
Java Concurrency in Practice by Brian Goetz, Tim Peierls, Joshua Bloch, Joseph Bowbeer, David Holmes and Doug Lea

Java Concurrency in Practice by Brian Goetz, Tim Peierls, Joshua Bloch, Joseph Bowbeer, David Holmes and Doug Lea

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Java Concurrency in Practice

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Summary of "Java Concurrency in Practice"

Authors: Brian Goetz with Tim Peierls, Joshua Bloch, Joseph Bowbeer, David Holmes, and Doug Lea

Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional

Year of Publication: 2006

ISBN: 0-321-34960-1



“Java Concurrency in Practice” is a comprehensive guide designed to help Java developers write programs that are both thread-safe and performant. It covers the fundamentals of concurrency, the Java Memory Model, and the java.util.concurrent library, providing a solid foundation for understanding how to effectively use Java's concurrency constructs.

The Need for Concurrency

Concurrency is an essential aspect of modern software development, enabling programs to handle multiple tasks simultaneously or to manage a large volume of requests efficiently. The book begins by discussing the motivations behind using concurrency, such as leveraging multiple processors and handling asynchronous tasks.

Basics of Threads

A thorough explanation of threads, including how to create, start, and manage them in Java, sets the stage. The authors cover the basics of thread synchronization and coordination, emphasizing the importance of shared data access control to prevent race conditions and ensure thread safety.

Synchronization and Locks

The book dives deep into synchronization mechanisms provided by Java, including the synchronized keyword, explicit locks, and atomic variables. It discusses best practices for locking and strategies to avoid deadlocks and livelocks.

Java Memory Model

A crucial part of concurrent programming in Java is understanding the Java Memory Model (JMM). The book explains the guarantees provided by the JMM for thread-safe programming and the visibility of changes across threads.

Building Blocks

“Java Concurrency in Practice” covers the high-level concurrency building blocks in the java.util.concurrent package, such as Executors, Blocking Queues, and Synchronizers. These tools simplify the development of concurrent applications by abstracting complex synchronization mechanisms.

Task Execution

The authors discuss strategies for task execution, including the design of task execution frameworks, thread pools, and the Executor framework. This section provides guidance on choosing the right task execution policies for scalable applications.

Canceling and Shutdown

Handling task cancellation and application shutdown correctly is vital for preventing resource leaks and ensuring application stability. The book offers best practices for implementing cancellation policies and safely shutting down task execution services.

Applying Thread Pools

Thread pools are a critical component of efficient concurrent applications. The book outlines how to use and tune thread pools to improve application performance and responsiveness.

GUI Applications

Concurrency in GUI applications poses unique challenges. The book discusses techniques for ensuring responsiveness and thread safety in Swing applications, including the use of SwingWorker and the Event Dispatch Thread (EDT).

Testing Concurrent Programs

Testing concurrent programs is notoriously difficult due to the unpredictability of thread scheduling and interaction. The authors provide strategies for writing tests that can uncover concurrency problems, such as deadlocks, race conditions, and memory visibility issues.

Performance and Scalability

“Java Concurrency in Practice” addresses performance optimization in concurrent applications, discussing how to identify and alleviate bottlenecks, scale applications, and use profiling tools to analyze performance.

Advanced Topics

The book concludes with advanced topics, including nonblocking algorithms, the development of custom synchronizers, and the details of the fork/join framework introduced in Java 7 for parallel programming.


“Java Concurrency in Practice” is an essential read for any Java developer looking to understand and implement concurrent programming techniques effectively. It combines theory with practical advice and real-world examples to equip readers with the knowledge needed to build reliable, high-performance concurrent applications.

MLA Citation

Goetz, Brian, et al. Java Concurrency in Practice. Addison-Wesley Professional, 2006.

Book Summary

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