
Insider's Guide to Technical Writing Index


A4 pages 241

abbreviations 219

in style guide 218

Latin 61

plurals of 221

in translated content 257

accessibility, see assistive technology


importance of 125

see also correct content

acronyms 214, 219

as part of a style guide 214

dictionaries 121

active voice 57–58

definition 295

Adobe products

Acrobat 149

Captivate 158

Flash 159

FrameMaker 147, 148, 153

Illustrator 153

Photoshop 153

RoboHelp 147, 158

Technical Communication Suite 147

Agile 109–111

advantages of 192

definition of 295

.ai file formats 151, 261

Ajax, definition of 295

APIs 77, 82

definition of 295

documentation for 99

apostrophe, proofreader mark 207

appendixes, as part of book 230

Apple Publications Style Guide 216

Application Programming Interface, see APIs

application, definition of 295

aptitude, for technical writing 7, 18

ascenders. definition of 295

ASCII, definition of 295

assistive technology

definition of 296

PDF compliance 86


analysis of 85

audience, understanding 73–86

author comments, see comments


back matter, in a book 230–236

background, of technical writers 26

backlog 110

definition of 296

backward calendar 137

baseline, definition of 296

best practices 56

definition of 296

in technical writing 55–72

Best Practices Conference 291

bitmaps 150

definition of 296

body text 244, 246

bold type

for emphasis 60

proofreader mark for 207

when to use 86, 186

books 94

building 147

developing 147–150

pages of 240

single-sourcing from 146

templates for 239–249

tools for 28

boredom 281

brevity, in web content 51


in release notes 96, 97

in troubleshooting 98

trackers for 100


definition 296

including documentation in 141

build, including documentation in 208, 210

building a portfolio 30–32

bullet lists 59–60

in style guide 219

burnout 281

definition of 296

business expertise, using in the job-hunt 34


C, C++ 140

definition of 296

calendar, use of in scheduling 137

callouts 152

capitalization 220, 221

in bullet lists 220

proofreader mark 207

career path 284–285

lack of 280, 287

career, changing 33, 289

Cascading Style Sheets, see CSS

cautions 60

Center for Information-Management Development 291

center, proofreader mark 207


Cisco 25

Project Management Professional (PMP) 20

STC 10, 36, 289

Certified Professional in Technical Communication 10, 36

change bars 193, 208

definition of 296


being a catalyst for 15

career 284, 289

in priorities 6

in schedule 19, 277

changing jobs 287, 289

checklist, final 207–208

Chicago Manual of Style 216

.chm help file format 157

clarity, see clear writing

clear writing 18, 51–52, 56

close space, proofreader mark 207

code names, for products 52

college degrees

necessity of 26

suggested major 27, 28

colons 221

command line syntax

fonts for 244, 249

translating 259

command references 228

commas 68

inserting 207

serial 221

comments, in a draft 184, 208

completeness of content 48–49

computer-based training 83

conditional text 146

definition of 296


for technical writers 290, 316

presenting at 292

STC TechComm Summit 36–37

confidentiality 185

Confluence wiki application 156

consistency 52–54, 204

in style guide 54

consultants 271

definition of 296

consumer websites 51

content design books 310

content management 142

Content Management Strategies (conference) 291

content reuse 88–90

definition of 296

tools for 28

content sharing 29


definition of 296

help 157

contractions 221


anticipating need for 129

definition of 271, 296

hiring 128–131

how to become one 273

where they work 272

control, taking 281

copyrights 226–227

definition of 297

Corel products

PaintShop Pro, image editing tool 153

Ventura 148

corporation, technical writer’s place in 6

correct content 46–47, 102, 125, 192

slightly modified in different files 88

correct word usage, in style guide 223

correcting mistakes after proofreading 206

cost of incorrect documentation 46

CPTC (Certified Professional in Technical Communication) 36

cross-functional, definition of 297

cross-platform, definition of 297

cross-references 48, 208

CSS 30, 140, 154

definition of 297

Cupertino effect 188

customer feedback, tracking 286

customer support representatives 83

customers 77

