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Say Golang or Go

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“Curious what the common approach to this is. It's tough sometimes to say or write “Go”, especially when the audience or person isn't familiar with it. “golang” is easy because appending “lang” onto it is self-describing. But it feels odd always referring to Go as “golang”. With that being said, the word “go” is obviously common. Curious to know when you use either. Or if you don't use one of them at all conversationally or in your publications.


There are only five occasions when I write ”golang“ instead of “Go”:

Domain name:

Twitter hashtag: #golang

Subreddit name: r/golang -

Google groups: golang-nuts (!forum/golang-nuts) and golang-dev

Discussions about “golang” vs. “Go

I say “Go” when it's obvious from context I'm referring to the Go programming language.

I say ”Go language“ when it's not obvious.

I pretty much only use ”golang“ when Googling.

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say_golang_or_go.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/28 03:21 by