
Refactoring Patterns Quick Overview

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Refactoring Patterns Quick Overview

Quick overview of refactoring patterns

From Five Lines of Code inside front cover:

  • EXTRACT METHOD (P3.2.1) — Takes part of one method and extracts it into its own method.
  • REPLACE TYPE CODE WITH CLASSES (P4.1.3) — Transforms an enum into an interface, and the enums’ values become classes.
  • PUSH CODE INTO CLASSES (P4.1.5) — Is a natural continuation of REPLACE TYPE CODE WITH CLASSES (P4.1.3), as it moves functionality into classes.
  • INLINE METHOD (P4.1.7) — Removes methods that no longer add readability to our program.
  • SPECIALIZE METHOD (P4.2.2) — Removes unnecessary and problematic generality from methods.
  • TRY DELETE THEN COMPILE (P4.5.1) — Removes unused methods from interfaces and classes when we know their entire scope.
  • UNIFY SIMILAR CLASSES (P5.1.1) — Unifies two or more classes that differ from each other in a set of constant methods.
  • COMBINE ifS (P5.2.1) — Reduces duplication by joining consecutive ifs that have identical bodies.
  • INTRODUCE STRATEGY PATTERN (P5.4.2) — Replaces variance through if by instead instantiating classes.
  • EXTRACT INTERFACE FROM IMPLEMENTATION (P5.4.4) — Replaces dependencies on a class with an interface.
  • ELIMINATE GETTER OR SETTER (P6.1.3) — Eliminates getters and setters by moving the functionality closer to the data.
  • ENCAPSULATE DATA (P6.2.3) — Localizes invariants related to variables and makes cohesion clearer.
  • ENFORCE SEQUENCE (P6.4.1) — Makes the compiler guarantee things happen in a specific order.

“ (5LoC 2021)

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refactoring_patterns_quick_overview.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/28 03:37 (external edit)