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21st Century C Preface

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“ (21cC 2014)


Is it really punk rock

Like the party line?

Wilco, “Too Far Apart”

C Is Punk Rock

“C has only a handful of keywords and is a bit rough around the edges, and it rocks. You can do anything with it. Like the C, G, and D chords on a guitar, you can learn the basic mechanics quickly, and then spend the rest of your life getting better. The people who don’t get it fear its power and think it too edgy to be safe. By all rankings, it is consistently the most popular language that doesn’t have a corporation or foundation spending money to promote it.1” (21cC 2014)

“Also, the language is about 40 years old, which makes it middle-aged. It was written by a few guys basically working against management — the perfect punk rock origins — but that was in the 1970s, and there’s been a lot of time for the language to go mainstream.” (21cC 2014)

What did people do when punk rock went mainstream? In the decades since its advent in the 1970s, punk certainly has come in from the fringes: The Clash, The Offspring, Green Day, and The Strokes sold millions of albums worldwide (to name just a few), and I have heard lite instrumental versions of songs from the punk spinoff known as grunge at my local supermarket. The former lead singer of Sleater-Kinney now has a popular sketch comedy show that frequently lampoons punk rockers.2 One reaction to the continuing evolution would be to take the hard line and say that the original stuff was punk and everything else is just easy punk pop for the masses. The traditionalists can still play their albums from the ’70s, and if the grooves are worn out, they can download a digitally mastered edition. They can buy Ramones hoodies for their toddlers.

Outsiders don’t get it. Some of them hear the word punk and picture something out of the 1970s — a historic artifact about some kids that were, at the time, really doing something different. The traditionalist punks who still love and play their 1973 Iggy Pop LPs are having their fun, but they bolster the impression that punk is ossified and no longer relevant.

Getting back to the world of C, we have both the traditionalists, waving the banner of ANSI ’89, and those who will rock out to whatever works and may not even realize that the code they are writing would not have compiled or run in the 1990s. Outsiders don’t get the difference. They see still-in-print books from the 1980s and still-online tutorials from the 1990s, they hear from the hardcore traditionalists who insist on still writing like that today, and they don’t even know that the language and the rest of its users continue to evolve. That’s a shame, because they’re missing out on some great stuff.

This is a book about breaking tradition and keeping C punk rock. I don’t care to compare the code in this book to the original C specification in Kernighan & Ritchie’s 1978 book. My telephone has 512 MB of memory, so why are our C textbooks still spending pages upon pages covering techniques to shave kilobytes off of our executables? I am writing this on a bottom-of-the-line red netbook that can accommodate 3,200,000,000 instructions per second; what do I care about whether an operation requires comparing 8 bits or 16? We should be writing code that we can write quickly and that is readable by our fellow humans. We’re still writing in C, so our readable but imperfectly optimized code will still run an order of magnitude faster than if we’d written comparable code in any number of alternative, bloated languages.” (21cC 2014)

Q & A (Or, the Parameters of the Book)

Q: How is this C book different from all others?

A: Some are better written, some are even entertaining, but C textbooks are a somewhat uniform bunch (I’ve read a lot of them, including C for Programmers with an Introduction to C11; Head First C; The C Programming Language, 1st Edition; The C Programming Language 2nd Edition; Programming in C; Practical C Programming; Absolute Beginner’s Guide to C; The Waite Group’s C Primer Plus; and C Programming). Most were written before the C99 standard simplified many aspects of usage, and you can tell that some of those now in their nth edition just pasted in a few notes about updates rather than seriously rethinking how to use the language. They all mention that there might be libraries that you could maybe use in writing your own code, but most predate the installation tools and ecosystem we have now, which make using those libraries reliable and reasonably portable. Those textbooks are still valid and still have value, but modern C code just doesn’t look like much of the code in many of those textbooks.

This book picks up where they left off, reconsidering the language and the ecosystem in which it lives. The storyline here is about using libraries that provide linked lists and XML parsers, not writing new ones from scratch. It is about writing code that is readable and has a friendly user interface.

Q: Who is this book for? Do I need to be a coding guru?

A: You have experience coding in any language, maybe Java or a scripting language such as Perl. I don’t have to sell you on why your code shouldn’t be one long routine with no subfunctions.

The body of the book assumes basic knowledge of C gained from time spent writing C code. If you are rusty on the details or are starting from zero, Appendix A offers a short tutorial on basic C for readers who are coming from a scripting language like Python or Ruby.

I might as well point out to you that I have also written a textbook on statistical and scientific computing, Modeling with Data (Klemens, 2008). Along with lots of details of dealing with numeric data and using statistical models for describing data, it has a longer, more standalone tutorial on C, which I naturally think overcomes many of the failings of older C tutorials.

Q: I’m an application programmer, not a kernel hacker. Why should I use C instead of a quick-to-write scripting language like Python?

A: If you are an application programmer, this book is for you. I read people asserting that C is a systems language, which impresses me as so un-punk — who are they to tell us what we’re allowed to write?

