
Ruby on Rails (RoR)

Ruby: Ruby Fundamentals, Ruby Inventor - Ruby Language Designer: Yukihiro Matsumoto in 1995; Ruby scripting, Rails, RubyGems, Ruby keywords, Ruby Built-In Data Types, Ruby data structures - Ruby algorithms, Ruby syntax, Ruby OOP - Ruby design patterns, Ruby for Chef, Ruby for Puppet, Ruby on Linux, Ruby on macOS, Ruby on Windows, Ruby installation, Ruby containerization, Ruby configuration, Ruby compiler - Ruby interpreter (Matz's Ruby Interpreter or Ruby MRI, also called CRuby), Ruby IDEs (RubyMine), Ruby development tools, Ruby DevOps - Ruby SRE, Ruby data science - Ruby DataOps, Ruby machine learning, Ruby deep learning, Functional Ruby, Ruby concurrency, Ruby history, Ruby bibliography, Ruby glossary, Ruby topics, Ruby courses, Ruby Standard Library, Ruby libraries, Ruby frameworks (Ruby on Rails), Ruby research, Ruby GitHub, Written in Ruby, Ruby popularity, Ruby Awesome list, Ruby Versions. (navbar_ruby)

Return to Ruby, Ruby libraries, Web frameworks, Web development, JavaScript web frameworks (React-Vue), TypeScript web frameworks (Angular), Node.js web frameworks (Express.js), C# web frameworks ( .NET web framework), Java web frameworks (Spring Boot, Quarkus, Vert.x, Jakarta EE MicroProfile), Kotlin web frameworks (Spring Boot, Javalin, KTor), Scala web frameworks (Play Framework, Akka HTTP), Python web frameworks (Django, Flask), PHP web frameworks (Laravel, Symfony, Zend Framework / Laminas Project, CakePHP), Ruby web frameworks (Ruby on Rails, Sinatra), Golang web frameworks (Gorilla, Goji, Gin Gonic), Rust web frameworks (Actix Web, Rocket)

Ruby on Rails (Rails) is a web application framework written in Ruby.

Snippet from Wikipedia: Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails (simplified as Rails) is a server-side web application framework written in Ruby under the MIT License. Rails is a model–view–controller (MVC) framework, providing default structures for a database, a web service, and web pages. It encourages and facilitates the use of web standards such as JSON or XML for data transfer and HTML, CSS and JavaScript for user interfacing. In addition to MVC, Rails emphasizes the use of other well-known software engineering patterns and paradigms, including convention over configuration (CoC), don't repeat yourself (DRY), and the active record pattern.

Ruby on Rails' emergence in 2005 greatly influenced web app development, through innovative features such as seamless database table creations, migrations, and scaffolding of views to enable rapid application development. Ruby on Rails' influence on other web frameworks remains apparent today, with many frameworks in other languages borrowing its ideas, including Django in Python; Catalyst in Perl; Laravel, CakePHP and Yii in PHP; Grails in Groovy; Phoenix in Elixir; Play in Scala; and Sails.js in Node.js.

Well-known sites that use Ruby on Rails include Airbnb, Crunchbase, Dribbble, GitHub, Twitch and Shopify.

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