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Snippet from Wikipedia: Buddhahood

In Buddhism, Buddha (; Pali, Sanskrit: 𑀩𑀼𑀤𑁆𑀥, बुद्ध, "awakened one") is a title for those who are spiritually awake or enlightened, and have thus attained the supreme goal of Buddhism, variously described as pristine awareness, nirvana, awakening, enlightenment, and liberation or vimutti. A Buddha is also someone who has fully understood the Dharma (Sanskrit 𑀥𑀭𑁆𑀫; Pali dhamma), the true nature of things or the universal law of phenomena. Buddhahood (Sanskrit: 𑀩𑀼𑀤𑁆𑀥𑀢𑁆𑀯, buddhatva; Pali: buddhatta or buddhabhāva; Chinese: 成佛) is the condition and state of a buddha. This highest spiritual state of being is also termed sammā-sambodhi (Sanskrit: samyaksaṃbodhi; "full, complete awakening") and is interpreted in many different ways across schools of Buddhism.

The title of "Buddha" is most commonly used for Gautama Buddha, the historical founder of Buddhism, who is often simply known as "the Buddha". The title is also used for other beings who have achieved awakening and liberation (or vimoksha), such as the other human Buddhas who achieved enlightenment before Gautama; members of the Five Buddha Families such as Amitabha; and the bodhisattva Maitreya, known as the "Buddha of the future who will attain awakening at a future time."

The goal of the bodhisattva path is complete Buddhahood so that one may benefit all sentient beings by teaching them the path of cessation of dukkha. The vehicles of the Vajrayana and the Mahayana hold intentions to help all sentient beings achieve enlightenment; this contrasts with the Theravada goal of individual liberation, or arhatship, through following the Hinayana vehicle of the Buddha.

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