

(DevOps deployment navbar)

Return to GitOps, DevOps deployment, Kubernetes-Docker, Linux configuration (Unix shell initialization - bash profile) Ansible-Terraform, Package manager, Package management, Packages, Configuration, Configuration automation, Deployment automation, Continuous deployment, Delivery, Continuous delivery, Integration, Continuous integration, CI-CD, CI/CD, Version control, GitHub, GitHub Actions, GitHub CLI, AWS Cloud Shell, AWS Tools for PowerShell, Azure Cloud Shell, Azure PowerShell, Google Cloud Shell, Oracle Cloud Shell (Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Cloud Shell), IBM Cloud Shell, Linode Cloud Shell, DigitalOcean Cloud Shell, GitHub Codespaces IDE, AWS Cloud9 IDE, Databricks Cloud Shell, JetBrains, Azure DevOps, JetBrains TeamCity, Management, Configuration management

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“Octopus takes over where your CI server ends, enabling you to easily automate even the most complex app deployments, whether on-prem or in the cloud.” Fair Use Source: https://twitter.com/OctopusDeploy

Located in Brisbane, Australia

Continuous delivery of ASP.NET/IIS applications and Windows Services to the cloud or on-premises.

Octopus Deploy helps you to automate your .NET application deployments, whether your servers are on-premises or in the cloud.

You probably have an automated build server like VSTS Team Build, TeamCity, Bamboo or Jenkins. They are great at compiling code and running unit tests - the ‘continuous integration’ part of continuous delivery. Octopus Deploy is your build server's best friend: it takes the output of the build, deploys it to the target servers, and configures it for the environment.

Octopus Deploy lets you automate most common deployment tasks without having to write PowerShell. That includes:

  • Replacing application settings
  • Swapping connection strings
  • Running environment-specific configuration transforms
  • Configuring IIS application pools and web sites
  • Installing and updating Windows Services

You can test drive Octopus Deploy with a free 45-day trial and see for yourself how Octopus fits into your application delivery pipeline. At the end of the trial, you can purchase a commercial license key which is priced to suit your needs and usage.”

Fair Use Source: https://azuremarketplace.microsoft.com/en-us/marketplace/apps/octopus.octopusdeploy

Chocolatey Deployment

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octopus.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/28 03:25 by