
Zettabyte file system

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Also called: ZFS

Snippet from Wikipedia: ZFS

ZFS (previously Zettabyte File System) is a file system with volume management capabilities. It began as part of the Sun Microsystems Solaris operating system in 2001. Large parts of Solaris, including ZFS, were published under an open source license as OpenSolaris for around 5 years from 2005 before being placed under a closed source license when Oracle Corporation acquired Sun in 2009–2010. During 2005 to 2010, the open source version of ZFS was ported to Linux, Mac OS X (continued as MacZFS) and FreeBSD. In 2010, the illumos project forked a recent version of OpenSolaris, including ZFS, to continue its development as an open source project. In 2013, OpenZFS was founded to coordinate the development of open source ZFS. OpenZFS maintains and manages the core ZFS code, while organizations using ZFS maintain the specific code and validation processes required for ZFS to integrate within their systems. OpenZFS is widely used in Unix-like systems.

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FreeBSD: FreeBSD Fundamentals, FreeBSD Inventor: Bob Fabry, Keith Bostic on November 1, 1993 (Also involved: William Jolitz, Lynne Jolitz (386BSD also known as Jolix), Jordan Hubbard of Walnut Creek CDROM Inc.; Bell Labs, Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD), FreeBSD Distros (NetBSD), UNIX, Linux, FreeBSD Package Managers (FreeBSD Ports]] - FreeBSD Ports Collection), FreeBSD AI (FreeBSD MLOps-FreeBSD ML-FreeBSD DL), FreeBSD Compute (FreeBSD K8S-FreeBSD Containers-FreeBSD GitOps, FreeBSD IaaS-FreeBSD Linux-FreeBSD on Windows), FreeBSD Certification, FreeBSD Data Science (FreeBSD Databases-FreeBSD SQL-FreeBSD NoSQL-FreeBSD Analytics-FreeBSD DataOps), FreeBSD DevOps-FreeBSD SRE-FreeBSD Automation-FreeBSD Configuration-FreeBSD Configuration Management-FreeBSD Terraform-FreeBSD Ansible-FreeBSD Chef-FreeBSD Puppet-FreeBSD PowerShell)-FreeBSD CloudOps-FreeBSD Monitoring, FreeBSD Developer Tools (FreeBSD GitHub-FreeBSD CI/CD-FreeBSD VSCode-FreeBSD Serverless-FreeBSD Microservices-FreeBSD Service Mesh-FreeBSD Java-FreeBSD Spring-FreeBSD JavaScript-FreeBSD Python), FreeBSD Identity (FreeBSD IAM-FreeBSD MFA-FreeBSD Active Directory), FreeBSD Integration, FreeBSD IoT-FreeBSD Edge, FreeBSD Management-FreeBSD Admin-FreeBSD Shell-FreeBSD CLI-FreeBSD Ops, FreeBSD Governance, FreeBSD Media (FreeBSD Video), FreeBSD Migration, FreeBSD Mixed reality, FreeBSD Mobile, FreeBSD Networking (FreeBSD Load Balancing-FreeBSD DNS-FreeBSD NAT-FreeBSD VPC-FreeBSD VPN), FreeBSD Security (FreeBSD Vault-FreeBSD Secrets-HashiCorp Vault FreeBSD, FreeBSD Cryptography-FreeBSD PKI, FreeBSD Pentesting-FreeBSD DevSecOps), FreeBSD Storage-FreeBSD Filesystems (ZFS), FreeBSD Web-FreeBSD Node.js, FreeBSD Virtual Desktop, FreeBSD Product List. FreeBSD Awesome List, FreeBSD Docs, FreeBSD Glossary, FreeBSD Books, FreeBSD Courses, FreeBSD Topics. (navbar_freebsd and navbar_freebsd_detailed)

Filesystems: Bootstrap, Bootstrapping, Boot, Boot Up, Booting, Booting Up, Boot Loaders (Second-stage boot loader, e.g. NTLDR, LILO (boot loader) - LILO, GNU GRUB - GRUB), Boot Manager, Dual Boot, Dual boot macOS and Windows (Apple Boot Camp, Dual boot Linux and Windows, Boot Disk, Windows Boot, macOS Boot, Linux Boot, Secure Boot. (navbar_filesystems - see also navbar_boot, navbar_storage)

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zettabyte_file_system.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/28 03:35 by