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TypeScript 2.3

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Creating a detailed summary for TypeScript 2.3, including all requested elements, within a single response would be extensive and might not fit within the constraints of this format. However, I'll provide a concise overview that highlights the key features and fixes introduced in TypeScript 2.3, along with comparisons to other languages where applicable. For in-depth exploration, please refer to the official TypeScript documentation ([TypeScript Official Documentation](, its [GitHub repository](, the [TypeScript Official Website](, and additional insights on [Wikipedia](

TypeScript 2.3: Key Features Overview

TypeScript 2.3 introduced several significant features and improvements that aimed to enhance developer productivity and the language's utility. Below are the highlights of these features, including code examples and comparisons to other languages.

Generic Parameter Defaults

TypeScript 2.3 introduced generic parameter defaults, allowing developers to specify default types for generic parameters. This feature brought TypeScript closer to the functionality offered by languages like C# but was not directly available in JavaScript, Java, or Python.

```typescript function createArray<T = string>(length: number, value: T): Array<T> {

 return new Array(length).fill(value);
} ```

The `--strict` Compiler Option

The `–strict` compiler option was added, enabling stricter type checking options by default, which helps in identifying potential issues early. This concept of strict mode is somewhat akin to Python's type hints introduced in PEP 484, though TypeScript applies these checks at compile time.

```shell tsc –strict true ```

Async Iteration

TypeScript 2.3 started to support async iteration, which aligns with the ECMAScript proposal for asynchronous iterators. This feature allows for iterating over data that comes asynchronously, similar to C#'s `async` and `await` in `foreach` loops, but was a new concept for JavaScript and TypeScript at the time.

```typescript async function processItems(items: AsyncIterable<Item>) {

 for await (let item of items) {
} ```

The `--downlevelIteration` Flag

The `–downlevelIteration` flag was introduced to improve support for iterating over new types of data structures in ES5 or older environments. This feature is particularly useful for compatibility with older JavaScript engines, a concern not typically faced in C#, Java, or Python environments.

```shell tsc –downlevelIteration ```

Improved Type Inference for `this` in Callbacks

TypeScript 2.3 improved type inference for `this` in callbacks, making the handling of `this` more intuitive and less error-prone, especially when compared to JavaScript's dynamic `this` context. This improvement does not have a direct equivalent in C#, Java, or Python due to their different handling of `this` or similar contexts.

```typescript class Handler {

 info: string;
 onClickGood(this: Handler, e: Event) {
   // 'this' is correctly inferred
} ```

New `--checkJs` Option

The `–checkJs` option was added, allowing TypeScript to check JavaScript files for errors without converting them to TypeScript. This feature is unique to TypeScript, as it extends its static type checking to JavaScript, offering benefits not available in dynamically typed languages like Python.

```shell tsc –checkJs ```

For each of these features, TypeScript 2.3 has made significant strides in enhancing the language's capabilities, focusing on developer ergonomics, code safety, and the interoperability with JavaScript. By introducing and refining these features, TypeScript continues to serve as a bridge between the flexibility of JavaScript and the robustness of statically typed languages like C#, Java, and Python, thereby cementing its place as a key tool for web developers and software engineers globally.

TypeScript Version History: TypeScript, JavaScript. TypeScript 4.7 (2022), TypeScript 4.6 (2022), TypeScript 4.5 (2021), TypeScript 4.4 (2021), TypeScript 4.3 (2021), TypeScript 4.2 (2021), TypeScript 4.1 (2020), TypeScript 4.0 (2020), TypeScript 3.9 (2020), TypeScript 3.8 (2020), TypeScript 3.7 (2019), TypeScript 3.6 (2019), TypeScript 3.5 (2019), TypeScript 3.4 (2019), TypeScript 3.3 (2019), TypeScript 3.2 (2018), TypeScript 3.1 (2018), TypeScript 3.0 (2018), TypeScript 2.9 (2018), TypeScript 2.8 (2018), TypeScript 2.7 (2018), TypeScript 2.6 (2017), TypeScript 2.5 (2017), TypeScript 2.4 (2017), TypeScript 2.3 (2017), TypeScript 2.2 (2017), TypeScript 2.1 (2016), TypeScript 2.0 (2016), TypeScript 1.8 (2016), TypeScript 1.7 (2015), TypeScript 1.6 (2015), TypeScript 1.5 (2015), TypeScript 1.4 (2015), TypeScript 1.3 (2014), TypeScript 1.1 (2013), TypeScript 1.0 (2012). (navbar_typecript_versions - see also navbar_typescript, navbar_javacript_versions

TypeScript: TypeScript Glossary, TypeScript Best Practices, Web Development Best Practices, JavaScript Best Practices, TypeScript Fundamentals, TypeScript Inventor - TypeScript Language Designer: Anders Hejlsberg of Microsoft on October 1, 2012; TypeScript Keywords, TypeScript Built-In Data Types, TypeScript Data Structures - TypeScript Algorithms, TypeScript Syntax, TypeScript on Linux, TypeScript on macOS, TypeScript on Windows, TypeScript on Android, TypeScript on iOS, TypeScript Installation, TypeScript Containerization (TypeScript with Docker, TypeScript with Podman, TypeScript and Kubernetes), TypeScript OOP - TypeScript Design Patterns, Clean TypeScript - TypeScript Style Guide, TypeScript Best Practices - TypeScript BDD, Web Browser, Web Development, HTML-CSS, TypeScript Frameworks (Angular), JavaScript Libraries (React.js with TypeScript, Vue.js with TypeScript, jQuery with TypeScript), TypeScript on the Server (TypeScript with Node.js, TypeScript with Deno, TypeScript with Express.js), TypeScript Compiler (tsc, tsconfig.json), TypeScript Transpiler (Transpile TypeScript into JavaScript), Babel and TypeScript, TypeScript Package Management, NPM and TypeScript, NVM and TypeScript, Yarn Package Manager and TypeScript, TypeScript IDEs (Visual Studio Code, Visual Studio, JetBrains WebStorm), TypeScript Development Tools, TypeScript Linter, TypeScript Debugging (Chrome DevTools, JavaScript Source Maps), TypeScript Testing (TypeScript TDD, Selenium, Jest, Mocha.js, Jasmine, Tape Testing (tap-producing test harness for Node.js and browsers), Supertest, React Testing Library, Enzyme.js React Testing, Angular TestBed), TypeScript DevOps - TypeScript SRE, TypeScript Data Science - TypeScript DataOps, TypeScript Machine Learning, TypeScript Deep Learning, Functional TypeScript, TypeScript Concurrency (WebAssembly - WASM) - TypeScript Async (TypeScript Await, TypeScript Promises, TypeScript Workers - Web Workers, Service Workers, Browser Main Thread), TypeScript Concurrency, TypeScript History, TypeScript Bibliography, Manning TypeScript Series, TypeScript Glossary, TypeScript T, TypeScript Courses, TypeScript Standard Library, TypeScript Libraries, TypeScript Frameworks (Angular), TypeScript Research, JavaScript, TypeScript GitHub, Written in TypeScript, TypeScript Popularity, TypeScript Awesome, TypeScript Versions. (navbar_typescript - see also navbar_javascript, navbar_javascript_libraries, navbar_typescript_libraries, navbar_typescript_versions, navbar_typescript_standard_library, navbar_typescript_libraries, navbar_typescript_reserved_words, navbar_typescript_functional, navbar_typescript_concurrency, navbar_typescript_async, navbar_javascript_standard_library, navbar_react.js, navbar_angular, navbar_vue, navbar_javascript_standard_library, navbar_web_development)

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typescript_2.3.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/28 03:13 by