as users of documentation 78

of e-commerce sites 51

cutting corners 133


Darwin Information Typing Architecture, see DITA

deadlines, for reviewers 195


in technical communications 27

necessity of 26

suggested major 27, 28

delete, proofreader mark 207

delivery checklist 207–208

demonstrations 119

dependability 24

descenders definition of 297

design 239

design documents 101

definition of 297

desktop publishing tools 147

detail, attention to 19

developers 77, 82

documentation for 98

development process, about 109

Dia, diagramming tool 154

diagramming tools 154

dictionaries, online 317

difficult people, working with 279

discounts, student 29

DITA 143, 145

categories 180

definition of 297

using for translation 258

DITA North America Conference 291

DocBook 143, 145

definition of 297


definition of 4, 297

for internal audience 100

quality 125

documentation plans 112

definition of 297

domain expert, definition of 297

draft markers 185, 208


definition of 297

first 184, 186

sending out for review 193

sending out in small chunks 194 see also reviews

drilling down 183

drop-off 51

DTDs, definition of 297

DTP (desktop publishing) 147

due dates, for drafts 195


ease of use 49

ebooks 147, 149

definition of 297

e-commerce sites 51

editing 204–205

another’s work 205

images 152

your own work 204

educational discounts 29


distributing reviews by 196

shutting off 127

emergencies, creating to work faster 126

emphasis 60

end points 69

definition of 297

end user documentation 92

end users 77, 78

definition of 297

expert 79

novice 79

English language 76

.eps file formats 151, 261

ePub format for ebooks 149 see also ebooks

e-reader, see ebooks

error messages 93

error recovery 49

error-free content, see correct content

escalation path, definition of 298

expert users 79

external facing

definition of 298

documentation 141

extranet 210

definition of 298


Facebook 156

familiarity with product 116

FAQ 83

definition of 298

fast pace in high-tech environment 20

fast working 126


as part of usability 49

from customers 286

gathering 196


changing 289

in which technical writers work 6

final checklist 207–208

Flesch-Kincaid reading index 65

flexibility, need for 19

flowcharts 28

flush, definition of 298

fonts 245, 248

bold 86, 186, 207

definition of 298

difference from typeface 246

in headings 248

in commands 249

monospaced 53, 249

onscreen 246

setting line length 244 see also typefaces

foreign words and phrases 61

formatting 125

for translation 259

FrameMaker, see Adobe

freelancers 271

freeze, definition of 298

freezing documentation 208–209

Frequently Asked Questions 83

definition of 298

future tense, avoiding 67


gaps, in a draft 184

gathering information 106

gender-neutral pronouns 61–62

George Orwell 67


definition of 298

in bullet lists 59

getting started guides 101

Gilbane Content Management Conference 291

Gimp, image editing tool 153

globalization, see localization

glossaries 231

definition of 298

for translation 257

goals, of users 75

good, fast, or cheap 123

good-better-best lists 133–134

graphics 150–154

tools used for 28

grid 241

definition of 298


hard copy, definition of 298

HAT, see help authoring tools

help 94, 156

authoring tools 28, 147, 298

definition of 300

planning content for 181–183

heuristic evaluations 50

definition of 298

highlighting 60

high-tech work environments 6, 275

fast pace in 20

HLDD (high-level design documents) 101

hover help, see mouseover help

HTML 30, 140

definition of 299

editing 154

human factors, definition of 299

humor 62–63

hyphens 221


icons, for emphasis 60

illustrations 153, 238

tools used for 28

translating 261

image editing tools 153

image files, translation problems with 260

images 150–154

editing 152

imperative mood 63, 70

definition of 299

incorrect documentation, cost of 46

indent, proofreader mark 207

indexes 208, 231–236

informational interviews 39

definition of 299

insert space, proofreader mark 207

installation documentation 95

Intelligent Content Conference 291

internal product names 52

internally facing documentation 142

definition of 299

international audience, writing for 256 see also localization

international documentation, see localization

