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Snippet from Wikipedia: Tibet

Tibet ( ; Tibetan: བོད, Lhasa dialect: [pʰøːʔ˨˧˩] Böd; Chinese: 西藏; pinyin: Xīzàng), or Greater Tibet, is a region in the central part of East Asia, covering much of the Tibetan Plateau and spanning about 2,500,000 km2 (970,000 sq mi). It is the homeland of the Tibetan people. Also resident on the plateau are some other ethnic groups such as the Monpa, Tamang, Qiang, Sherpa and Lhoba peoples and, since the 20th century, considerable numbers of Han Chinese and Hui settlers. Since the annexation of Tibet by the People's Republic of China in 1951, the entire plateau has been under the administration of the People's Republic of China. Tibet is also constitutionally claimed by the Republic of China as the Tibet Area since 1912. Tibet is the highest region on Earth, with an average elevation of 4,380 m (14,000 ft). Located in the Himalayas, the highest elevation in Tibet is Mount Everest, Earth's highest mountain, rising 8,848.86 m (29,032 ft) above sea level.

The Tibetan Empire emerged in the 7th century. At its height in the 9th century, the Tibetan Empire extended far beyond the Tibetan Plateau, from the Tarim Basin and Pamirs in the west, to Yunnan and Bengal in the southeast. It then divided into a variety of territories. The bulk of western and central Tibet (Ü-Tsang) was often at least nominally unified under a series of Tibetan governments in Lhasa, Shigatse, or nearby locations. The eastern regions of Kham and Amdo often maintained a more decentralized indigenous political structure, being divided among a number of small principalities and tribal groups, while also often falling under Chinese rule; most of this area was eventually annexed into the Chinese provinces of Sichuan and Qinghai. The current borders of Tibet were generally established in the 18th century.

Following the Xinhai Revolution against the Qing dynasty in 1912, Qing soldiers were disarmed and escorted out of the Tibet Area (Ü-Tsang). The region subsequently declared its independence in 1913, although this was not recognised by the subsequent Chinese Republican government. Later, Lhasa took control of the western part of Xikang. The region maintained its autonomy until 1951 when, following the Battle of Chamdo, Tibet was occupied and annexed by the People's Republic of China. The Tibetan government was abolished after the failure of the 1959 Tibetan uprising. Today, China governs western and central Tibet as the Tibet Autonomous Region while the eastern areas are now mostly autonomous prefectures within Sichuan, Qinghai and other neighbouring provinces. The Tibetan independence movement is principally led by the Tibetan diaspora. Human rights groups have accused the Chinese government of abuses of human rights in Tibet, including torture.

The dominant religion in Tibet is Tibetan Buddhism; other religions include Bön, an indigenous religion similar to Tibetan Buddhism, Islam, and Christianity. Tibetan Buddhism is a primary influence on the art, music, and festivals of the region. Tibetan architecture reflects Chinese and Indian influences. Staple foods in Tibet are roasted barley, yak meat, and butter tea. With the growth of tourism in recent years, the service sector has become the largest sector in Tibet, accounting for 50.1% of the local GDP in 2020.

Tibet: Tibetan Buddhism (Nyingma, Kagyu, Sakya, Jonang, Gelug), Vajrayana, Tibetan, Tibetan Language, Tibetan People, GitHub Tibet, Awesome Tibet. (navbar_tibet - see also navbar_buddhism)

Buddhism (Buddha-Dharma-Sangha): Buddhist Masters (See navbar_buddhist_masters), Buddha Dharma topics, Buddhist glossary, Being a Buddhist means Taking Refuge with Triple Jewel, Buddhas (The Buddha - Shakyamuni - Gautama Buddha - Maitreya - Amitabha - Medicine Buddha - Bhaisajya Guru - Amoghasiddhi - Ratnasambhava), Buddha Dharma - Buddhist Paths - Tripitaka (Sutra - Shastra - Sutrayana - Mahayana - Sravakayana - Pratyekabuddhayana - Pratyekabuddhas - Vinaya-Pratimoksha - Tantra - Buddhist Tantra - Vajrayana - Mantrayana - Mantras, Dharani), Sangha (Buddhist Monks - Buddhist Nuns - Buddhist Laypersons - Upasaka and Upasika), Buddhist Morality and Vows in Buddhism (Five Moral Precepts - Vinaya Buddhist Monk Vows - Buddhist Nun Vows - Pratimoksha - Bodhisattva Vows - Tantric Samaya Vows, Paramitas - Ten Perfections, Four Immeasurables, Four Noble Truths, Two Collections (Merit and Virtue and Wisdom), Blessings, Merit, Virtue; (Vajrayana Buddhism: Tibetan Buddhism (Gelugpa, Sakya, Kagyu, Nyingma), Mongolian Buddhism, Mahayana Buddhism: Chinese Buddhism, Vietnamese Buddhism, Japanese Buddhism, Korean Buddhism, Theravada Buddhism: Thai Buddhism, Cambodian Buddhism, Sri Lankan Buddhism, What the Future Holds: European Buddhism, American Buddhism), Awesome Buddhism, Buddhism Mobile App. (navbar_buddhism - see also navbar_buddhist_masters, navbar_sangha, navbar_noble_truths, navbar_paramita, navbar_precepts, navbar_immeasurables, navbar_tantra)

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tibet.txt · Last modified: 2023/09/14 18:55 by