
Rust Reserved Words - Rust Keywords

Rust Reserved Words

Here is a list of keywords reserved in Rust. These keywords have special meaning in Rust and cannot be used as identifiers. For more detailed information on each keyword and its use in Rust programming, refer to the official Rust documentation.

  • as - Used for casting or aliasing.
  • break - Exits a loop immediately.
  • const - Defines constant items or constant raw pointers.
  • continue - Continues to the next loop iteration.
  • crate - Links to an external crate or a logical unit of Rust code.
  • else - Specifies an alternate branch in `if` expressions or match arms.
  • enum - Defines an enumeration.
  • extern - Links to or defines an external function or variable.
  • false - Boolean false literal.
  • fn - Defines a function.
  • for - Iterates over elements in a collection.
  • if - Introduces a conditional expression.
  • impl - Implements inherent or trait functionality.
  • in - Part of `for` loop syntax.
  • let - Binds a value to a variable.
  • loop - Starts an infinite loop.
  • match - Pattern matches.
  • mod - Defines a module.
  • move - Forces closure to take ownership of captured variables.
  • mut - Denotes mutability.
  • pub - Makes items public.
  • ref - Borrows a reference.
  • return - Returns a value from a function.
  • Self - Type alias for the type implementing a trait.
  • self - Represents the instance of the type itself in methods.
  • static - Denotes a global variable or a lifetime lasting the entire program execution.
  • struct - Defines a structure.
  • super - Refers to the parent module of the current module.
  • trait - Defines a trait.
  • true - Boolean true literal.
  • type - Defines a type alias.
  • unsafe - Denotes unsafe code, functions, traits, or implementations.
  • use - Brings a module, or definitions from a module, into scope.
  • where - Specifies constraints on generic parameters.
  • while - Starts a loop that continues as long as a condition evaluates to true.
  • async - Returns a future instead of blocking the current thread.
  • await - Waits for a future to complete.
  • dyn - Dynamic dispatch to a trait object.

For more information and detailed descriptions of Rust's reserved keywords, visit Official Rust Documentation

This list provides a comprehensive overview of the keywords reserved by the Rust programming language, each serving a specific purpose within the language's syntax and semantics.

Snippet from Wikipedia: Rust (programming language)

Rust is a multi-paradigm, general-purpose programming language that emphasizes performance, type safety, and concurrency. It enforces memory safety—meaning that all references point to valid memory—without a garbage collector. To simultaneously enforce memory safety and prevent data races, its "borrow checker" tracks the object lifetime of all references in a program during compilation.

Rust was influenced by ideas from functional programming, including immutability, higher-order functions, and algebraic data types. It is popular for systems programming.

Software developer Graydon Hoare created Rust as a personal project while working at Mozilla Research in 2006. Mozilla officially sponsored the project in 2009. In the years following the first stable release in May 2015, Rust was adopted by companies including Amazon, Discord, Dropbox, Google (Alphabet), Meta, and Microsoft. In December 2022, it became the first language other than C and assembly to be supported in the development of the Linux kernel.

Rust has been noted for its rapid adoption, and has been studied in programming language theory research.

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rust_reserved_words_-_rust_keywords.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/28 03:12 by