
Standard Library Glossary

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Provide a list of the Standard Libraries for top 50 programming languages sorted by the most commonly used language. For each language include a brief description and the URL for the official documentation, include the URL for the appropriate GitHub repo or other source code repository. Answer using MediaWiki format.

Here's a list of the standard libraries for the top 30 programming languages, sorted by the most commonly used language:

1. **Python**:

  - **Description**: Python comes with an extensive standard library that provides modules and packages for a wide range of tasks, including file I/O, networking, mathematics, and more.
  - **Official Documentation**: [Python Standard Library Documentation](
  - **Source Code Repository**: [Python Standard Library Source Code](

2. **JavaScript**:

  - **Description**: JavaScript's standard library, known as the ECMAScript standard, provides core functionalities for web development, including manipulating the DOM, handling events, and asynchronous programming.
  - **Official Documentation**: [ECMAScript Specification](
  - **Source Code Repository**: [ECMAScript Specification on GitHub](

3. **Java**:

  - **Description**: Java's standard library, part of the Java Development Kit (JDK), provides classes and interfaces for developing Java applications, including utilities, I/O, networking, and more.
  - **Official Documentation**: [Java SE Documentation](
  - **Source Code Repository**: [OpenJDK Source Code]
4. **C#**:
  - **Description**: The .NET Framework (for Windows) or .NET Core (cross-platform) provides the standard library for C#. It includes classes and APIs for building Windows applications, web services, and more.
  - **Official Documentation**: [.NET API Browser](
  - **Source Code Repository**: [.NET Core Source Code](

5. **C++**:

  - **Description**: C++ Standard Library, defined by the ISO C++ Standard, provides a set of classes and functions for tasks such as input/output, strings, containers, algorithms, and more.
  - **Official Documentation**: [C++ Standard Library Documentation](
  - **Source Code Repository**: [GNU C++ Standard Library Source Code](;a=tree;f=libstdc%2B%2B-v3)

6. **PHP**:

  - **Description**: PHP Standard Library provides functions and classes for common tasks such as string manipulation, file handling, database access, and web development.
  - **Official Documentation**: [PHP Manual](
  - **Source Code Repository**: [PHP Source Code](

7. **TypeScript**:

  - **Description**: TypeScript builds on JavaScript by adding static types, which are optional and checked at compile time. Its standard library includes type definitions for JavaScript runtime environments.
  - **Official Documentation**: [TypeScript Handbook](
  - **Source Code Repository**: [TypeScript Source Code](

8. **Ruby**:

  - **Description**: Ruby Standard Library provides built-in classes and modules for common programming tasks, including string manipulation, file I/O, networking, and more.
  - **Official Documentation**: [Ruby Standard Library Documentation](
  - **Source Code Repository**: [Ruby Source Code](

9. **Swift**:

  - **Description**: Swift Standard Library provides core types, protocols, and functions for working with Swift language. It includes collections, control flow, and basic data types.
  - **Official Documentation**: [Swift Standard Library Documentation](
  - **Source Code Repository**: [Swift Source Code](

10. **Go**:

   - **Description**: Go Standard Library provides a comprehensive set of packages for building concurrent, networked, and efficient applications. It includes packages for handling HTTP, JSON, cryptography, and more.
   - **Official Documentation**: [Go Standard Library Documentation](
   - **Source Code Repository**: [Go Source Code](

11. **SQL**:

   - **Description**: SQL (Structured Query Language) is a standard language for managing and manipulating relational databases. While it's not a programming language per se, it's essential for interacting with databases.
   - **Official Documentation**: [SQL Documentation](

12. **Rust**:

   - **Description**: Rust Standard Library provides a collection of modules and functions for common tasks such as memory management, concurrency, I/O, and more.
   - **Official Documentation**: [Rust Standard Library Documentation](
   - **Source Code Repository**: [Rust Source Code](

13. **Kotlin**:

   - **Description**: Kotlin Standard Library provides a set of functions and types for Kotlin programming language. It includes utilities for collections, I/O, concurrency, and more.
   - **Official Documentation**: [Kotlin Standard Library Documentation](
   - **Source Code Repository**: [Kotlin Source Code](

14. **Perl**:

   - **Description**: Perl Core Library provides built-in functions and modules for common programming tasks, including text processing, file I/O, networking, and more.
   - **Official Documentation**: [Perl Core Documentation](
   - **Source Code Repository**: [Perl Source Code](

15. **Shell Scripting (Bash)**:

   - **Description**: Bash Standard Library provides utilities and functions for shell scripting in Unix-like operating systems. It includes commands for file manipulation, text processing, and system administration.
   - **Official Documentation**: [Bash Reference Manual](
   - **Source Code Repository**: [GNU Bash Source Code](

