
Rust Development Tools

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See Category Rust development tools

Rust is a systems programming language focused on speed, memory safety, and parallelism. It has a growing ecosystem of tools that support its development lifecycle. Below is a list of top tools essential for Rust development, including their descriptions and relevant URLs for their GitHub repositories, official websites, and documentation.

Top 30 Rust Development Tools

This list includes a range of tools supporting Rust development, from integrated development environments (IDEs) and code editors to testing frameworks, build tools, and more.

1. Cargo

2. Rust Compiler (rustc)

3. Rustfmt

4. Clippy

5. Rust Language Server (RLS)

6. rust-analyzer

7. IntelliJ Rust

8. Rustup

9. wasm-pack

10. cargo-generate


12. Cross

  • Description: “Cross compile” Rust crates to various platforms and architectures using pre-built

Docker images.

13. bindgen

14. cargo-audit

15. cargo-edit

16. racer

17. cargo-watch

18. cargo-release

19. mdBook

20. Tokio

Additional Rust Development Tools

The remaining 10 tools are crucial for enhancing various aspects of Rust development, from IDE plugins to advanced code analysis tools:

  • 21. cargo-bench: Benchmarking tool integrated with Cargo.
  • 22. rust-analyzer: An alternative compiler frontend for IDE integration.
  • 23. async-std: An async version of the Rust standard library.
  • 24. Rocket: A web framework for Rust with a focus on ease-of-use, expressability, and speed.
  • 25. Diesel: A safe, extensible ORM and query builder for Rust.
  • 26. Serde: A framework for serializing and deserializing Rust data structures efficiently and generically.
  • 27. actix-web: A powerful, pragmatic, and extremely fast web framework for Rust.
  • 28. wasm-bindgen: Facilitates high-level interactions between wasm modules and JavaScript.
  • 29. Yew: A modern Rust framework for creating multi-threaded front-end web apps with WebAssembly.
  • 30. Tauri: A tool for building tiny, blazing fast binaries for all major desktop platforms.

Each tool provides unique capabilities to improve the efficiency and quality of Rust development projects, supporting a wide range of applications from web development to systems programming.

This curated list aims to provide Rust developers with a comprehensive set of tools for tackling various development challenges efficiently, enhancing productivity, and fostering innovation in Rust projects.

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Fair Use Sources

Web Development: Web Development Best Practices, Web design, Outline of web design and web development, CSS, CSS Flexible Box Layout (Flexbox), CSS framework (Bootstrap (front-end framework), Foundation (framework)), MDN Web Docs, JavaScript-TypeScript, Angular-React.js-Vue.js, Node.js-Express.js-NPM-NVM-Yarn (Cloud Monk's Package Manager Book), Yeoman, Awesome Web Development (navbar_web_development - see also navbar_javascript, navbar_typescript)

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rust_development_tools.txt · Last modified: 2024/03/14 18:41 by