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PowerShell is a task automation framework consisting of a command-line shell and scripting language designed for system administration and automation. It was developed by Microsoft and is built on the .NET framework. PowerShell enables administrators to automate tasks and manage systems more efficiently by providing a rich set of commands and scripting capabilities.

  1. Key Features of PowerShell

1. **Command-line Shell**:

  - Provides a powerful interactive command-line interface for executing commands and scripts.

2. **Scripting Language**:

  - [[PowerShell]] scripting language is designed for automation and configuration management. It supports functions, loops, conditionals, and error handling.

3. **Cmdlets**:

  - [[Cmdlets]] are specialized .NET classes that perform specific operations. [[PowerShell]] includes a large set of built-in cmdlets, and users can create custom cmdlets.

4. **Pipelining**:

  - Allows output of one command to be used as input for another command, enabling complex operations to be performed by chaining simple commands.

5. **Remote Management**:

  - Supports remote management capabilities, allowing administrators to execute commands and scripts on remote systems.

6. **Integration with Other Tools**:

  - Can interact with various [[Microsoft]] products and services, including [[Active Directory]], [[Exchange Server]], [[Azure]], and more.

  1. Basic PowerShell Commands
  1. Navigating the File System

```powershell Get-ChildItem -Path C:\ # Lists files and directories in the specified path Set-Location -Path C:\Users # Changes the current directory Get-Location # Displays the current directory ```

  1. Managing Files and Directories

```powershell New-Item -Path “C:\Temp\example.txt” -ItemType File # Creates a new file Remove-Item -Path “C:\Temp\example.txt”

  1. Deletes a file

Copy-Item -Path “C:\Temp\example.txt” -Destination “C:\Backup”

  1. Copies a file

Move-Item -Path “C:\Temp\example.txt” -Destination “C:\Backup”

  1. Moves a file


  1. Working with Processes

```powershell Get-Process # Lists all running processes Stop-Process -Name “notepad”

  1. Stops a process by name

Start-Process -FilePath “notepad.exe”

  1. Starts a new process


  1. Managing Services

```powershell Get-Service # Lists all services Start-Service -Name “W3SVC”

  1. Starts a service

Stop-Service -Name “W3SVC”

  1. Stops a service

Restart-Service -Name “W3SVC”

  1. Restarts a service


  1. Scripting in PowerShell
  1. Variables

```powershell $greeting = “Hello, World!” $number = 42 ```

  1. Functions

```powershell function Get-Greeting {

   param (
       [string]$Name = "User"
   return "Hello, $Name!"

  1. Call the function

Get-Greeting -Name “Alice” ```

  1. Conditional Statements

```powershell $number = 10

if ($number -lt 20) {

   Write-Output "The number is less than 20."
} elseif ($number -eq 20) {
   Write-Output "The number is equal to 20."
} else {
   Write-Output "The number is greater than 20."
} ```

  1. Loops


  1. For loop

for ($i = 1; $i -le 5; $i++) {

   Write-Output "Iteration $i"

  1. Foreach loop

$items = 1..5 foreach ($item in $items) {

   Write-Output "Item: $item"

  1. While loop

$count = 1 while ($count -le 5) {

   Write-Output "Count: $count"
} ```

  1. Remote Management

To enable remote management, you can use PowerShell Remoting: ```powershell Enable-PSRemoting -Force

  1. Execute a command on a remote system

Invoke-Command -ComputerName “Server01” -ScriptBlock { Get-Process }

  1. Establish an interactive session with a remote system

Enter-PSSession -ComputerName “Server01” ```

  1. Extending PowerShell
  1. Installing Modules

You can extend the functionality of PowerShell by installing modules from the PowerShell Gallery: ```powershell Install-Module -Name AzureRM Import-Module -Name AzureRM ```

  1. Creating Custom Cmdlets

You can create custom cmdlets using PowerShell script files (.ps1) or by writing cmdlets in C# and packaging them in a PowerShell module.

  1. Benefits of PowerShell

- **Automation**: Simplifies and automates repetitive tasks. - **Efficiency**: Reduces the time and effort required to manage systems. - **Integration**: Seamlessly integrates with various Microsoft products and services. - **Extensibility**: Easily extendable with custom modules and scripts. - **Cross-platform**: PowerShell Core is available on Windows, Linux, and macOS.

  1. Example Use Cases

- **System Administration**: Automating user management, system updates, and configurations. - **DevOps**: Managing cloud resources, continuous integration, and continuous deployment pipelines. - **Monitoring and Reporting**: Gathering system information and generating reports.

PowerShell is a versatile and powerful tool that empowers administrators to manage systems more effectively and efficiently through automation and scripting.

PowerShell is an “interpreted dynamically typed scripting language with a weak type system.” (Fair Use Source: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11880447/what-type-of-language-is-powershell#11881285)

Greg Shields submits that “Windows PowerShell is a text-based administrative automation solution. Through the simple connection of a few key cmdlets, even the greenest of IT pros can speed up the completion of the most difficult IT tasks.” “Windows PowerShell indeed comes equipped with some powerful scripting constructs that enable it to accomplish all the tasks you're used to seeing in a scripting language. But at its very core, Windows PowerShell is something far superior to a scripting language. It's a not-that-difficult mechanism to swiftly accomplish IT's daily tasks, all without the repeated steps and potential for error that accompanies using the mouse.” Fair Use: https://redmondmag.com/articles/2010/05/01/windows-powershell-is-not-a-scripting-language.aspx

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Snippet from Wikipedia: PowerShell

PowerShell is a task automation and configuration management program from Microsoft, consisting of a command-line shell and the associated scripting language. Initially a Windows component only, known as Windows PowerShell, it was made open-source and cross-platform on August 18, 2016, with the introduction of PowerShell Core. The former is built on the .NET Framework, the latter on .NET (previously .NET Core).

PowerShell is bundled with all currently supported Windows versions, and can also be installed on MacOS and Linux. Since Windows 10 build 14971, PowerShell replaced Command Prompt (cmd.exe) and became the default command shell for File Explorer.

In PowerShell, administrative tasks are generally performed via cmdlets (pronounced command-lets), which are specialized .NET classes implementing a particular operation. These work by accessing data in different data stores, like the file system or Windows Registry, which are made available to PowerShell via providers. Third-party developers can add cmdlets and providers to PowerShell. Cmdlets may be used by scripts, which may in turn be packaged into modules. Cmdlets work in tandem with the .NET API.

PowerShell's support for .NET Remoting, WS-Management, CIM, and SSH enables administrators to perform administrative tasks on both local and remote Windows systems. PowerShell also provides a hosting API with which the PowerShell runtime can be embedded inside other applications. These applications can then use PowerShell functionality to implement certain operations, including those exposed via the graphical interface. This capability has been used by Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 to expose its management functionality as PowerShell cmdlets and providers and implement the graphical management tools as PowerShell hosts which invoke the necessary cmdlets. Other Microsoft applications including Microsoft SQL Server 2008 also expose their management interface via PowerShell cmdlets.

PowerShell includes its own extensive, console-based help (similar to man pages in Unix shells) accessible via the Get-Help cmdlet. Updated local help contents can be retrieved from the Internet via the Update-Help cmdlet. Alternatively, help from the web can be acquired on a case-by-case basis via the -online switch to Get-Help.

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