
Rust in Action, 1st Edition, Table of Contents

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Brief Table of Contents

Detailed Table of Contents

Part 1 Rust language distinctives

  • Part 1 Rust language distinctives
  • 3.2 Modeling files with struct
  • 3.3 Adding methods to a struct with impl

Simplifying object creation by implementing new()

  • 3.4 Returning errors

Modifying a known global variable

Making use of the Result return type

  • 3.5 Defining and making use of an enum

Using an enum to manage internal state

  • 3.6 Defining common behavior with traits

Creating a Read trait

Implementing std::fmt::Display for your own types

  • 3.7 Exposing your types to the world

Protecting private data

  • 3.8 Creating inline documentation for your projects

Using rustdoc to render docs for a single source file

Using cargo to render docs for a crate and its dependencies

  • 4 Lifetimes, ownership, and borrowing
  • 4.1 Implementing a mock CubeSat ground station

Encountering our first lifetime issue

Special behavior of primitive types

  • 4.2 Guide to the figures in this chapter
  • 4.3 What is an owner? Does it have any responsibilities?
  • 4.4 How ownership moves
  • 4.5 Resolving ownership issues

Use references where full ownership is not required

Use fewer long-lived values

Duplicate the value

Wrap data within specialty types

Part 2 Demystifying systems programming

  • 5 Data in depth
  • 5.1 Bit patterns and types
  • 5.2 Life of an integer

Understanding endianness

  • 5.3 Representing decimal numbers
  • 5.4 Floating-point numbers

Looking inside an f32

Isolating the sign bit

Isolating the exponent

Isolate the mantissa

Dissecting a floating-point number

  • 5.5 Fixed-point number formats
  • 5.6 Generating random probabilities from random bytes
  • 5.7 Implementing a CPU to establish that functions are also data

CPU RIA/1: The Adder

Full code listing for CPU RIA/1: The Adder

CPU RIA/2: The Multiplier

CPU RIA/3: The Caller

CPU 4: Adding the rest

  • 6 Memory
  • 6.1 Pointers
  • 6.2 Exploring Rust’s reference and pointer types

Raw pointers in Rust

Rust’s pointer ecosystem

Smart pointer building blocks

  • 6.3 Providing programs with memory for their data

The stack

The heap

What is dynamic memory allocation?

Analyzing the impact of dynamic memory allocation

  • 6.4 Virtual memory


Step 1: Having a process scan its own memory

Translating virtual addresses to physical addresses

Step 2: Working with the OS to scan an address space

Step 3: Reading from and writing to process memory

  • 7 Files and storage
  • 7.1 What is a file format?
  • 7.2 Creating your own file formats for data storage

Writing data to disk with serde and the bincode format

  • 7.3 Implementing a hexdump clone
  • 7.4 File operations in Rust

Opening a file in Rust and controlling its file mode

Interacting with the filesystem in a type-safe manner with std::fs::Path

  • 7.5 Implementing a key-value store with a log-structured, append-only storage architecture

The key-value model

Introducing actionkv v1: An in-memory key-value store with a command-line interface

  • 7.6 Actionkv v1: The front-end code

Tailoring what is compiled with conditional compilation

  • 7.7 Understanding the core of actionkv: The libactionkv crate

Initializing the ActionKV struct

Processing an individual record

Writing multi-byte binary data to disk in a guaranteed byte order

Validating I/O errors with checksums

Inserting a new key-value pair into an existing database

The full code listing for actionkv

Working with keys and values with HashMap and BTreeMap

Creating a HashMap and populating it with values

Retrieving values from HashMap and BTreeMap

How to decide between HashMap and BTreeMap

Adding a database index to actionkv v2.0

  • 8 Networking
  • 8.1 All of networking in seven paragraphs
  • 8.2 Generating an HTTP GET request with reqwest
  • 8.3 Trait objects

What do trait objects enable?

What is a trait object?

Creating a tiny role-playing game: The rpg project

  • 8.4 TCP

What is a port number?