internships 27

gaining later in life 34

interviews 39

asking for job during 41

difficulty of obtaining 35

dressing for 41

telephone 39

thanking afterward 42

video 40

with subject matter experts 173

INTJ (Myers-Briggs type) 22

introductions, in books 229


for emphasis 60

proofreader mark 207


Java 140

definition of 299

JavaScript, definition of 299

JIRA 100

definition of 299

job experience, need for 26

job levels, of technical writers 284

job shops 272

job-hunting websites 316


changing 287

starting new 164


Keirsey Temperament Sorter 22

knowledge bases 155

definition of 299



expansion of 259

read by users 76

Latin abbreviations 61

LavaCon Conference 291


definition of 299

in image files 151

leading 247

definition of 299

learning about the product 116

left/right pages 240

line illustrations 151

line length 243

linear form 147

LinkedIn 38

links 208

Linux, definition of 299

lists 126

preceding with colons 221

LLDD (low-level design documents) 101

localization 253–262

definition of 300

difference from translation 256

writing for 256


definition of 300

lorem ipsum 247

definition of 300

lowercase, proofreader mark 207


MadCap Flare 147, 158

maintenance of documentation 166


books about 311

of Tech Pubs 285

marcomm 102

definition of 300

marker, definition of 300

marketing requirements documents 100

methodical approach to learning product 120

metrics 286

definition of 300

Microsoft Manual of Style 216

Microsoft products

PowerPoint 153, 159

SharePoint 210

Visio 154, 182

Word 148

milestones 114

definition of 300

mobile devices 140

monospaced fonts

definition of 300

monospaced typefaces 249

MoSCoW method 101

mouseover help 50, 157

definition of 300

moving to other company 287

MRDs 100

multitasking 20, 127

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator 22


names, of products 221

narrative form 147

NDAs (nondisclosure agreements) 288

negatives, avoiding 66

networking 35, 289–291

need for 26

on the web 38

websites 316

new job, starting 164

newbie experience, capturing 121

nondisclosure agreements (NDAs) 288

notes 60

keeping 47

novice users 79

numbers, style guidelines for 221


online help, see help

open source software, definition of 300

operations people 77, 82

organizations, for technical writers 316

Orwell, George 67

outdents 60

definition of 300

outlines 179–181, 188

filling in 184

out-of-the-box experience 80, 125, 148

definition of 300

outsourcing agencies 272

ownership, of what you write 288



in a book 240

layout example 242

single-sided 240

sizes of 241

structure of 241

page-sensitive help 157

Paint.NET, image editing tool 153

paragraph, proofreader mark 207

parallel form, in lists 59

passive voice 57

definition of 301

how to recognize 57

when used 58

PDF Creator 149

PDFs 140, 147, 149, 159

definition of 301

peer editing 205

definition of 301

people management, books about 311

people, working with 21

periods, inserting 207

person (in grammar), definition of 301

personality types 22

personas 75

definition of 301

phone screen 39

photographs 153

placeholders 108, 184

definition of 301

Plain Language 66


as part of document development 107

books about 310

documentation projects 112

single-sourcing projects 146

PMI (Project Management Institute) 20

PMP (Project Management Professional) 20


building 30–32, 314

getting samples for 288

showing proprietary material in 288

PRD, see product requirements documents

present tense, writing in 66

presenting at conferences 292

printed documentation 148

when to provide 148

prioritizing 132

procedure guides 224

procedures 69–71

product knowledge, how to obtain 116

product managers

definition of 301

product names 221

product requirements documents 100

products, how to learn about 117–122

proficiency, expected of technical writers 9

programmers 82

programming languages 140

Project Management Institute 20

Project Management Professional credential 20

project scope 131

proofreading 206–207

marks 207

proprietary 185

definition of 301

proprietary information 288

PTC Arbortext 144

punctuation 221


QA, definition of 301


for a technical writer 4

technical ability 18

quality 125

of documentation 4

