
A. Operators and Functions B. Supplementary Topics

Appendix A. Operators and Functions This appendix covers common operations and functions used in SQLite as a convenient reference. While this book does not cover all the functionalities of SQLite, the functionalities likely to have an immediate need can be found here. The primary goal is to showcase universal SQL concepts that apply to most platforms, not to teach the nuances of the SQLite platform in detail.

A comprehensive coverage of SQLite’s features can be found at https://www.sqlite.org/docs.html.

Appendix A1 – Literal Expression Queries You can test operators and functions easily without querying any tables at all. You simply SELECT an expression of literals as in the following query, which will calculate a single value of 12:

SELECT 5 + 7 Any functions and literals, including text strings, can be tested in this manner as well. This query will check if the word 'TONY' is in the string 'TONY STARK', and it should return 1:

SELECT INSTR('TONY STARK', 'TONY') This is a great way to test operators and functions without using any tables. This appendix will show many examples with this approach, and you can use it for your own experimentation.

Appendix A2 – Mathematical Operators SQLite has a small set of basic math operators. More advanced tasks are usually done with functions, but here are the five core mathematical operators.

Assume x = 7 and y = 3

Operator Description Example Result + Adds two numbers x + y 10 - Subtracts two numbers x - y 4

  • Multiplies two numbers x * y 21

/ Divides two numbers x / y 2 % Divides two numbers, but returns the remainder x % y 1 Appendix A3 – Comparison Operators Comparison operators yield a true (1) or false (0) value based on a comparative evaluation.

Assume x = 5 and y = 10

Operator Description Example Result = and == Checks if two values are equal x = y 0 (false) != and <> Checks if two values are not equal x != y 1 (true)

Checks if value on left is greater than value on right x > y 0 (false)

< Checks if value on left is less than value on right x < y 1 (true)

= Checks if value on left is greater than or equal to value on right x >= y 0 (false)

⇐ Checks if value on left is less than or equal to value on right x ⇐ y 1 (true) APPENDIX A4 – Logical Operators Logical operators allow you combine Boolean expressions as well as perform more conditional operations.

Assume x = true (1) and y = false (0)

Assume a = 4 and b = 10

Operator Description Example Result AND Checks for all Boolean expressions to be true x AND y 0 (false) OR Checks for any Boolean expression to be true x OR y 1 (true) BETWEEN Checks if a value inclusively falls inside a range a BETWEEN 1 and b 1 (true) IN Checks if a value is in a list of values a IN (1,5,6,7) 0 (false) NOT Negates and flips a Boolean expression’s value a NOT IN (1,5,6,7) 1 (true) IS NULL Checks if a value is null a IS NULL 0 (false) IS NOT NULL Checks if a value is not null a IS NOT NULL 1 (true) APPENDIX A5 – Text Operators Text has a limited set of operators, as most text processing tasks are done with functions. There are a few, though. Keep in mind also that regular expressions are beyond the scope of this book, but they are worth studying if you ever work heavily with text patterns.

Assume city = ‘Dallas’ and state = ‘TX’

Operator Description Example Result

Concatenates one or more values together into text city ', '

LIKE Allows wildcards _ and % to look for text patterns state LIKE 'D_l%' 1 (true) REGEXP Matches a text pattern using a regular expression state REGEXP '[A-Z]{2}' 1 (true) NOTE A special note to programmers: REGEXP is not implemented out of the box for SQLite, so you may have to compile or implement it when using SQLite for your app or program.

APPENDIX A6 – Common Core Functions SQLite has many core functions built in. While this is not a comprehensive list, these are the most commonly used ones. A full list of functions and their documentation can be found at http://www.sqlite.org/lang_corefunc.html.

Assume x = –5, y = 2, and z is NULL

Operator Description Example Result abs() Calculates the absolute value of a number abs(x) 5 coalesce() Converts a possible null value into a default value if it is null coalesce(z, y) 2 instr() Checks if a text string contains another text string; if so it returns the index for the found position, and otherwise it returns 0 instr('HTX','TX') 2 length() Provides the number of characters in a string length('Dallas') 6 trim() Removes extraneous spaces on both sides of a string trim(' TX ') TX ltrim() Removes extraneous spaces on the left side of a string ltrim(' TX') TX rtrim() Removes extraneous spaces on the right side of a string rtrim('LA ') LA random() Returns a pseudorandom number from the range

–9223372036854775808 to +9223372036854775807

random() 7328249 round() Rounds a decimal to a specified number of decimal places round(182.245, 2) 182.24 replace() Replaces a substring of text in a string with another string replace('Tom Nield','Tom','Thomas') Thomas Nield substr() Extracts a range of characters from a string with their numeric positions substr('DOG',2,3) OG lower() Turns all letters in a string to lowercase lower('DoG') dog upper() Turns all letters in a string to uppercase upper('DoG') DOG APPENDIX A7 – Aggregate Functions SQLite has a set of aggregate functions you can use with a GROUP BY statement to get a scoped aggregation in some form.

