
Swift in Depth Table of Contents

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Table of Contents

Brief Table of Contents


Brief Table of Contents

Table of Contents



About this Book

Chapter 1. Introducing Swift in depth

Chapter 2. Modeling data with enums

Chapter 3. Writing cleaner properties

Chapter 4. Making optionals second nature

Chapter 5. Demystifying initializers

Chapter 6. Effortless error handling

Chapter 7. Generics

Chapter 8. Putting the pro in protocol-oriented programming

Chapter 9. Iterators, sequences, and collections

Chapter 10. Understanding map, flatMap, and compactMap

Chapter 11. Asynchronous error handling with Result

Chapter 12. Protocol extensions

Chapter 13. Swift patterns

Chapter 14. Delivering quality Swift code

Chapter 15. Where to Swift from here


Detailed Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Introducing Swift in depth

1.1. The sweet spot of Swift

1.2. Below the surface

1.3. Swift’s downsides

1.3.1. Swift Module stability

1.3.2. Swift Strictness

1.3.3. Swift Protocols are tricky

1.3.4. Swift Concurrency

1.3.5. Venturing away from Apple’s Swift platforms

1.3.6. Swift Compile times

1.4. What you will learn in this Swift book

1.5. How to make the most of this Swift book

1.6. Minimum qualifications

1.7. Swift version


Chapter 2. Swift Modeling data with enums

2.1. Swift Or vs. and

2.1.1. Swift Modeling data with a struct

2.1.2. Swift Turning a struct into an enum

2.1.3. Swift Deciding between structs and enums

2.2. Swift Enums for polymorphism

2.2.1. Compile-time polymorphism

2.3. Enums instead of subclassing

2.3.1. Forming a model for a workout app

2.3.2. Creating a superclass

2.3.3. The downsides of subclassing

2.3.4. Refactoring a data model with enums

2.3.5. Deciding on subclassing or enums

2.3.6. Exercises

2.4. Algebraic data types

2.4.1. Sum types

2.4.2. Product types

2.4.3. Distributing a sum over an enum

2.4.4. Exercise

2.5. A safer use of strings

2.5.1. Dangers of raw values

2.5.2. Matching on strings

2.5.3. Exercises

2.6. Closing thoughts



Chapter 3. Writing cleaner properties

3.1. Computed properties

3.1.1. Modeling an exercise

3.1.2. Converting functions to computed properties

3.1.3. Rounding up

3.2. Lazy properties

3.2.1. Creating a learning plan

3.2.2. When computed properties don’t cut it

3.2.3. Using lazy properties

3.2.4. Making a lazy property robust

3.2.5. Mutable properties and lazy properties

3.2.6. Exercises

3.3. Property observers

3.3.1. Trimming whitespace

3.3.2. Trigger property observers from initializers

3.3.3. Exercises

3.4. Closing thoughts



Chapter 4. Making optionals second nature

4.1. The purpose of optionals

4.2. Clean optional unwrapping

4.2.1. Matching on optionals

4.2.2. Unwrapping techniques

4.2.3. When you’re not interested in a value

4.3. Variable shadowing

4.3.1. Implementing CustomStringConvertible

4.4. When optionals are prohibited

4.4.1. Adding a computed property

4.5. Returning optional strings

4.6. Granular control over optionals

4.6.1. Exercises

4.7. Falling back when an optional is nil

4.8. Simplifying optional enums

4.8.1. Exercise

4.9. Chaining optionals

4.10. Constraining optional Booleans

4.10.1. Reducing a Boolean to two states

4.10.2. Falling back on true

4.10.3. A Boolean with three states

4.10.4. Implementing RawRepresentable

4.10.5. Exercise

4.11. Force unwrapping guidelines

4.11.1. When force unwrapping is “acceptable”

4.11.2. Crashing with style

4.12. Taming implicitly unwrapped optionals

4.12.1. Recognizing IUOs

4.12.2. IUOs in practice

4.12.3. Exercise

4.13. Closing thoughts



Chapter 5. Demystifying initializers

5.1. Struct initializer rules

5.1.1. Custom initializers

5.1.2. Struct initializer quirk

5.1.3. Exercises

5.2. Initializers and subclassing

5.2.1. Creating a board game superclass

5.2.2. The initializers of BoardGame

5.2.3. Creating a subclass

5.2.4. Losing convenience initializers

5.2.5. Getting the superclass initializers back

5.2.6. Exercise

5.3. Minimizing class initializers

5.3.1. Convenience overrides

5.3.2. Subclassing a subclass

5.3.3. Exercise

5.4. Required initializers

5.4.1. Factory methods

5.4.2. Protocols

5.4.3. When classes are final

5.4.4. Exercises

5.5. Closing thoughts



Chapter 6. Effortless error handling

6.1. Errors in Swift

6.1.1. The Error protocol

6.1.2. Throwing errors

6.1.3. Swift doesn’t reveal errors

6.1.4. Keeping the environment in a predictable state

6.1.5. Exercises

6.2. Error propagation and catching

6.2.1. Propagating errors

6.2.2. Adding technical details for troubleshooting

6.2.3. Centralizing error handling

6.2.4. Exercises

6.3. Delivering pleasant APIs

6.3.1. Capturing validity within a type

6.3.2. try?

6.3.3. try!

