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See also: Wikipedia, WikiMedia, wiktionary

Snippet from Wikipedia: Wikiquote

Wikiquote is part of a family of wiki-based projects run by the Wikimedia Foundation using MediaWiki software. The project's objective is to produce collaboratively a vast reference of quotations from prominent people, books, films, proverbs, etc. and writings about them. The website aims to be as accurate as possible regarding the provenance and sourcing of the quotations.

Initially, the project operated only in English from July 2003, expanding to include other languages in July 2004. As of October 2024, there are active Wikiquote sites for 74 languages comprising a total of 333,279 articles and 1,633 recently active editors.

Wikipedia: Wiki, Wikiquote, Wiktionary, MediaWiki, Chinese Wikipedia, Korean Wikipedia, Japanese Wikipedia, French Wikipedia. (navbar_wikipedia - see also navbar_wiki)

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