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satya [ satya ]2[ saty'a ] mf ([ A ]) n. true, real, actual, genuine, sincere, honest, truthful, faithful, pure, virtuous, good. successful, effectual, valid ([ satyaM-√ kR ], ` to make true, ratify, realise, fulfil ') RV. &c. &c. (1) m. the uppermost of the seven Lokas or worlds (the abode of Brahmā and heaven of truth (2) See [ loka ]) L. (3) N. of the ninth Kalpa (q. v.) Pur. (4) the Aśvattha tree L. (5) N. of Viṣṇu L. (6) of Rāma-candra L. (7) of a supernatural being Gaut. VarBṛS. Hcat (8) of a deity presiding over the Nāndī-mukha Śrāddha L. (9) of one of the Viśve Devāh Cat. (10) of a Vyāsa Cat. (11) of a son of Havir-dhāna BhP. (12) of a son of Vitatya MBh. (13) of one of the 7 Ṛshis in various Manvantaras Hariv. Pur. (14) (with [ AcArya ]) N. of an astronomer (author of the Horā-śāstra) VarBṛS. (15) pl. N. of a class of gods in various Manvantaras Hariv. Pur. (16) ([ A ]), f. speaking the truth, sincerity, veracity W. (17) a partic. Śakti Pañcar. (18) N. of Durgā Cat. (19) of Śitā L. (20) of Satyavatī (mother of Vyāsa) L. (21) = [ satya-bhAmA ] MBh. Hariv. Śiś. (22) of the family deity of the Kutsas and Atharvans Cat. (23) of a daughter of Dharma (and wife of Śaṃ-yu) MBh. (24) of the mother of Satya (= [ tuSita ]) VP. (25) of the wife of Manthu (and mother of Bhauvana) BhP. (26) of a daughter of Nagna-jit (and wife of Kṛshṇa) ib. (27) ([ am ]), n. truth, reality ([ satyena ], ` truly ', ` certainly ', ` really ' (28) [ k'asmAt s'atyAt ], ` for what reason, how is it that? ' [ t'ena saty'ena ], ` for that reason, so truly ' (29) [ yathA-tena ] [ or [ evaM ] ] [ satyena ], ` as-so truly ' (30) with Buddhists truth is of two kinds, viz. [ saMvRti- ] and [ param^artha-satyam ], ` truth by general consent ' and ` self-evident truth ' Dharmas. 95 (31) for the four fundamental truths of Buddhists, See MWB. 43 ; 56) RV. &c. &c. (32) speaking the truth, sincerity, veracity KenUp. Mn. R. &c. (33) a solemn asseveration, vow, promise, oath ([ satyaM cikIrSamANa ], ` wishing to fulfil one's promise or keep one's word ') AV. &c. &c. (34) demonstrated conclusion, dogma W. (35) the quality of goodness or purity or knowledge MW. (36) the first of the four Yugas or ages (= 1. [ -kRt'a ], q. v.) L. (37) a partic. mythical weapon R. (38) the uppermost of the 7 Lokas (See under m.) Vedântas. BhP. (39) one of the 7 Vyāhṛtis L. (40) partic. Satya-formula ĀśvŚr. (41) = [ udaka ], water Naigh. i, 12 (42) (also with [ prajApateH ]) N. of Sāmans ĀrshBr. ŚrS. (43) ([ 'am ]), ind. (g. [ c^adi ] and [ svar-Adi ]) truly, indeed, certainly, verily, necessarily, yes, very well ([ satyam-tu ], [ kiM tu ], [ tath^api ], ` it is true - but, yet, however ' (44) [ yat sasyam ], ` indeed, certainly ') RV. &c. &c. [ Cf. accord. to some, Gk. ?. ] ==⇒ [ satya ]1[ satya ] &c. See p. 1135, col. 3 ==⇒ satya-darśin [ satyadarzin ]3[ saty'a-darzin ] mfn. truth seeing, truth-discerning ib. (1) m. N. of a Ṛshi in the 13th Manvantara Hariv. (v. l. [ tattva-d° ]) (2) of a man Lalit. ==⇒ satya-dṛś [ satyadRz ]3[ saty'a-dRz ] mfn. = [ -darzin ] BhP. ==⇒ satya-ketu [ satyaketu ]3[ saty'a-ketu ] m. N. of a Buddha Lalit. (1) of a son of Dharma-ketu Hariv. Pur. (2) of a son of Su-kumāra Hariv. (3) of a son of Akrūra ib. ==⇒ satya-vacana [ satyavacana ]3[ saty'a-vacana ] n. the speaking of truth ChUp. Gaut. Āpast. MBh. —> a promise, solemn assurance R. Kathās (1) claiming of merit or reward Divyâv (2) mfn. speaking the truth VarBṛS. (3) [ °n^artham ] ind. for the sake of telling the truth MW. ==⇒ satya-vāc [ satyavAc ]3[ saty'a-v'Ac ] f. true speech Subh (1) assurance RV. (2) mfn. truth-speaking, veracious RV. TS. AV. &c. (3) m. a Ṛshi L. (4) a partic. spell spoken over weapons R. (5) a crow L. (6) N. of a Deva-gandharva MBh. (7) of a Ṛshi ib. (8) of a son of Manu Cākshusha Hariv. VP. (9) of a son of Manu Sāvarṇa MārkP. ==⇒ satya-vāda [ satyavAda ]3[ saty'a-vAda ] m. the giving of a promise, a promise R. ==⇒ satya-vādin [ satyavAdin ]3[ saty'a-vAd'in ] mfn. = [ -vAcaka ] AV. Br. Mn. &c. (1) m. N. of Kauśika MBh. (2) ([ inI ]), f. a form of Dākshāyaṇi Cat. (3) N. of a goddess of the Bodhi-tree Lalit. (4) [ °di-tA ] f. (Kām.) or [ °di-tva ] n. (Hit.) veracity, truthfulness ==⇒ satyaka [ satyaka ]2[ satyaka ] mfn. = [ satya ] W. (1) m. N. of a son of Śini MBh. Hariv. Pur. (2) of a son of Manu Raivata MārkP. (3) of a son of Kṛshṇa and Bhadrā BhP. (4) pl. N. of a class of deities under Manu Tamasa BhP. —> n. ratification of a bargain L. ==⇒ satyatva [ satyatva ]3[ saty'a-tva ] n. reality, truth Kathās. Sarvad. &c. (1) veracity MBh. ==⇒ satyatā [ satyatA ]3[ saty'a-t'A ] f. reality, truth ([ agrya-satyatAM-√ gam ], ` to become fully recognised in one's true character ' Rājat.) ŚBr. Kathās (1) love of truth, veracity MBh. R. &c.

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