6.3.4. Returning optionals

6.3.5. Exercise

6.4. Closing thoughts



Chapter 7. Generics

7.1. The benefits of generics

7.1.1. Creating a generic function

7.1.2. Reasoning about generics

7.1.3. Exercise

7.2. Constraining generics

7.2.1. Needing a constrained function

7.2.2. The Equatable and Comparable protocols

7.2.3. Constraining means specializing

7.2.4. Implementing Comparable

7.2.5. Constraining vs. flexibility

7.3. Multiple constraints

7.3.1. The Hashable protocol

7.3.2. Combining constraints

7.3.3. Exercises

7.4. Creating a generic type

7.4.1. Wanting to combine two Hashable types

7.4.2. Creating a Pair type

7.4.3. Multiple generics

7.4.4. Conforming to Hashable

7.4.5. Exercise

7.5. Generics and subtypes

7.5.1. Subtyping and invariance

7.5.2. Invariance in Swift

7.5.3. Swift’s generic types get special privileges

7.6. Closing thoughts



Chapter 8. Putting the pro in protocol-oriented programming

8.1. Runtime versus compile time

8.1.1. Creating a protocol

8.1.2. Generics versus protocols

8.1.3. A trade-off with generics

8.1.4. Moving to runtime

8.1.5. Choosing between compile time and runtime

8.1.6. When a generic is the better choice

8.1.7. Exercises

8.2. The why of associated types

8.2.1. Running into a shortcoming with protocols

8.2.2. Trying to make everything a protocol

8.2.3. Designing a generic protocol

8.2.4. Modeling a protocol with associated types

8.2.5. Implementing a PAT

8.2.6. PATs in the standard library

8.2.7. Other uses for associated types

8.2.8. Exercise

8.3. Passing protocols with associated types

8.3.1. Where clauses with associated types

8.3.2. Types constraining associated types

8.3.3. Cleaning up your API with protocol inheritance

8.3.4. Exercises

8.4. Closing thoughts



Chapter 9. Iterators, sequences, and collections

9.1. Iterating

9.1.1. IteratorProtocol

9.1.2. The IteratorProtocol

9.1.3. The Sequence protocol

9.1.4. Taking a closer look at Sequence

9.2. The powers of Sequence

9.2.1. filter

9.2.2. forEach

9.2.3. enumerated

9.2.4. Lazy iteration

9.2.5. reduce

9.2.6. reduce into

9.2.7. zip

9.2.8. Exercises

9.3. Creating a generic data structure with Sequence

9.3.1. Seeing bags in action

9.3.2. Creating a BagIterator

9.3.3. Implementing AnyIterator

9.3.4. Implementing ExpressibleByArrayLiteral

9.3.5. Exercise

9.4. The Collection protocol

9.4.1. The Collection landscape

9.4.2. MutableCollection

9.4.3. RangeReplaceableCollection

9.4.4. BidirectionalCollection

9.4.5. RandomAccessCollection

9.5. Creating a collection

9.5.1. Creating a travel plan

9.5.2. Implementing Collection

9.5.3. Custom subscripts

9.5.4. ExpressibleByDictionaryLiteral

9.5.5. Exercise

9.6. Closing thoughts



Chapter 10. Understanding map, flatMap, and compactMap

10.1. Becoming familiar with map

10.1.1. Creating a pipeline with map

10.1.2. Mapping over a dictionary

10.1.3. Exercises

10.2. Mapping over sequences

10.2.1. Exercise

10.3. Mapping over optionals

10.3.1. When to use map on optionals

10.3.2. Creating a cover

10.3.3. A shorter map notation

10.3.4. Exercise

10.4. map is an abstraction

10.5. Grokking flatMap

10.5.1. What are the benefits of flatMap?

10.5.2. When map doesn’t cut it

10.5.3. Fighting the pyramid of doom

10.5.4. flatMapping over an optional

10.6. flatMapping over collections

10.6.1. flatMapping over strings

10.6.2. Combining flatMap with map

10.6.3. Using compactMap

10.6.4. Nesting or chaining

10.6.5. Exercises