tracking 286

quality assurance 301

QuarkXpress 148

quick start guides 81, 101

definition of 301


ragged type 247

definition of 301

raster files 150

definition of 301

translating 260

Read Me First! A Style Guide for the Computer Industry 216

reading levels 52, 65


definition of 302

redoing documentation 109

redundant pairs

definition of 302

reference documentation 102 see also reference-based documentation

reference indexing marker 302

reference-based documentation 91 see also reference documentation

registered trademarks 222

release notes 96–97

reliability 24

requests for proposals (RFPs) 78

requirements documents 100, 172

definition of 302

responsibilities, of technical writers 10


avoiding typos in 33

formatting 32

how long hiring managers look at 32

writing effectively 32

reuse 28, 88–90

reviewers, choosing 191


consolidating feedback from 198

distributing in small chunks 194

email 196

mini 198

process 189–200 see also drafts

sending first draft out 193

tabletop 197

what reviewers can ignore 192

revising documentation 109, 164, 166, 202

revision control 142

revision section, in a manual 230

rewriting documentation 166


definition of 302

Rockley Group 291

rollover help 157

rule of seven, in procedures 71

run books 82

definition of 302


sales people, as users of documentation 78

sandbox 119

definition of 302

sans serif type

in headings 248


breaking down 126

calculating 134–136

creating 131–138

for translation 261–262

scope 131

scorecards 286

screen shots 151

definition of 302

translating 260

Scribus 148


as part of Agile 109

definition of 302

SDLC (software development lifecycle) 109

search engine optimization, definition of 302

second person 62, 67

definition of 302

Section 508 86

definition of 302

self-help 7, 83

definition of 302

sentence case

definition of 303

serial comma

definition of 303

serial commas 68, 221

serifs 245, 246, 249

definition of 303

servers, definition of 303

setting expectations 133

seven steps rule 71

SharePoint 210

sharing content, tools for 29

short sentences 52, 64

short words 52, 58, 64

short-term workers, see contractors

“should,” use of 69

sign-off 190, 209

simple writing 63–66

Simplified Technical English (STE) 65

single sourcing 140

single-sourcing 88–90, 155

definition of 303

planning 146

skills, expected of technical writers 9

social media 155

definition of 303

Society for Technical Communication, see STC


buying used 30

saving money on 29

software build, see build

Software User Assistance Conference 290

specifications 101

definition of 303

specs, see specifications

speed, improving 126

spell out, proofreader mark 207

spell-checking 33, 185, 187, 188, 205, 207

splash page

definition of 303

spreadsheets, for ongoing projects 286

sprints 109

definition of 303

SQL, definition of 303

stakeholders 48

definition of 303

STC 36, 290

presenting at 292

TechComm Summit 36–37

STE see Simplified Technical English

stet, proofreader mark 207, 303

structured authoring

definition of 303

structured content 140, 144, 147

definition of 303

student discounts 29

style guides 53, 164, 213–223, 307

backups 216

classics 216

contents of 214

creating your own 216–224

helping faster work 215

making mandatory 215

suggested contents of 218–223


choosing “right” one 217

defining 216 see also style guides

subject matter experts 115, 173

definition of 304

meeting in person 175

Summit, STC 36–37

support representatives 77, 83

surrogate users 86

definition of 304

surveys 287

.svg 261

.svg file formats 261, 151


tables of contents 208, 227–228

checking document structure with 228

tabletop reviews 197

tags, in XML 143

taking over someone else’s project 165

task analysis 75

task-based approach to learning product 120

task-based documentation 90

TBS (to be supplied) 184

team player, being 24

TechComm Summit 36–37, 290

Technical Communication UK 291

technical communications degree 27

technical communicators, see technical writers

technical knowledge, importance of 18, 117

technical skills, enhancing 289

technical writers

alternative names for 5

aptitudes 7, 18

definition of 4

job levels 284

other names for 5

place in organization 6

qualifications of 4

typical workday of 10–15

