
Core Java for the Impatient, 3rd Edition by Cay S. Horstmann

Book Summary

An Accessible Guide to the Java Language and Libraries–Updated through Java 17

Modern Java introduces major enhancements that impact the core Java technologies and APIs at the heart of the Java platform. Many old Java idioms are no longer needed and new features such as modularization make you far more effective. However, navigating these changes can be challenging. Core Java for the Impatient, Third Edition, is a complete yet concise guide that includes all the latest changes through Java 17. Written by Cay S. Horstmann – primary author of the classic two-volume Core Java – this indispensable tutorial offers a faster, easier pathway for learning modern Java.

Brief Contents

Detailed Contents

Table of Contents



About the Author

Chapter 1: Fundamental Programming Structures

1.1. Our First Program

1.2. Primitive Types

1.3. Variables

1.4. Arithmetic Operations

1.5. Strings

1.6. Input and Output

1.7. Control Flow

1.8. Arrays and Array Lists

1.9. Functional Decomposition


Chapter 2: Object-Oriented Programming

2.1. Working with Objects

2.2. Implementing Classes

2.3. Object Construction

2.4. Records

2.5. Static Variables and Methods

2.6. Packages

2.7. Nested Classes

2.8. Documentation Comments


Chapter 3: Interfaces and Lambda Expressions

3.1. Interfaces

3.2. Static, Default, and Private Methods

3.3. Examples of Interfaces

3.4. Lambda Expressions

3.5. Method and Constructor References

3.6. Processing Lambda Expressions

3.7. Lambda Expressions and Variable Scope

3.8. Higher-Order Functions

3.9. Local and Anonymous Classes


Chapter 4: Inheritance and Reflection

4.1. Extending a Class

4.2. Inheritance Hierarchies

4.3. Object: The Cosmic Superclass

4.4. Enumerations

4.5. Runtime Type Information and Resources

4.6. Reflection


Chapter 5: Exceptions, Assertions, and Logging

5.1. Exception Handling

5.2. Assertions

5.3. Logging


Chapter 6: Generic Programming

6.1. Generic Classes

6.2. Generic Methods

6.3. Type Bounds

6.4. Type Variance and Wildcards

6.5. Generics in the Java Virtual Machine

6.6. Restrictions on Generics

6.7. Reflection and Generics


Chapter 7: Collections

7.1. An Overview of the Collections Framework

7.2. Iterators

7.3. Sets

7.4. Maps

7.5. Other Collections



Chapter 8: Streams

8.1. From Iterating to Stream Operations

8.2. Stream Creation

8.3. The filter, map, and flatMap Methods

8.4. Extracting Substreams and Combining Streams

8.5. Other Stream Transformations

8.6. Simple Reductions

8.7. The Optional Type

8.8. Collecting Results

8.9. Collecting into Maps

8.10. Grouping and Partitioning

8.11. Downstream Collectors

8.12. Reduction Operations

8.13. Primitive Type Streams

8.14. Parallel Streams


Chapter 9: Processing Input and Output

9.1. Input/Output Streams, Readers, and Writers

9.2. Paths, Files, and Directories

9.3. HTTP Connections

9.4. Regular Expressions

9.5. Serialization


Chapter 10: Concurrent Programming

10.1. Concurrent Tasks

10.2. Asynchronous Computations

10.3. Thread Safety

10.4. Parallel Algorithms

10.5. Threadsafe Data Structures

10.6. Atomic Counters and Accumulators

10.7. Locks and Conditions

10.8. Threads

10.9. Processes


Chapter 11: Annotations

11.1. Using Annotations

11.2. Defining Annotations

11.3. Standard Annotations

11.4. Processing Annotations at Runtime

11.5. Source-Level Annotation Processing


Chapter 12: The Date and Time API

12.1. The Time Line

12.2. Local Dates

12.3. Date Adjusters

12.4. Local Time

12.5. Zoned Time

12.6. Formatting and Parsing

12.7. Interoperating with Legacy Code


Chapter 13: Internationalization

13.1. Locales

13.2. Number Formats

13.3. Currencies

13.4. Date and Time Formatting

13.5. Collation and Normalization

13.6. Message Formatting

13.7. Resource Bundles

13.8. Character Encodings

13.9. Preferences


Chapter 14: Compiling and Scripting

14.1. The Compiler API

14.2. The Scripting API


Chapter 15: The Java Platform Module System

15.1. The Module Concept

15.2. Naming Modules

15.3. The Modular “Hello, World!” Program

15.4. Requiring Modules

15.5. Exporting Packages

15.6. Modules and Reflective Access

15.7. Modular JARs

15.8. Automatic Modules

15.9. The Unnamed Module

15.10. Command-Line Flags for Migration

15.11. Transitive and Static Requirements

15.12. Qualified Exporting and Opening

15.13. Service Loading

15.14. Tools for Working with Modules


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Book Summary

About the Author

Cay S. Horstmann is principal author of Core Java, Volumes I and II, Twelfth Edition (Pearson, 2022), and author of Modern JavaScript for the Impatient (Addison-Wesley, 2020) and Scala for the Impatient, Second Edition (Addison-Wesley, 2016). He has written more than a dozen other books for professional programmers and computer science students. He is professor emeritus of computer science at San Jose State University and a Java Champion.

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Java: Java Fundamentals, Java Inventor - Java Language Designer: James Gosling of Sun Microsystems, Java Docs, JDK, JVM, JRE, Java Keywords, JDK 17 API Specification, java.base, Java Built-In Data Types, Java Data Structures - Java Algorithms, Java Syntax, Java OOP - Java Design Patterns, Java Installation, Java Containerization, Java Configuration, Java Compiler, Java Transpiler, Java IDEs (IntelliJ - Eclipse - NetBeans), Java Development Tools, Java Linter, JetBrains, Java Testing (JUnit, Hamcrest, Mockito), Java on Android, Java on Windows, Java on macOS, Java on Linux, Java DevOps - Java SRE, Java Data Science - Java DataOps, Java Machine Learning, Java Deep Learning, Functional Java, Java Concurrency, Java History,

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