
The Most Common Chinese Characters in Order of Frequency by Zein Patrick Hassel

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Most Common Chinese Characters

  • 15 - - s[[hàng]] above, on, over, top, (go) up, last, previous
  • 18 - - dào to, towards, until, arrive, reach


  • 83 - - yòu again, both… and…

  • chǔ deal with, get along with somebody
  • decilitre

  • dào invert, (move) backwards, pour, contrary to expectations

  • 401 - - take, get, fetch

  • be missing
  • 469 - - pull, drag, haul
  • 480 - 怕 - [pà] (=害怕 hàipà) to fear; pà horrible
  • 482 - 调 (F 調) - diào] shift, tone
  • [na] (used in orders and exclamations)

  • 529 - 突 - [tū] charge forward, stick out; 突rán suddenly
  • 533 - 吧 - [ba] at end of sentence, indicates suggestion

  • 557 - 底 - [dǐ] bottom; 彻底 chèdǐ thorough; dàodǐ after all
  • 559 - 省 - [shěng] province, economize, omit
  • 569 - 破 - [pò] smash; 破坏 pòhuài ruin; 破烂 pòn worn out
  • 572 - 批 - <classifier for a batch/lot>, comment, criticize, refute; 批评 píng criticize
  • 580 - 奇 - marvellous, (=) rare, strange
  • odd (not even)
  • 581 - 害 - [hài harmful; 害 hàichóng destructive insect; 厉害 hai fierce
  • 600 - 严 (F 嚴) - yán severe, stern

  • 601 - 铁 (F 鐵) - [tiě] iron; tiě underground, subway
  • 607 - - [xuè] blood
  • 619 - 云 - n] say, (F 雲) (=云彩 ncai) cloud
  • [ē] 阿弥陀佛ētuógó Amitabha = Buddha preserve us
  • 630 - 村 - [cūn] village, rustic; 农村 nóngcūn countryside, village
  • 631 - 刀 - o] knife
  • [yō] 杭育 ng]]yō heave-ho, yo-ho
  • 641 - 买 (F 買) - i] buy
  • [hè] shout
  • 649 - 背 - bèi back
  • i] carry on the back

  • 652 - 卫 (F 衛) - wèi 卫 defend; 卫 sanitary; 卫星 satellite
  • 653 - 列 - [liè] column, line up; 列 lièchē train; 排列 iliè arrange
  • 656 - 乱 (F 亂) - [luàn chaotic, disorderly, messy; 混乱 nluàn chaos
  • 660 - 咱 - [zán (=咱 zánmen) we = you and I
  • 667 - 排 - i] arrange, row, line
  • 677 - 啊 - [a] (used as phrase suffix, indicating obviousness/impatience)
  • [ǎ] (indicating puzzled surprise)
  • [à] (indicating agreement/approval); 啊,吧! ?, hǎoba! Well, OK!

  • 748 - (F 惡) - [è] evil

  • 751 - 罪 - zuì crime, guilt
  • 755 - 藏 - ng] store; conceal, hide
  • 761 - - jiǎo] horn, corner, dime
  • 766 - 草 - [cǎo] grass; 草莓 cǎoi]] strawberry
  • 769 - 露 - (=露 shui) dew, show, reveal, betray
  • [lòu] reveal
  • 773 - 层 (F 層) - ng] layer, level, storey
  • 775 - 差 - [c differ, wrong
  • [cī] rank
  • [cuō] stumble
  • 780 - 密 - thick, dense
  • 787 - 毒 - (毒) poison; (毒) drug; 毒 virus
  • 788 - 归 (F 歸) - [guī] return
  • 796 - 退 - [tuì] go backwards, (=退 hòutuì) retreat; 撤退 chètuì withdraw
  • 798 - 丝 (F 絲) - silk, thread

  • o] encourage, console
  • 810 - 评 (F 評) - píng] criticize, comment, review
  • 811 - 追 - [zhuī pursue
  • 818 - 跑 - [pǎo] run
  • 820 - 叶 - (F 葉) leaf (of a plant)
  • [xié] harmonize
  • 821 - 压 (F 壓) - press, pressure
  • 828 - 赶 (F 趕) - g[[ǎn catch up
  • 834 - 顿 (F 頓) - n] to pause, meal
  • 837 - 判 - [pàn judge; 批判 pàn criticize
  • 839 - 亿 (F 億) - 100 million

  • 850 - 烟 - n] (F 煙) smoke, cigarette, mist
  • 852 - 担 (F 擔) - dān carry on a shoulder pole
  • [sǎn fall apart, scattered
  • 857 - 伸 - shēn stretch
  • 862 - 临 (F 臨) - lín overlook, be adjacent to; 临 temporary
  • 864 - 摇 (F 搖) - o] shake
  • 865 - 跳 - [tiào] jump; 跳伞 tiàosǎn parachute; 跳舞 tiào dance
  • 874 - 协 (F 協) - [xié] 协 xiézuò cooperate
  • 882 - - [ròu] flesh, meat; 肌 ròu muscle
  • 886 - 充 - [chōng] fill; 充 chōngn full, ample; 充 chōngm[[ǎn full of
  • 896 - 顺 (F 順) - shùn] along, in the same direction]] as, obey, suitable
  • 899 - 剧 (F 劇) - drama, play, opera; 剧烈 liè severe

  • [mēng] cheat
  • [Měng] 蒙 Měng Mongolia
  • 902 - 票 - piào] ticket
  • 906 - 端 - [duān] hold sth. level with both hands, extremity, end
  • 907 - 靠 - o] lean on, rely on, keep close to, come up to, near
  • 908 - 杂 (F 雜) - [zá] mixed; 复杂 zá complicated; 杂zhì magazine
  • 910 - 怒 - [nù] anger, rage
  • 916 - 啦 - [la] corresponding to le plus 啊 a, <interjection indicating excitement/doubt>
  • 925 - 哭 - [kū] cry, weep
  • (=疲) tired, weary, exhausted
  • 932 - 卡 - block, calory, card
  • 933 - 雪 - [xuě] snow; 雪 xuěhuā snowflake; 滑雪 huáxuě to ski
  • 936 - - [niú] ox, cow, bull; 奶 niúi milk
  • 940 - 弹 (F 彈) - d[[àn 炸弹 bomb; 弹 bullet
  • 942 - 松 - [sōng] pine tree; 松 squirrel, (F 鬆) loose
  • 945 - 鲜 (F 鮮) - xiān fresh

  • 950 - 欧 (F 歐) - [ōu] 欧洲 ōuzhōu Europe; 欧姆 ōu ohm
  • 953 - 岛 (F 島) - dǎo island
  • 956 - 抱 - bào hug, embrace
  • 957 - 载 (F 載) - i]] carry, be loaded with
  • 964 - 刺 - thorn, prick, stab, irritate, (=刺杀 cìshā) assassinate
  • [cī] wham

Fair Use Sources

Chinese Language: Chinese Buddhism, Most Common Chinese Characters in Order of Frequency, Chinese, Mandarin, Cantonese, Classical Chinese, Chinese Characters, Hanzi, Pinyin, Wade-Giles, Chinese Dictionary, Chinese to English Dictionary, English to Chinese Dictionary, Chinese Writing, Reading Chinese, Asian Languages, Chinese Wikipedia, Wiktionary, MemRise App, GitHub Chinese,Mandarin Resources, Awesome Chinese Language. (navbar_chinese - see also navbar_radicals, navbar_pinyin, navbar_china, navbar_chinese_buddhism, navbar_asia)

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