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Snippet from Wikipedia: Git

Git () is a distributed version control system that tracks versions of files. It is often used to control source code by programmers collaboratively developing software.

Git's goals include speed, data integrity, and support for distributed, non-linear workflows (thousands of parallel branches running on different computers). Git was originally authored by Linus Torvalds in 2005 for the development of the Linux kernel, with other kernel developers contributing to its initial development. It was prompted by the revocation of the free license of BitKeeper, the proprietary source-control management system used for Linux kernel development since 2002. Since 2005, Junio Hamano has been the core maintainer of Git. As with most other distributed version control systems, and unlike most client–server systems, every Git directory on every computer is a full-fledged repository with complete history and full version-tracking abilities, independent of network access or a central server. Git is a free and open-source software shared under the GPL-2.0-only license.

Git's design benefits from Torvalds' experience with Linux and file-system performance, leading to features such as support for non-linear development, efficient handling of large projects, and cryptographic authentication of history. Its toolkit-based design allows for pluggable merge strategies and flexibility in managing version control tasks. Despite its comprehensive feature set, Git has faced security challenges, leading to updates and patches that address vulnerabilities. The trademark "Git" is registered by the Software Freedom Conservancy, marking its official recognition and continued evolution in the open-source community.

Git's adoption has grown rapidly, becoming the most popular distributed version control system, with nearly 95% of developers reporting it as their primary version control system as of 2022. It is the most widely used source-code management tool among professional developers. There are offerings of Git repository services, including GitHub, SourceForge, Bitbucket and GitLab.


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git_repository.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/28 03:24 by