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Play Framework

Play Web Framework


Return to Play Framework, Play Framework libraries, Web frameworks, Web development, JavaScript web frameworks (React-Vue), TypeScript web frameworks (Angular), Node.js web frameworks (Express.js), C# web frameworks ( .NET web framework), Java web frameworks (Spring Boot, Quarkus, Vert.x, Jakarta EE MicroProfile), Kotlin web frameworks (Spring Boot, Javalin, KTor), Scala web frameworks (Play Framework, Akka HTTP), Python web frameworks (Django, Flask), PHP web frameworks (Laravel, Symfony, Zend Framework / Laminas Project, CakePHP), Ruby web frameworks (Ruby on Rails, Sinatra), Golang web frameworks (Gorilla, Goji, Gin Gonic), Rust web frameworks (Actix Web, Rocket)

Snippet from Wikipedia: Play Framework

Play Framework is an open-source web application framework which follows the model–view–controller (MVC) architectural pattern. It is written in Scala and usable from other programming languages that are compiled to JVM bytecode, e.g. Java. It aims to optimize developer productivity by using convention over configuration, hot code reloading and display of errors in the browser.

Support for the Scala programming language has been available since version 1.1 of the framework. In version 2.0, the framework core was rewritten in Scala. Build and deployment was migrated to SBT, and templates use Scala instead of Apache Groovy.

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play_framework.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/28 03:29 by