
Table of Contents

brew install rust


Homebrew on macOS

brew search rust

=⇒ Formulae

c2rust rust-analyzer rustscan uncrustify choose-rust rustc-completion rustup-init virustotal-cli rust rustfmt shadowsocks-rust rush

=⇒ Casks

rustdesk uncrustifyx

If you meant “rust” specifically:

It was migrated from homebrew/cask to homebrew/core.

iMac ~ % brew install rust

=⇒ Downloading

=⇒ Downloading

=⇒ Downloading from

=⇒ Downloading

=⇒ Downloading

=⇒ Downloading from

=⇒ Installing dependencies for rust: libssh2

=⇒ Installing rust dependency: libssh2

=⇒ Pouring libssh2–1.10.0.monterey.bottle.tar.gz

🍺 /usr/local/Cellar/libssh2/1.10.0: 184 files, 999.8KB

=⇒ Installing rust

=⇒ Pouring rust–1.64.0.monterey.bottle.tar.gz

=⇒ Caveats

zsh completions have been installed to:


=⇒ Summary

🍺 /usr/local/Cellar/rust/1.64.0: 35,008 files, 869.7MB

=⇒ Running `brew cleanup rust`…

Disable this behaviour by setting HOMEBREW_NO_INSTALL_CLEANUP.

Hide these hints with HOMEBREW_NO_ENV_HINTS (see `man brew`).

=⇒ Caveats

=⇒ rust

zsh completions have been installed to:


iMac ~ % rustc --version

rustc 1.64.0

iMac ~ % rustc --help

Usage: rustc [OPTIONS] INPUT


   -h, --help          Display this message
       --cfg SPEC      Configure the compilation environment
   -L [KIND=]PATH      Add a directory to the library search path. The
                       optional KIND can be one of dependency, crate, native,
                       framework, or all (the default).
                       Link the generated crate(s) to the specified native
                       library NAME. The optional KIND can be one of
                       static, framework, or dylib (the default).
                       Optional comma separated MODIFIERS
                       may be specified each with a prefix of either '+' to
                       enable or '-' to disable.
       --crate-type [bin|lib|rlib|dylib|cdylib|staticlib|proc-macro]
                       Comma separated list of types of crates
                       for the compiler to emit
       --crate-name NAME
                       Specify the name of the crate being built
       --edition 2015|2018|2021|2024
                       Specify which edition of the compiler to use when
                       compiling code.
       --emit [asm|llvm-bc|llvm-ir|obj|metadata|link|dep-info|mir]
                       Comma separated list of types of output for the
                       compiler to emit
       --print [crate-name|file-names|sysroot|target-libdir|cfg|target-list|target-cpus|target-features|relocation-models|code-models|tls-models|target-spec-json|native-static-libs|stack-protector-strategies|link-args]
                       Compiler information to print on stdout
   -g                  Equivalent to -C debuginfo=2
   -O                  Equivalent to -C opt-level=2
   -o FILENAME         Write output to 
       --out-dir DIR   Write output to compiler-chosen filename in 
       --explain OPT   Provide a detailed explanation of an error message
       --test          Build a test harness
       --target TARGET Target triple for which the code is compiled
   -A, --allow LINT    Set lint allowed
   -W, --warn LINT     Set lint warnings
       --force-warn LINT
                       Set lint force-warn
   -D, --deny LINT     Set lint denied
   -F, --forbid LINT   Set lint forbidden
       --cap-lints LEVEL
                       Set the most restrictive lint level. More restrictive
                       lints are capped at this level
   -C, --codegen OPT[=VALUE]
                       Set a codegen option
   -V, --version       Print version info and exit
   -v, --verbose       Use verbose output

Additional help:

   -C help             Print codegen options
   -W help             Print 'lint' options and default settings
   --help -v           Print the full set of options rustc accepts


Rust: Rust Fundamentals, Rust Inventor: Rust Language Designer: Graydon Hoare on July 7, 2010; Rust RFCs, Rust Scripting, Rust Keywords, Rust Built-In Data Types, Rust Data Structures - Rust Algorithms, Rust Syntax, Rust OOP - Rust Design Patterns, Rust Package Manager ( - Rust Crates - Rust Cargo), Rust Virtualization, Rust Interpreter, Rust REPL, Rust IDEs (JetBrains RustRover, IntelliJ - CLion with JetBrains Rust Plugins, Visual Studio Code), Rust Development Tools, Rust Linter, Rustaceans-Rust User, Rust Uses, List of Rust Software, Rust Popularity, Rust Compiler (rustc), Rust Transpiler, Rust DevOps - Rust SRE, Rust Data Science - Rust DataOps, Rust Machine Learning, Rust Deep Learning, Functional Rust, Rust Concurrency - Rust Parallel Programming - Async Rust, Rust Standard Library, Rust Testing, Rust Libraries, Rust Frameworks, Rust History, Rust Bibliography, Manning Rust Series, Rust Glossary - Rust Official Glossary, Rust Topics, Rust Courses, Rust Research, Rust GitHub, Written in Rust, Rust Awesome List. (navbar_rust)

Homebrew: Cloud Monk's Package Manager Book Homebrew Chapter, Cloud Monk's Development PC DevOps Automation via Ansible-Chocolatey-PowerShell-Homebrew-DNF-APT, Homebrew Glossary, Homebrew Fundamentals, Homebrew Inventor - Homebrew Designer: Mike McQuaid, Brew DevOps - Homebrew on macOS - macOS DevOps - MacOps, Homebrew on Linux - Linux DevOps - LinuxOps, Homebrew Automation, Idempotent, Refreshenv, Homebrew Topics, macOS Package Managers, Package managers, macOS Configuration Management, PowerShell on macOS Ansible on macOS, Chef on macOS, Puppet on macOS (navbar_brew - see also navbar_choco, navbar_package_manager)

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brew_install_rust.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/28 03:46 by