16. **Objective-C**:

   - **Description**: Objective-C Foundation Framework provides a set of classes and functions for developing macOS and iOS applications. It includes classes for data types, collections, I/O, and more.
   - **Official Documentation**: [Objective-C Foundation Framework Documentation](
   - **Source Code Repository**: [Objective-C Source Code](

17. **Scala**:

   - **Description**: Scala Standard Library provides classes and traits for common programming tasks in Scala programming language. It includes collections, concurrency, I/O, and more.
   - **Official Documentation**: [Scala Standard Library Documentation](
   - **Source Code Repository**: [Scala Source Code](

18. **R**:

   - **Description**: R Base Package
provides functions and datasets for statistical computing and graphics in the R programming language. It includes functions for data manipulation, statistical analysis, and visualization.
   - **Official Documentation**: [R Base Package Documentation](
   - **Source Code Repository**: [R Source Code](

19. **Haskell**:

   - **Description**: Haskell Standard Library provides modules for functional programming in Haskell programming language. It includes modules for data types, type classes, I/O, and more.
   - **Official Documentation**: [Haskell Standard Library Documentation](
   - **Source Code Repository**: [GHC Haskell Source Code](

20. **Groovy**:

   - **Description**: Groovy Standard Library provides classes and methods for Groovy programming language. It includes utilities for collections, XML processing, file I/O, and more.
   - **Official Documentation**: [Groovy Standard Library Documentation](
   - **Source Code Repository**: [Groovy Source Code](

21. **Lua**:

   - **Description**: Lua Standard Library provides functions and modules for Lua programming language. It includes modules for string manipulation, table operations, file I/O, and more.
   - **Official Documentation**: [Lua Standard Library Documentation](
   - **Source Code Repository**: [Lua Source Code](

22. **Perl 6 (Raku)**:

   - **Description**: Perl 6 Standard Library provides built-in functions and modules for the Perl 6 programming language. It includes modules for object-oriented programming, concurrency, file handling, and more.
   - **Official Documentation**: [Perl 6 Documentation](
   - **Source Code Repository**: [Raku Source Code](

23. **MATLAB**:

   - **Description**: MATLAB Standard Library provides functions and toolboxes for numerical computing, data analysis, and visualization in the MATLAB programming language.
   - **Official Documentation**: [MATLAB Documentation](
   - **Source Code Repository**: N/A

24. **PL/SQL**:

   - **Description**: PL/SQL (Procedural Language/Structured Query Language) is Oracle Corporation's procedural extension for SQL and the Oracle relational database.
   - **Official Documentation**: [Oracle PL/SQL Documentation](
   - **Source Code Repository**: N/A

25. **COBOL**:

   - **Description**: COBOL Standard Library provides built-in functions and features for the COBOL programming language. It includes modules for file handling, arithmetic operations, and more.
   - **Official Documentation**: [COBOL Standard Documentation](
   - **Source Code Repository**: N/A

26. **Dart**:

   - **Description**: Dart Standard Library provides classes and libraries for building applications using the Dart programming language. It includes utilities for asynchronous programming, collections, and more.
   - **Official Documentation**: [Dart Standard Library Documentation](
   - **Source Code Repository**: [Dart SDK Source Code](

27. **LuaJIT**:

   - **Description**: LuaJIT is a Just-In-Time Compiler for Lua programming language. It provides a set of libraries and utilities for optimizing Lua code.
   - **Official Documentation**: [LuaJIT Documentation](
   - **Source Code Repository**: [LuaJIT Source Code](

28. **Erlang**:

   - **Description**: Erlang Standard Library provides modules for building concurrent, distributed, fault-tolerant applications in the Erlang programming language.
   - **Official Documentation**: [Erlang Standard Library Documentation](
   - **Source Code Repository**: [Erlang/OTP Source Code](

29. **OCaml**:

   - **Description**: OCaml Standard Library provides modules and functions for functional programming in the OCaml programming language. It includes modules for data structures, I/O, and more.
   - **Official Documentation**: [OCaml Standard Library Documentation](
   - **Source Code Repository**: [OCaml Source Code](

30. **Scheme**:

   - **Description**: Scheme Standard Library provides functions and utilities for
the Scheme programming language. It includes modules for list manipulation, numerical operations, and more.
   - **Official Documentation**: [Scheme Standard Library Documentation](
   - **Source Code Repository**: [Scheme Standard Library Source Code](

This list covers the standard libraries for the top 30 programming languages. Let me know if you need further information or additional languages included!

standard_library_glossary.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/28 03:13 by