X = a column you specify the aggregation on

Function Description avg(X) Calculates the average of all values in that column (omits null values). count(X) Counts the number of non-null values in that column. count(*) Counts the number of records. max(X) Calculates the maximum value in that column (omits null values). min(X) Calculates the minimum value in that column (omits null values). sum(X) Calculates the sum of the values in that column (omits null values). group_concat(X) Concatenates all non-null values in that column. You can also provide a second argument specifying a separator, like commas. APPENDIX A8 – Date and Time Functions Functionality for dates and times in SQL varies greatly between database platforms. Therefore, this book does not cover this topic outside this appendix. You will need to learn the date/time syntax for your specific database platform. Some platforms, such as MySQL, make working with date/time values very intuitive, while others can be less intuitive.

For SQLite, date and time functions cannot be comprehensively covered here as that would be beyond the scope of this book. But the most common date and time tasks will be covered in this section. Full documentation of SQLite date and time handling can be found at the SQLite website (http://www.sqlite.org/lang_datefunc.html).

Date Functions When working with dates, it is simplest to store them in the string format YYYY-MM-DD as most database platforms inherently understand this format (technically called the ISO8601 format). A four-digit year comes first, following by a two-digit month, and a two-digit day, each separated by a dash (e.g., 2015-06-17). If you format your date strings like this, you will never have to do any explicit conversions.

When running a query, any string in the 'YYYY-MM-DD' date format will be interpreted as a date. This means you can do chronological tasks like comparing one date to another date:

SELECT '2015-05-14' > '2015-01-12' If you do not use this ISO8601 format, SQLite will compare them as text strings and check if the first text comes before the second text alphabetically. This obviously is not desirable as you want dates to be evaluated, compared, and treated as dates.

Conveniently, you can get today’s date by passing a 'now' string to the DATE() function:

SELECT DATE('now') SQLite also allows you to pass any number of modifier arguments to the DATE() function. For instance, you can get yesterday’s date by passing '-1 day' as an argument:

SELECT DATE('now','-1 day') You can pass also pass a date string to the DATE() function, and add any number of modifiers to transform the date. This example will add three months and subtract one day from 2015-12-07:

SELECT DATE('2015-12-07','+3 month','-1 day') There are several advanced date transformations you can perform. Refer to the SQLite date functions link at the beginning of this section to get a comprehensive overview of these functionalities.

Time Functions Time also has a typical format, which is HH:MM:SS (this also is ISO8601 standard). HH is a two-digit military format of hours, MM is a two-digit format of minutes, and SS is a two-digit format of seconds . The separator is a colon. If you format times like this, the strings will always be interpreted as time values. This string represents a time value of 4:31 PM and 15 seconds:

SELECT '16:31:15' You can omit the seconds value if you are not concerned with it. SQLite will infer the seconds value to be 00:

SELECT '16:31' Just like with dates, you can do all kinds of operations with times, like comparing one time value to another:

SELECT '16:31' < '08:31' The 'now' string also works with the TIME() function to get the current time:

SELECT TIME('now') Also like with dates, you can use the TIME() function to perform transformations such as adding or subtracting hours, minutes, and seconds:

SELECT TIME('16:31','+1 minute') Date/Time Functions You can have a date that also has a time value. Reasonably, the standard string format is the date and time formats concatenated together, separated by a space: ‘YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS’. SQLite will recognize a string in this format to be a date/time value:

SELECT '2015-12-13 16:04:11' All the rules from the DATE() and TIME() functions can apply to the DATETIME() function. You can use 'now', transformations, and any other chronological operations we have learned. For instance, you can subtract a day from a date/time value and add three hours:

SELECT DATETIME('2015-12-13 16:04:11','-1 day','+3 hour') There are several other functions and features for working with dates and time in SQLite, including converting dates into alternative formats and compensating for times zones. There is also support for Unix time and the Julian day number system. As said earlier, go to http://www.sqlite.org/lang_datefunc.html to get a comprehensive list of these functionalities.

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