
Madhura Avastha Paka (Sweet stage).

Digestion is stimulated by prana vayu and begins in mouth with bodhaka kapha (saliva), which regulates oral temperature, maintains lubrication, and begins digestion of starches. Chewing and lubrication break down food particles in the mouth. Bodhaka, prana vayu, and sadhaka pitta are responsible for taste perception. Prana governs the movement of food down the esophagus into the stomach and, with samana vayu, initiates churning. Kledaka kapha in the stomach liquefies food, and combines with pachaka pitta, prana vayu, and samana vayu within jathara agni. Water and Earth elements stretch the stomach to give a sense of fullness and satisfaction. Absorption of simple sugars occurs, promoting energy and contentment. Sweet taste is yielded into rasa dhatu (plasma).

Vaidya Vasant Lad, Textbook of Ayurveda Volume 1, 2001: p. 261

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