10.7. Closing thoughts



Chapter 11. Asynchronous error handling with Result

11.1. Why use the Result type?

11.1.1. Result is like Optional, with a twist

11.1.2. Understanding the benefits of Result

11.1.3. Creating an API using Result

11.1.4. Bridging from Cocoa Touch to Result

11.2. Propagating Result

11.2.1. Typealiasing for convenience

11.2.2. The search function

11.3. Transforming values inside Result

11.3.1. flatMapping over Result

11.3.2. Weaving errors through a pipeline

11.3.3. Exercises

11.3.4. Finishing up

11.4. Handling multiple errors with Result

11.4.1. Mixing Result with throwing functions

11.4.2. Exercise

11.5. Error recovery with Result

11.6. Impossible failure and Result

11.6.1. When a protocol defines a Result

11.7. Closing thoughts



Chapter 12. Protocol extensions

12.1. Class inheritance vs. Protocol inheritance

12.1.1. Modeling data horizontally instead of vertically

12.1.2. Creating a protocol extension

12.1.3. Multiple extensions

12.2. Protocol inheritance vs. Protocol composition

12.2.1. Builder a mailer

12.2.2. Protocol inheritance

12.2.3. The composition approach

12.2.4. Unlocking the powers of an intersection

12.2.5. Exercise

12.3. Overriding priorities

12.3.1. Overriding a default implementation

12.3.2. Overriding with protocol inheritance

12.3.3. Exercise

12.4. Extending in two directions

12.4.1. Opting in to extensions

12.4.2. Exercise

12.5. Extending with associated types

12.5.1. A specialized extension

12.5.2. A wart in the extension

12.6. Extending with concrete constraints

12.7. Extending Sequence

12.7.1. Looking under the hood of filter

12.7.2. Creating the Inspect method

12.7.3. Exercise

12.8. Closing thoughts



Chapter 13. Swift patterns

13.1. Dependency injection

13.1.1. Swapping an implementation

13.1.2. Passing a custom Session

13.1.3. Constraining an associated type

13.1.4. Swapping an implementation

13.1.5. Unit testing and Mocking with associated types

13.1.6. Using the Result type

13.1.7. Exercise

13.2. Conditional conformance

13.2.1. Free functionality

13.2.2. Conditional conformance on associated types

13.2.3. Making Array conditionally conform to a custom protocol

13.2.4. Conditional conformance and generics

13.2.5. Conditional conformance on your types

13.2.6. Exercise

13.3. Dealing with protocol shortcomings

13.3.1. Avoiding a protocol using an enum

13.3.2. Type erasing a protocol

13.3.3. Exercise

13.4. An alternative to protocols

13.4.1. With great power comes great unreadability

13.4.2. Creating a generic struct

13.4.3. Rules of thumb for polymorphism

13.5. Closing thoughts



Chapter 14. Delivering quality Swift code

14.1. API documentation

14.1.1. How Quick Help works

14.1.2. Adding callouts to Quick Help

14.1.3. Documentation as HTML with Jazzy


14.2.1. Explain the “why”

14.2.2. Only explain obscure elements

14.2.3. Code has the truth

14.2.4. Comments are no bandage for bad names

14.2.5. Zombie code

14.3. Settling on a style

14.3.1. Consistency is key

14.3.2. Enforcing rules with a linter

14.3.3. Installing SwiftLint

14.3.4. Configuring SwiftLint

14.3.5. Temporarily disabling SwiftLint rules

14.3.6. Autocorrecting SwiftLint rules

14.3.7. Keeping SwiftLint in sync

14.4. Kill the managers

14.4.1. The value of managers

14.4.2. Attacking managers

14.4.3. Paving the road for generics

14.5. Naming abstractions

14.5.1. Generic versus specific

14.5.2. Good names don’t change

