of code by myself. Instead, I use that time to do things like spend time with family and friends.”

“There are hundreds of thousands of libraries out there. I want to save you a lot of time in research and choosing the best ones, the most well documented ones, the most supported and up-to-date ones as well the ones that should save as much time as possible.”

Java standard libraries

1. Java standard libraries - Java standard library

“A lot of people underestimate or do not fully know the Java standard libraries and do not know how to unleash its full power when programming Java or they don’t use it at all. Here is a brief description of some of the libraries:”

You can find more about the Java Standard library here.


2. JHipster

JHipster is a Java development platform to generate, develop and deploy Spring Boot + Angular Web Framework applications and Spring microservices.

Man, this one have saved me months of development . I could definitely say that this one is my personal favorite and that I keep a special place for it in my heart. It basically generates your whole application from your front-end to the back-end. The only thing you need to add is the business logic behind the Java architecture. The main and most important libraries, which are included in the generated project are:

Spring Boot

Spring Boothelps you accelerate and facilitate application development


Angular / AngularJSJavaScript framework

You can find more about JHipster here.


3. Maven

Maven is software for Java project management and a comprehension Java tool. Honestly, Maven is great. If you’ve never used Maven before, you’re missing out. Sometimes, I wonder how it was even possible to create enterprise Java applications prior to its creation.

Maven can manage all your Java project dependencies, Java configurations and Java build configurations and even Java documentation only by specifying them in a single pom.xml file.

You can find more about Maven here.

Apache Commons

4. Apache Commons

Apache Commons is actually a whole project focused on creating Java libraries.

Here is a short list of some of the best and most commonly used libraries:

You can find more about Apache Commons here.


5. Guava

“Guava is the Google Core Libraries for Java. It is a Java library for extending the basic Java collection functionalities”

“This is a Java utility I absolutely have to mention. Did you ever needed ordering for your Java collections? Did you ever need to compare the contents there? What about Java advanced sort and Java compare on multiple columns with multiple conditions? I present you one of my most favorite Java components in this Java library:

You can find more about Guava here.


6. google-gson

google-gson is helpful for converting Java Objects to JSON and vice versa.

“This Java JSON library is especially helpful when developing mobile applications and creating/using Java REST APIs as well as in any case you would need to convert a Java Object to its JSON representation and vice versa.”

You can find more about google-gson here.


7. Hibernate-ORM

“Hibernate-ORM is an object relational mapper. It’s used for persisting of data in relational databases. It provides an easier and more abstract way of doing that for the developers. It uses JDBC in its implementation. Hibernate is also an implementation of the JPA specification.”

You can find more about Hibernate ORM here.


8. Mockito

Mockito is a mocking framework. “Mockito enables you to create mocks and write tests easier with simpler and cleaner code. Writing tests has never been easier!”

You can find more about Mockito here.


9. JUnit

“JUnit is a free Java unit testing framework for writing Java unit tests. It provides functionality for conducting repeatable tests on your Java code. You just need to be careful not to get obsessed with the numbers (percentage of code coverage). Bigger code coverage does not always mean better code and bug-less code.”

You can find more about JUnit here.

Log4j and Slf4j

10. Log4j and Slf4j

“The two of these are both logging frameworks. Slf4j represents an abstraction for other logging frameworks (such as Log4j). On the other hand, Log4j is just a simple logging framework.”

You can find more about Log4j here and Slf4j here.

Fair Use Sources:

YouTube Videos

Cloud Monk recommends the following YouTube video:

“The Java language has passed its 20th anniversary, and with it comes an incredible range of tools libraries to choose from; sometimes there are actually too many choices for the same task. This presentation covers those libraries that have risen to the top, having proved themselves to be worthy of a place in every developer’s toolbox, for both production and testing code. It also discusses some fairly new libraries that are bound to make a big impact in the ecosystem.”

Production Libraries

Java Testing Libraries

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java_libraries.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/28 03:24 by