Converting a hostname to an IP address

  • 8.5 Ergonomic error handling for libraries

Issue: Unable to return multiple error types

Wrapping downstream errors by defining our own error type

Cheating with unwrap() and expect()

  • 8.6 MAC addresses

Generating MAC addresses

  • 8.7 Implementing state machines with Rust’s enums
  • 8.8 Raw TCP
  • 8.9 Creating a virtual networking device
  • 8.10 “Raw” HTTP
  • 9 Time and timekeeping
  • 9.1 Background
  • 9.2 Sources of time
  • 9.3 Definitions
  • 9.4 Encoding time

Representing time zones

  • 9.5 clock v0.1.0: Teaching an application how to tell the time
  • 9.6 clock v0.1.1: Formatting timestamps to comply with ISO 8601 and email standards

Refactoring the clock v0.1.0 code to support a wider architecture

Formatting the time

Providing a full command-line interface

clock v0.1.1: Full project

  • 9.7 clock v0.1.2: Setting the time

Common behavior

Setting the time for operating systems that use libc

Setting the time on MS Windows

clock v0.1.2: The full code listing

  • 9.8 Improving error handling
  • 9.9 clock v0.1.3: Resolving differences between clocks with the Network Time Protocol (NTP)

Sending NTP requests and interpreting responses

Adjusting the local time as a result of the server’s response

Converting between time representations that use different precisions and epochs

clock v0.1.3: The full code listing

  • 10 Processes, threads, and containers
  • 10.1 Anonymous functions
  • 10.2 Spawning threads

Introduction to closures

Spawning a thread

Effect of spawning a few threads

Effect of spawning many threads

Reproducing the results

Shared variables

  • 10.3 Differences between closures and functions
  • 10.4 Procedurally generated avatars from a multithreaded parser and code generator

How to run render-hex and its intended output

Single-threaded render-hex overview

Spawning a thread per logical task

Using a thread pool and task queue

  • 10.5 Concurrency and task virtualization


What is a context switch?




Why use an operating system (OS) at all?

  • 11 Kernel
  • 11.1 A fledgling operating system (FledgeOS)

Setting up a development environment for developing an OS kernel

Verifying the development environment

  • 11.2 Fledgeos-0: Getting something working

First boot

Compilation instructions

Source code listings

Panic handling

Writing to the screen with VGA-compatible text mode

_start(): The main() function for FledgeOS

  • 11.3 fledgeos-1: Avoiding a busy loop

Being power conscious by interacting with the CPU directly

fledgeos-1 source code

  • 11.4 fledgeos-2: Custom exception handling

Handling exceptions properly, almost

fledgeos-2 source code

  • 11.5 fledgeos-3: Text output

Writing colored text to the screen

Controlling the in-memory representation of enums

Why use enums?

Creating a type that can print to the VGA frame buffer

Printing to the screen

fledgeos-3 source code

  • 11.6 fledgeos-4: Custom panic handling

Implementing a panic handler that reports the error to the user

Reimplementing panic() by making use of core::fmt::Write

Implementing core::fmt::Write

fledge-4 source code

  • 12 Signals, interrupts, and exceptions
  • 12.1 Glossary

Signals vs. interrupts

  • 12.2 How interrupts affect applications
  • 12.3 Software interrupts
  • 12.4 Hardware interrupts
  • 12.5 Signal handling

Default behavior

Suspend and resume a program’s operation

Listing all signals supported by the OS

  • 12.6 Handling signals with custom actions

Global variables in Rust

Using a global variable to indicate that shutdown has been initiated

  • 12.7 Sending application-defined signals

Understanding function pointers and their syntax

  • 12.8 Ignoring signals
  • 12.9 Shutting down from deeply nested call stacks

Introducing the sjlj project

Setting up intrinsics in a program

Casting a pointer to another type

Compiling the sjlj project

sjlj project source code

  • 12.10 A note on applying these techniques to platforms without signals
  • 12.11 Revising exceptions

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rust_in_action_1st_edition_table_of_contents.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/28 03:24 (external edit)