
Java Pocket Guide, 4th edition Index of I

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I/O (input/output), Basic Input and Output-Compressing and Uncompressing GZIP Files, New I/O API (NIO.2)(see also NIO.2)

class hierarchy for, Class Hierarchy for Basic Input and Output

with compressed files, Zipping and Unzipping Files

on files, File Reading and Writing-Writing Binary Data to a File

serialization of objects, Serialization

sockets, Socket Reading and Writing-Writing Binary Data to a Socket

standard streams, in, out, and err, Standard Streams in, out, and err

identifiers, Identifierskeywords and, Keywords

IDEs (see integrated development environments)

if else if statement, The if else if Statement

if else statement, The if else Statement

if statement, The if Statement

implements keyword, Interfaces

/imports command (JShell), Dependencies

in stream (System), Standard Streams in, out, and err

inconvertible types error, Narrowing Conversions

Infinity entity, Floating-Point Entitiesoperations involving, Operations Involving Special Entities

–Infinity entity, Floating-Point Entitiesoperations involving, Operations Involving Special Entities

inheritance, Classes and Objectsabstract classes and, Abstract Classes

initializers, static, Static Initializers

InputStream, Reading Binary Data from a File

instance variables, Data Members and Methodsdefault values for, Instance and Local Variable Objects

instances, naming conventions for, Instance and Static Variable Names method, Machine Interface

int type, Literals for Primitive Typesin switch statements and, The switch Statement

integer literals, Integer Literals

Integer wrapper class, The switch Statement

integrated development environments, Integrated Development Environmentslambda expressions and, λEs Syntax and Example

integration libraries (Java), Integration Libraries

interfaces, Interfacesdeclaring in JShell, Method and Class Declarations

functional, Functional Interfaces

generic, Generic Classes and Interfaces

naming conventions for, Interface Names, Interfaces

intern() method (String), String Literals

interpreter (Java), Java Interpreter

InterruptedException, Common Methods

Invocable interface, Invoking Methods of Scripting Languages

IOException error, Standard Streams in, out, and err

ISO 8601 standard, Date and Time APIISO calendar, ISO Calendar-Formatting

iteration statements, Iteration Statementsdo while loop, The do while Loop

enhanced for loop, The Enhanced for Loop

for loop, The for Loop

while loop, The while Loop

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