Statements along the lines of “Our language is almost as fast as C, but is easier to write” are so common that they are almost cliché. Well, C is definitely as fast as C, and the purpose of this book is to show you that C is easier to write than the textbooks from decades past imply that it is. You don’t have to call malloc and get elbow-deep in memory management half as often as the systems programmers of the 1990s did, we have facilities for easier string handling, and even the core syntax has evolved to make for more legible code.

I started writing C in earnest because I had to speed up a simulation in a scripting language, R. Like so many other scripting languages, R has a C interface and encourages the user to make use of it any time the host language is too slow. Eventually, I had so many functions jumping out from the host script to C code that I just dropped the host language entirely.

Q: It’s nice that application programmers coming from scripting languages will like this book, but I am a kernel hacker. I taught myself C in fifth grade and sometimes have dreams that correctly compile. What new material can there be for me?

A: C has evolved in the last 20 years. As I’ll discuss later, the set of things we are guaranteed that all C compilers support has changed with time, thanks to two new C standards since the original ANSI standard that defined the language for so long. Maybe have a look at Chapter 10 and see if anything there surprises you. Some sections of this book, like the chapter clarifying common misconceptions about pointers (Chapter 6), cover material that has changed little since the 1980s.

Also, the environment has advanced. Many of the tools I cover, such as make and the debugger, may already be familiar to you, but I have found that others are not as well known. Autotools has entirely changed how distribution of code happens, and Git has changed how collaborative coding happens.

Q: I can’t help but notice that about a third of this book has almost no C code in it.

A: This book intends to cover what the other C textbooks don’t, and at the top of that list are the tools and environment. If you’re not using a debugger (standalone or part of your IDE), you’re making your life much more difficult. Textbooks often relegate the debugger to an afterthought, if they mention it at all. Sharing code with others requires another set of tools, including Autotools and Git. Code doesn’t live in a vacuum, and I felt that I would be doing a disservice writing yet another textbook that pretends that all the reader needs to be productive is the syntax of the language.

Q: Out of the many tools available for C development, how did you pick the ones in this book?

A: More than most, the C community holds itself to a high standard of interoperability. There are a lot of C extensions provided by the GNU environment, IDEs that work only on Windows, and compiler extensions that exist only in LLVM. This is probably why past textbooks shied away from covering tools. But in the present day there are some systems that work on anything we commonly recognize as a computer. Many of them are from the GNU; LLVM and its associated tools are quickly making ground but are still not as prevalent. Whatever you are using, be it a Windows box, a Linux box, or an instance you just pulled up from your cloud computing provider, the tools I cover here should be easy and quick to install. I mention a few platform-specific tools, but will be explicit in those cases.

I do not cover any integrated development environments (IDEs) because few if any reliably work across all platforms (try pulling up an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud instance and installing Eclipse and its C plug-ins), and the choice of IDE is heavily influenced by personal preference. IDEs typically have a project build system, which is usually incompatible with every other IDE’s project build system. IDE project files are therefore unusable for project distribution outside of situations (classrooms, certain offices, some computing platforms) where everybody is mandated to use the same IDE.

Q: I have the Internet and can look up commands and syntax details in a second or two, so, really, why should I read this book?

A: It’s true: you can get an operator precedence table from a Linux or Mac command prompt with man operator, so why am I going to put one here?

I’ve got the same Internet you’ve got, and I’ve spent a lot of time reading it. So I have a good idea of what isn’t being talked about, and that’s what I stick to here. When introducing a new tool, like gprof or gdb, I give you what you need to know to get your bearings and ask your search engine coherent questions, and what other textbooks missed (which is a lot).“ (21cC 2014)

Fair Use Sources

Fair Use Sources:

C Language: C Fundamentals, C Inventor - C Language Designer: Dennis Ritchie in 1972; C Standards: ANSI X3J11 (ANSI C); ISO/IEC JTC 1 (Joint Technical Committee 1) / SC 22 (Subcommittee 22) / WG 14 (Working Group 14) (ISO C); C Keywords, C Pointers, C Data Structures - C Algorithms, C Syntax, C Memory Management, C Recursion, C on Android, C on Linux, C on macOS, C on Windows, C Installation, C Containerization, C Configuration, C Compiler, C IDEs (CLion), C Development Tools, C DevOps - C SRE, C Data Science - C DataOps, C Machine Learning, C Deep Learning, C Concurrency, C History, C Bibliography, Manning C Programming Series, C Glossary, C Topics, C Courses, C Standard Library, C Libraries, C Frameworks, C Research, C GitHub, Written in C, C Popularity, C Awesome List, C Versions. (navbar_c)

Bibliography: Books, De-DRM (Calibre and Anna's Archive Shadow Library), Publishers and Publications, (ISBN), Amazon (ASIN), Apple Books-Kindle-eBooks. (navbar_bibliography - see also navbar_shadow_library, navbar_propaganda)

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