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Technical Writing

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Technical writing is a growing profession required in many of today's manufacturing, medical and research organizations. These organizations rely on technical writing to communicate complex information to customers/clients, co-workers or engineers/scientists by incorporating a mix of simplified grammar and easy-to-understand visual communication.

The work of technical writing requires an ability to accurately research and interpret complex technical content and explain it in a format, style, and reading level the audience will either understand or connect with. The range of audiences for technical writing varies widely. By far, the most common form of technical writing is procedural documentation written for the general public (e.g., standardized step-by-step guides and standard operating procedures (SOPs)). Procedural technical writing is used in all types of manufacturing to explain user operation, assembly, installation instructions and personnel work/safety steps. The software industry has grown into one of the largest users of technical writing and relies on procedural documents to describe a program's user operation and installation instructions.

In some applications, technical writing may be written for experts or fellow scientists within a field of work or study. In these applications, technical writing is used to describe a specialized topic with a persuasive bias. Known as white papers, these industry journal articles and academic papers are considered a form of marketing and are written to appeal to readers familiar with a technical topic. Unlike procedural technical writing, white papers often include unique industry terms and data. Sometimes called scientific technical writing, this form of technical writing must show a deep knowledge of a subject and the field of work with the sole purpose of persuading the reader to purchase a product/service, or support an opinion/discovery. The majority of persuasive technical writing documents are ghost written by a technical writer for an organization's industry expert.

In most cases, however, technical writers help convey complex scientific or niche subjects to end users in "laymen's" terms and write purely factual content describing a product or service's assembly, installation or operational procedures. Modern procedural technical writing relies on simple terms and short sentences, rather than detailed explanations with unnecessary information like pronouns, abstract words and/or unfamiliar acronyms. Although technical writing plays an integral role in the work of engineering, health care, and science; it does not require a degree in any of these fields. Instead, the document's author must be an expert in technical writing. An organization's Subject Matter Experts (SMEs), internal specifications, and a formal engineering review process are relied upon to ensure a document's information is accurate. The division of labor is required and allows an organization to achieve the highest level of quality technical documentation. (e.g., Technical writers focus on documentation format, grammar, and style. Engineers and scientists focus on documentation accuracy). Most technical writers hold a degree in a liberal art writing discipline, such as: technical communication, journalism, English, technical journalism, communication, etc. Technical writing is recognized as the largest segment of the technical communication field.

Examples of fields requiring technical writing include computer hardware and software, architecture, engineering, chemistry, aeronautics, robotics, finance, medical, consumer electronics, biotechnology, and forestry.

Bibliography: Books, De-DRM (Calibre and Anna's Archive Shadow Library), Publishers and Publications, (ISBN), Amazon (ASIN), Apple Books-Kindle-eBooks. (navbar_bibliography - see also navbar_shadow_library, navbar_propaganda)

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