
"Looks Good to Me" - Constructive code reviews by Adrienne Braganza

Product Details

Book Summary

Deliver code reviews that consistently build up your team and improve your applications.

“Looks Good To Me” offers a unique approach to delivering meaningful code reviews that goes beyond superficial checklists and tense critical conversations. Instead, you’ll learn how to improve both your applications and your team dynamics.

“Looks Good To Me” teaches you how to:

  • Understand a code review's benefits and process
  • Build an objective code review practice
  • Clarify responsibilities: reviewee, reviewer, and team lead/manager
  • Establish manageable guidelines and protocols
  • Automate code quality with linting
  • Compose effective comments
  • Combine reviews with pair programming, mob programming, and developer rotations

This one-of-a-kind guide comes from expert author, instructor, and international speaker Adrienne Braganza, who has spent 10 years pioneering her thoughtful, empathetic approach to code reviews. Inside, you’ll find comprehensive coverage of every part of the code review process, from choosing a system to keeping reviews manageable for everyone involved.

about the book

“Looks Good To Me” is a comprehensive guide to code reviews. It’s perfect for any stage of your process—whether you’re improving your practices, setting up a new review system, or even hearing about code reviews for the very first time. The book’s flexible practices are designed to flex to suit how your team does things. Each chapter offers multiple options and solutions, relatable scenarios, and personal tidbits from Adrienne’s career—plus starter templates that let you apply what you’ve learned straight away.

This book’s focus on team happiness and collaborative processes ensures you’ll be constructive in your code review comments, collectively design standards and procedures, and keep reviews focused on the code rather than the developer. With this mix of tools, processes, common sense, and compassion, you’ll run a highly effective review process from first commit to final deployment.

about the reader

For any developer or engineering lead that wants to establish or enhance how they perform code reviews.

about the author

Adrienne Braganza a software engineer, keynote speaker, author of the best selling book Coding for Kids: Python, and a LinkedIn Learning instructor who has taught over 65,000 learners.

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Programming: Programming languages

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Agile, algorithms, APIs, asynchronous programming, automation, backend, CI/CD, classes, CLI, client-side, cloud (Cloud Native-AWS-Azure-GCP-IBM Cloud-IBM Mainframe-OCI), comments, compilers, concurrency, conditional expressions, containers, control flow, databases, data manipulation, data persistence, data science, data serialization, data structures, dates and times, debugging, dependency injection, design patterns, DevOps, distributed software, Docker, error handling, file I/O, frameworks, frontend, functions, functional programming, GitHub, history, Homebrew, IDEs, installation, JetBrains, JSON, JSON Web Token (JWT), K8S, lambdas, language spec, libraries, linters, Linux, logging, macOS, methods, ML, microservices, mobile dev, modules, monitoring, multi-threaded, network programming, null, numbers, objects, object-oriented programming, observability, OOP, ORMs, packages, package managers, performance, programmers, programming, reactive, refactoring, reserved words, REST APIs, RHEL, SDK, secrets, security, serverless, server-side, Snapcraft, SQL, StackOverflow, standards, standard library, statements, scope, scripting, syntax, systems programming, TDD, testing, tools, type system, web dev, variables, versions, Ubuntu, unit testing, Windows; topics-courses-books-docs. (navbar_programming - see also navbar_variables, navbar_programming_libraries, navbar_data_structures, navbar_algorithms, navbar_software_architecture, navbar_agile)

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