
The Art of Computer Programming (TAOCP) by Donald Knuth

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The Art of Computer Programming (TAOCP) is a comprehensive monograph written by the computer scientist Donald Knuth presenting programming algorithms and their analysis. Volumes 1–5 are intended to represent the central core of computer programming for sequential machines.

When Knuth began the project in 1962, he originally conceived of it as a single book with twelve chapters. The first three volumes of what was then expected to be a seven-volume set were published in 1968, 1969, and 1973. Work began in earnest on Volume 4 in 1973, but was suspended in 1977 for work on typesetting prompted by the second edition of Volume 2. Writing of the final copy of Volume 4A began in longhand in 2001, and the first online pre-fascicle, 2A, appeared later in 2001. The first published installment of Volume 4 appeared in paperback as Fascicle 2 in 2005. The hardback Volume 4A, combining Volume 4, Fascicles 0–4, was published in 2011. Volume 4, Fascicle 6 ("Satisfiability") was released in December 2015; Volume 4, Fascicle 5 ("Mathematical Preliminaries Redux; Backtracking; Dancing Links") was released in November 2019.

Volume 4B consists of material evolved from Fascicles 5 and 6. The manuscript was sent to the publisher on August 1, 2022, and the volume was published in September 2022. Fascicle 7, planned for Volume 4C, was the subject of Knuth's talk on August 3, 2022.

Programming: Programming languages

Variables and Data Types, Control Structures, Functions and Methods, Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), Functional Programming, Procedural Programming, Event-Driven Programming, Concurrent and Parallel Programming, Error Handling and Debugging, Memory Management, Recursion, Algorithms, Data Structures, Design Patterns, Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), Version Control Systems, Database Programming, Web Development, Mobile App Development, Game Development, Machine Learning and AI Programming, Network Programming, API Development, Security in Programming, Testing and Quality Assurance, User Interface and User Experience Design, Scripting Languages, Assembly Language, High-Level Programming Languages, Low-Level Programming Languages, Compiler Design, Interpreter Design, Garbage Collection, Regular Expressions, Graphical User Interface (GUI) Programming, Command Line Interface Development, Cross-Platform Development, Cloud Computing in Programming, Blockchain Programming, IoT Programming, Embedded Systems Programming, Microservices Architecture, Serverless Architecture, Big Data Technologies, Data Visualization, Data Mining and Analysis, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Computer Graphics Programming, Virtual Reality (VR) Development, Augmented Reality (AR) Development, Cryptography in Programming, Distributed Systems, Real-Time Systems Programming, Operating System Development, Compiler and Interpreter Development, Quantum Computing, Software Project Management, Agile Methodologies, DevOps Practices, Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD), Software Maintenance and Evolution, Software Licensing, Open Source Development, Accessibility in Software Development, Internationalization and Localization, Performance Optimization, Scalability Techniques, Code Refactoring, Design Principles, API Design, Data Modeling, Software Documentation, Peer-to-Peer Networking, Socket Programming, Front-End Development, Back-End Development, Full Stack Development, Secure Coding Practices, Code Reviews, Unit Testing, Integration Testing, System Testing, Functional Programming Paradigms, Imperative Programming, Declarative Programming, Software Architecture, Cloud-Native Development, Infrastructure as Code (IaC), Ethical Hacking for Developers, Artificial Intelligence Ethics in Programming, Software Compliance and Standards, Software Auditing, Debugging Tools and Techniques, Code Optimization Techniques, Software Deployment Strategies, End-User Computing, Computational Thinking, Programming Logic and Techniques, Advanced Data Management

Agile, algorithms, APIs, asynchronous programming, automation, backend, CI/CD, classes, CLI, client-side, cloud (Cloud Native-AWS-Azure-GCP-IBM Cloud-IBM Mainframe-OCI), comments, compilers, concurrency, conditional expressions, containers, control flow, databases, data manipulation, data persistence, data science, data serialization, data structures, dates and times, debugging, dependency injection, design patterns, DevOps, distributed software, Docker, error handling, file I/O, frameworks, frontend, functions, functional programming, GitHub, history, Homebrew, IDEs, installation, JetBrains, JSON, JSON Web Token (JWT), K8S, lambdas, language spec, libraries, linters, Linux, logging, macOS, methods, ML, microservices, mobile dev, modules, monitoring, multi-threaded, network programming, null, numbers, objects, object-oriented programming, observability, OOP, ORMs, packages, package managers, performance, programmers, programming, reactive, refactoring, reserved words, REST APIs, RHEL, SDK, secrets, security, serverless, server-side, Snapcraft, SQL, StackOverflow, standards, standard library, statements, scope, scripting, syntax, systems programming, TDD, testing, tools, type system, web dev, variables, versions, Ubuntu, unit testing, Windows; topics-courses-books-docs. (navbar_programming - see also navbar_variables, navbar_programming_libraries, navbar_data_structures, navbar_algorithms, navbar_software_architecture, navbar_agile)

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the_art_of_computer_programming_taocp_by_donald_knuth.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/28 03:44 by