where they work 6

TechSmith products

Camtasia 29, 94, 158

TechWhirl 38

TECHWR-L mailing list 38, 290

Tekom Conference 291

telephone screen 39

templates 178, 207, 238, 239–240

definition of 304

tense, definition of 304

testing documentation 201–202

thank-you email, after interview 42

third person, definition of 304

time to complete job, estimating 134–136

time to market 133

definition of 304

title case, definition of 304

title pages 226

to be supplied (TBS) 108, 184

Toastmasters International 292

tools 139–159

books about 309

for books 28

for content reuse 28

for flowcharts 28

for graphics 28

for help 28

for illustrating 28

required by employers 28–29

topic-oriented writing 89

definition of 304

tracking with spreadsheet 286

trademarks 217, 222

trainers 77, 82

training documentation 83, 102

training sessions, attending 85

translation 253–262

difference from localization 256

formatting problems with 259

glossaries 257

language expansion 259

of image files 260

of screen shots 260

process 255

scheduling 261–262

using DITA in 258

writing for 258–261 see also localization

translation company, assessing 254–255

translation memory 256, 257, 258

definition of 304

transpose, proofreader mark 207

triggers 69

definition of 304

troubleshooting 76, 98

definition of 304

documentation 97–98

tutorials 83, 93–159

tools for 29

Twitter 156

typefaces 244–247

bold 86, 186, 207

onscreen 246 see also fonts

types, of users 74

typographical conventions 229

typos, in resumes 33


U.S. Government Printing Office Style Manual 216

UA Europe 290

underlines, for emphasis 60

Unicode, definition of 304

UNIX, definition of 304

unnecessary words 65

eliminating 52

unstructured content 147

updating documentation 88, 165, 166

usability 49–113, 125

definition of 305

Usability Professionals’ Association (UPA) 291

use cases 90

definition of 305

user advocacy, by technical writer 15

user assistance, see help

user experience 49

definition of 305

user guides 92

user interface, definition of 305

user stories, definition of 305

user-centered design 50

definition of 305

user-friendly documentation 55


anticipating needs of 49

expert 79

goals 75

learning about 73–86

meeting 84

novice 79

observing 84

surrogate 86

types 74

when you cannot meet 85

who know more than the writer 74–77

writing for 50, 74–77

writing help for 183

UTF-8, definition of 305


vector files 151

definition of 305

translating 261

verifying, as part of document development 108

version control 142

video interviews 40

voice 57, 295

definition of 305

voiceovers 159


warnings 60

Waterfall 111–112

definition of 305

web content 51

tools used for 28

web servers, definition of 305

web services

definition of 305

web-based application 51


about 313–318

creating own 291

WebWorks ePublisher 147

WFH, see working from home

white papers 102

definition of 305

white space 243

definition of 306

wikis 156, 210

definition of 306

“will,” avoiding use of 67

work for hire, definition of 306

workaround, definition of 306

workarounds 97

workday, typical 10–15

workflows 120

definition of 306

working faster 126

working from home 265–270

working with others 21

difficult people 279

writer’s block, battling 187

Writers UA 290


ability for a technical writer 18

as part of document development 108

books about 308

for localization 256

for translation 258–261

websites 313

wrong font, proofreader mark 207



x-height 245

XMetal 144

XML 30, 140, 144, 147

about 143–145

definition of 306

schemas 143, 306

tags 143

Fair Use Sources

Writing: Cloud Monk's Books (Cloud Monk's Package Manager Book, DevOps for 20 Languages by Cloud Monk and Functional Programming Compare and Contrast 10 Languages by Cloud Monk), Cloud Monk Library, Cloud Monk, Technical Writing, Technical Writing Bibliography, Technical Writing Courses, Writing Tools (AWESOME DokuWiki, Leanpub, DokuWiki, Spell Checker, Grammar Checker - Grammarly, Mind Maps, Outlining), Technical Writing Glossary, Writing Topics, Awesome Writing, GitHub Writing. (navbar_writing)

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the_insider_s_guide_to_technical_writing_index.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/28 03:41 by