14.5.3. Generic naming

14.6. Checklist

14.7. Closing thoughts


Chapter 15. Where to Swift from here

15.1. Build frameworks that build on Linux

15.2. Explore the Swift Package Manager

15.3. Explore frameworks

15.4. Challenge yourself

15.4.1. Join the Swift evolution

15.4.2. Final words


List of Figures

List of Listings

Fair Use Sources

Swift: Swift Fundamentals, Swift Inventor - Swift Language Designer: Chris Lattner, Doug Gregor, John McCall, Ted Kremenek, Joe Groff of Apple Inc. on June 2, 2014; SwiftUI, Apple Development Kits - Apple SDKs (CloudKit, CoreML-ARKit - SiriKit - HomeKit, Foundation Kit - UIKit - AppKit, SpriteKit), Swift Keywords, Swift Built-In Data Types, Swift Data Structures (Swift NSString String Library, Swift NSArray, Swift NSDictionary, Swift Collection Classes) - Swift Algorithms, Swift Syntax, Swift Access Control, Swift Option Types (Swift Optionals and Swift Optional Chaining), Swift Protocol-Oriented Programming, Swift Value Types, Swift ARC (Swift Automatic Reference Counting), Swift OOP - Swift Design Patterns, Clean Swift - Human Interface Guidelines, Swift Best Practices - Swift BDD, Swift Apple Pay, Swift on iOS - Swift on iPadOS - Swift on WatchOS - Swift on AppleTV - Swift on tvOS, Swift on macOS, Swift on Windows, Swift on Linux, Swift installation, Swift Combine framework (SwiftUI framework - SwiftUI, UIKit framework - UIKit, AppKit framework - AppKit, Cocoa framework - Cocoa API (Foundation Kit framework, Application Kit framework, and Core Data framework (Core Data object graph and Core Data persistence framework, Core Data object-relational mapping, Core Data ORM, Core Data SQLite), Apple Combine asynchronous events, Apple Combine event-processing operators, Apple Combine Publisher protocol, Apple Combine Subscriber protocol), Swift containerization, Swift configuration, Swift compiler, Swift IDEs (Apple Xcode (Interface Builder, nib files), JetBrains AppCode), Swift development tools (CocoaPods dependency manager, Swift Package Manager, Swift debugging), Swift DevOps (Swift scripting, Swift command line, Swift observability, Swift logging, Swift monitoring, Swift deployment) - Swift SRE, Swift data science (Core Data, Realm-RealmSwift, Swift SQLite, Swift MongoDB, Swift PostgreSQL), Swift machine learning (Core ML), Swift AR (ARKit), SiriKit, Swift deep learning, Swift IoT (HomeKit), Functional Swift (Swift closures (lambdas - effectively “Swift lambdas”), Swift anonymous functions), Swift concurrency (Apple Combine framework, Swift actors, Swift async, Swift async/await, Grand Central Dispatch (GCD or libdispatch), Swift on multi-core processors, Swift on symmetric multiprocessing systems, Swift task parallelism, Swift thread pool pattern, Swift parallelism), Reactive Swift (RXSwift), Swift testing (XCTest framework, Swift TDD, Swift mocking), Swift security (Swift Keychain, Swift secrets management, Swift OAuth, Swift encryption), Swift server-side - Swift web (Swift Vapor, Swift Kitura), Swift history, Swift bibliography, Manning Swift Series, Swift glossary, Swift topics, Swift courses, Swift Standard Library (Swift REST, Swift JSON, Swift GraphQL), Swift libraries, Swift frameworks (Apple Combine framework, SwiftUI), Swift research, WWDC, Apple GitHub - Swift GitHub, Written in Swift, Swift popularity, Swift Awesome list, Swift Versions, Objective-C. (navbar_swift - see also navbar_iphone, navbar_ios, navbar_ipad, navbar_mobile)

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