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SharpLab is a .NET code playground that shows intermediate steps and results of code compilation. Some language features are thin wrappers on top of other features – e.g. C Sharp using() becomes C Sharp try/finally. SharpLab allows you to see the code as C Sharp compiler sees it, and get a better understanding of .NET languages.

Recent versions include experimental support for running code, with some limitations.


SharpLab supports three source languages:

Due to complexity of F#'s compiler library, some features might not be available for F#.

Decompilation / Disassembly

C Sharp: Effective C Sharp, C Sharp Best Practices, C# Fundamentals, C# Inventor - C# Language Designer: Anders Hejlsberg of Microsoft in January 2000, Now Mads Torgersen is Primary Architect; Dot Net, C# Keywords, C# on Linux, C# on macOS, C# on Windows, C# on Android, C# on iOS, C# Installation (choco install dotnet, brew install dotnet), C# Containerization ( C# with Docker, C# with Podman, C# and Kubernetes), C# Built-In Data Types, C# Data Structures - C# Algorithms, C# Syntax, C# OOP - C# Design Patterns, Clean C# - C# Style Guide, C# Best Practices ( C# Core Guidelines (CG), ) - C# BDD, C# Compiler, C# IDEs (Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code, JetBrains Ryder), C# Development Tools, C# Linter, C# Debugging, C# Modules, C# Packages, C# Package Manager (NuGet), C# Standard Library, C# libraries, C# frameworks, C# DevOps - C# SRE, C# .NET and Databases (LINQ and Entity Framework ORM), C# Data Science - C# DataOps, C# Machine Learning - ML.NET, C# Deep Learning, Functional C#, C# Concurrency, C# Parallel Programming, Async C#, C# History, C# Bibliography, Manning C Sharp Series, C# Courses, C# Glossary, C# Versions, C# Topics, C# Research, C# GitHub, Written in C#, C# Popularity, C# Awesome. (navbar_csharp - see also navbar_csharp_versions, navbar_dotnet_versions, navbar_csharp_libraries, navbar_csharp_standard_library, navbar_fsharp)

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