
Buddha Dharma

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Snippet from Wikipedia: Buddhism

Buddhism ( BUUD-ih-zəm, US also BOOD-), also known as Buddha Dharma, is an Indian religion and philosophical tradition based on teachings attributed to the Buddha, a wandering teacher who lived in the 6th or 5th century BCE. It is the world's fourth-largest religion, with over 520 million followers, known as Buddhists, who comprise seven percent of the global population. It arose in the eastern Gangetic plain as a śramaṇa–movement in the 5th century BCE, and gradually spread throughout much of Asia. Buddhism has subsequently played a major role in Asian culture and spirituality, eventually spreading to the West in the 20th century.

According to tradition, the Buddha taught that dukkha (lit.'suffering or unease') arises alongside attachment or clinging, but that there is a path of development which leads to awakening and full liberation from dukkha. This path employs meditation practices and ethical precepts rooted in non-harming, with the Buddha regarding it as the Middle Way between extremes such as asceticism or sensual indulgence. Widely observed teachings include the Four Noble Truths, the Eightfold Noble Path, and the doctrines of dependent origination, karma, and the three marks of existence. Other commonly observed elements include the Triple Gem, the taking of monastic vows, and the cultivation of perfections (pāramitā). The Buddhist canon is vast, with many different textual collections in different languages (such as Sanskrit, Pali, Tibetan, and Chinese). Buddhist schools vary in their interpretation of the paths to liberation (mārga) as well as the relative importance and "canonicity" assigned to various Buddhist texts, and their specific teachings and practices.

Two major extant branches of Buddhism are generally recognized by scholars: Theravāda (lit.'School of the Elders') and Mahāyāna (lit.'Great Vehicle'). The Theravada tradition emphasizes the attainment of nirvāṇa (lit.'extinguishing') as a means of transcending the individual self and ending the cycle of death and rebirth (saṃsāra), while the Mahayana tradition emphasizes the Bodhisattva ideal, in which one works for the liberation of all sentient beings. Additionally, Vajrayāna (lit.'Indestructible Vehicle'), a body of teachings incorporating esoteric tantric techniques, may be viewed as a separate branch or tradition within Mahāyāna.

The Theravāda branch has a widespread following in Sri Lanka as well as in Southeast Asia, namely Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, and Cambodia. The Mahāyāna branch—which includes the East Asian traditions of Tiantai, Chan, Pure Land, Zen, Nichiren, and Tendai is predominantly practised in Nepal, Bhutan, China, Malaysia, Vietnam, Taiwan, Korea, and Japan. Tibetan Buddhism, a form of Vajrayāna, is practised in the Himalayan states as well as in Mongolia and Russian Kalmykia. Japanese Shingon also preserves the Vajrayana tradition as transmitted to China. Historically, until the early 2nd millennium, Buddhism was widely practiced in the Indian subcontinent before declining there; it also had a foothold to some extent elsewhere in Asia, namely Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan.

Buddhism (Buddha-Dharma-Sangha): Buddhist Masters (See navbar_buddhist_masters), Buddha Dharma topics, Buddhist glossary, Being a Buddhist means Taking Refuge with Triple Jewel, Buddhas (The Buddha - Shakyamuni - Gautama Buddha - Maitreya - Amitabha - Medicine Buddha - Bhaisajya Guru - Amoghasiddhi - Ratnasambhava), Buddha Dharma - Buddhist Paths - Tripitaka (Sutra - Shastra - Sutrayana - Mahayana - Sravakayana - Pratyekabuddhayana - Pratyekabuddhas - Vinaya-Pratimoksha - Tantra - Buddhist Tantra - Vajrayana - Mantrayana - Mantras, Dharani), Sangha (Buddhist Monks - Buddhist Nuns - Buddhist Laypersons - Upasaka and Upasika), Buddhist Morality and Vows in Buddhism (Five Moral Precepts - Vinaya Buddhist Monk Vows - Buddhist Nun Vows - Pratimoksha - Bodhisattva Vows - Tantric Samaya Vows, Paramitas - Ten Perfections, Four Immeasurables, Four Noble Truths, Two Collections (Merit and Virtue and Wisdom), Blessings, Merit, Virtue; (Vajrayana Buddhism: Tibetan Buddhism (Gelugpa, Sakya, Kagyu, Nyingma), Mongolian Buddhism, Mahayana Buddhism: Chinese Buddhism, Vietnamese Buddhism, Japanese Buddhism, Korean Buddhism, Theravada Buddhism: Thai Buddhism, Cambodian Buddhism, Sri Lankan Buddhism, What the Future Holds: European Buddhism, American Buddhism), Awesome Buddhism, Buddhism Mobile App. (navbar_buddhism - see also navbar_buddhist_masters, navbar_sangha, navbar_noble_truths, navbar_paramita, navbar_precepts, navbar_immeasurables, navbar_tantra)

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