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htmx Glossary

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** Provide a Golang glossary of the top 40 Go language concepts and Scala tools sorted by the most commonly used. Include Go code examples and usage examples. Answer using MediaWiki format.

Creating an htmx glossary of htmx concepts and htmx tools, complete with code and usage examples, presents a detailed overview of key features of htmx, a modern web development library designed to enhance HTML with AJAX, CSS Transitions, WebSockets, and more, for building dynamic web applications with less complexity. This answer will provide an illustrative example of how such a glossary might be structured, focusing on a selection of commonly used htmx attributes, htmx methods, and tools, along with brief descriptions and examples. Given the scope, this will be an introductory overview rather than an exhaustive list.

htmx Glossary

htmx is a JavaScript library that allows you to access AJAX, CSS Transitions, WebSockets, and Server Sent Events directly in HTML, making it easier to create dynamic web applications. This glossary covers key concepts and tools in htmx, sorted by common usage, along with examples.


  • Description: The `hx-get` attribute is used to make an AJAX GET request to the specified URL.
  • Example:

```html <a href=“/example” hx-get=“/example” hx-target=“

  1. result”>Load Example</a>


  • Usage: Use `hx-get` to load content into a specified target element without reloading the page.


  • Description: The `hx-post` attribute allows you to make an AJAX POST request.
  • Example:

```html <form hx-post=“/submit-form” hx-target=“

  1. result”>



  • Usage: Use `hx-post` for submitting forms asynchronously.


  • Description: Specifies the target element where the result of the AJAX request (GET or POST) will be displayed.
  • Example:

```html <!– Using hx-get –> <a href=“/example” hx-get=“/example” hx-target=“

  1. result”>Load Example</a>

<!– Using hx-post –> <form hx-post=“/submit-form” hx-target=“

  1. result”>

</form> ```

  • Usage: Combine `hx-target` with `hx-get` or `hx-post` to dynamically update part of your webpage.


  • Description: Stands for “out of band.” This attribute allows parts of the response to update elements outside the target specified by `hx-target`.
  • Example:

```html <!– Response contains an element with hx-swap-oob=“true” targeting #other-element –>


  • Usage: Use `hx-swap-oob` for updating additional elements not directly targeted by the initial AJAX request.


  • Description: Defines what event triggers the AJAX request.
  • Example:

```html <!– Trigger AJAX call on input event –> <input type=“text” hx-get=“/search” hx-target=“

  1. search-result” hx-trigger=“input”>


  • Usage: Use `hx-trigger` to specify events like `click`, `input`, or custom events to initiate AJAX requests.

htmx Extensions

  • Description: htmx supports extensions that can modify or enhance its default behavior.
  • Example:

```html <!– Using hx-ext=“json-enc” to automatically encode form values as JSON –> <form hx-post=“/api/submit” hx-ext=“json-enc” hx-target=“

  1. result”>

</form> ```

  • Usage: Extensions like `json-enc` are used to automatically handle JSON encoding, while others might add additional functionality or modify request handling.

Please note: The provided code snippets and descriptions are simplified to illustrate the usage of htmx attributes and concepts. For more comprehensive examples and a full list of attributes, refer to the official htmx documentation.

This glossary format provides a structured way to present key htmx concepts and usage examples, suitable for documentation or educational resources. It's designed to give developers a quick reference to understand and implement htmx in their projects. Remember, the actual usage and capabilities of htmx continue to evolve, so it's important to consult the [official htmx documentation]( for the most current information and advanced techniques.

htmx: htmx Glossary, navbar_htmx - see also navbar_react.js, navbar_angular, navbar_javascript, navbar_html

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htmx_glossary.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/28 03:13 (external edit)