
Python Pluralsight

Python Paths

Path 1: Core Python

“Python is an interpreted, high-level, general-purpose programming language that emphasizes code readability. It’s a dynamically typed and garbage-collected language that supports structured, object-oriented, and functional programming. It’s often described as a “batteries included” language due to its comprehensive standard library. In this path you will learn the basics of Python and more advanced topics such as object-oriented design and code organization.”

Prerequisites: None

What you will learn

Python: The Big Picture

Python - The Big Picture by Jason Olson Beginner · 1h 5m · Jan 25, 2018

Core Python: Getting Started

Core Python - Getting Started by Robert Smallshire and Austin Bingham Beginner: 4h 6m, Dec 11, 2019

Core Python: Organizing Larger Programs

Core Python: Classes and Object-orientation

Python Project

Build a Static Site Generator with Python Build a Static Site Generator with Python by Tom Bell Beginner, 2h 20m, Apr 30, 2020

Core Python: Functions and Functional Programming

Functions and Functional Programming Austin Bingham · Robert Smallshire Intermediate · 1h 18m · Mar 2, 2020

PROJECT Add Extensions to a Static Site Generator with Python W W Add Extensions to a Static Site Generator with Python Tom Bell Intermediate · 1h 10m · May 28, 2020 COMING SOON

Core Python: Robust Resource and Error Handling W W Core Python: Robust Resource and Error Handling Austin Bingham · Robert Smallshire

VIDEO Core Python: Introspection W W Core Python: Introspection Austin Bingham · Robert Smallshire Intermediate · 30m · May 12, 2020

VIDEO Core Python: Numeric Types, Dates, and Times W W Core Python: Numeric Types, Dates, and Times Austin Bingham · Robert Smallshire Intermediate · 55m · Mar 9, 2020

PROJECT Decoding Sensor Data Using Python W W Decoding Sensor Data Using Python Hugo Valle Intermediate · 1h 40m · June 1, 2020 COMING SOON

Core Python: The Numeric Tower, Conversion, and Operators W W Core Python: The Numeric Tower, Conversion, and Operators Matt Harrison

VIDEO Core Python: Hashing and More Collections W W Core Python: Hashing and More Collections Jon Flanders Advanced · 1h 33m · May 11, 2020

VIDEO Advanced Generators and Coroutines W W Advanced Generators and Coroutines Axel Sirota Advanced · 1h 49m · Feb 19, 2020

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Path 2: Python Path

“Python is an interpreted object-oriented programming language. It is open source, so the interpreter and source are freely available and distributable in binary form. Python has many built-in high-level data structures and utilizes dynamic typing and binding, making it an excellent choice for both scripting and application development. Programming in Python can be extremely quick and productive owing to the lack of a compilation step as well as the built-in debugger (also written in Python). This fast edit-test-debug cycle is one of the main draws for programmers who wish to develop in Python, while others are drawn to the active and passionate Python community. This path will take you from the basics of the Python language all the way up to working with web frameworks and programming a Raspberry Pi.”


Basic familiarity with the fundamental concepts of programming HTML

What you will learn

CoursesAbout Beginner Watched 1h 46m of 8h 30m 21% Are you a programming beginner? Maybe you've just started, or maybe you've taken a couple of entry-level programming classes and want to learn more. The beginner courses here will show you the basics of object-oriented programming (OOP) while teaching you the simple and functional Python programming language. When you've completed this section, you'll be ready to move on to improving your code quality.

VIDEO Python: The Big Picture W W Python: The Big Picture Jason Olson Beginner · 1h 5m · Jan 25, 2018

VIDEO Core Python: Getting Started W W Core Python: Getting Started Robert Smallshire · Austin Bingham Beginner · 4h 6m · Dec 11, 2019

INTERACTIVE Python: Variables, Data Types, and Conditionals W W Python: Variables, Data Types, and Conditionals Sarah Holderness Beginner · 1h 0m · June 1, 2018

INTERACTIVE Python: Using Lists, Dictionaries, Loops, Files, and Modules W W Python: Using Lists, Dictionaries, Loops, Files, and Modules Sarah Holderness Beginner · 2h 18m · Oct 1, 2018 Intermediate Watched 8h 52m of 15h 26m 57% The intermediate courses you see here will teach you to improve your code. You'll dive deeper into unit testing and debugging, as well as learn some of the more advanced features of the Python language.

VIDEO Python – Beyond the Basics W W Python – Beyond the Basics Austin Bingham · Robert Smallshire Intermediate · 7h 22m · July 17, 2014

VIDEO Python Best Practices for Code Quality W W Python Best Practices for Code Quality Reindert-Jan Ekker Intermediate · 1h 10m · May 16, 2019

VIDEO Managing Python Packages and Virtual Environments W W Managing Python Packages and Virtual Environments Reindert-Jan Ekker Beginner · 1h 23m · Feb 1, 2019

VIDEO Unit Testing with Python W W Unit Testing with Python Emily Bache Intermediate · 2h 49m · June 27, 2019

PROJECT Build a Job Board with Python & Flask W W Build a Job Board with Python & Flask Tom Bell Beginner · 2h 35m · Sept 26, 2018 Advanced Watched 6h 55m of 6h 55m 100% Our advanced Python track will show you how you can apply your newfound skill. You'll learn full-stack web development, as well as some techniques that will help you implement advanced frameworks.

VIDEO Full Stack Web Development with Python (WEB2PY) W W Full Stack Web Development with Python (WEB2PY) Terry Toy Beginner · 3h 2m · Aug 20, 2015

VIDEO Advanced Python W W Advanced Python Robert Smallshire Advanced · 3h 53m · June 23, 2017 Fair Use Source:


Django: Getting Started

Django - Getting Started - by Reindert-Jan Ekker

Django - Getting Started by Reindert-Jan Ekker

Django is the most popular and mature Python web development framework. It lets you build better web apps quicker, and with less code. In this course, you will learn how to build your first web application with Django and Python.”

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