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24 Principles of Creation According to Sankhya 1: Prakruti 2: Mahad (Universal Intelligence) Buddhi (Individual Intellect) 3: Ahamkara Formed from the Interaction of Sattva and Rajas 4: Manas Sensory Faculties (Jnanendriya): 5: Hearing 6: Touch 7: Vision 8: Taste 9: Smell Motor Faculties (Karmendriya): 10: Speech 11: Grasping 12: Walking 13: Procreation 14: Elimination Formed from the Interaction of Tamas and Rajas Objects of Sensory Perception (Tanmatras): 15: Sound (Shabda) 16: Touch (Sparsha) 17: Form (Rupa) 18: Taste (Rasa) 19: Odor (Gandha) Five Elements (Maha Bhutas): 20: Ether (Akasha) 21: Air (Vayu) 22: Fire (Agni) 23: Water (Apas) 24: Earth (Pruthivi)

Vaidya Vasant Lad, Textbook of Ayurveda Volume 1, 2001: p. 6

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