
HTML Glossary

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Creating a comprehensive HTML glossary of the top 40 HTML concepts and HTML tools, complete with HTML code and usage examples, is quite extensive. Here, I'll provide a structured overview of several key HTML concepts and tools. This selection will touch on fundamental HTML tags, HTML attributes, and HTML principles essential for web development with HTML. Given the HTML format's limitations, this will be a concise list focusing on a variety of commonly used HTML elements and attributes.

HTML Glossary

HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is the standard markup language for web documents designed to be displayed in a web browser. This glossary covers key concepts and tools in HTML, including tags, attributes, and HTML best practices, along with HTML examples.


  • Description: Declares the document type and HTML version.
  • Example:

```html <!DOCTYPE html> ```

  • Usage: Always start an HTML document with the <!DOCTYPE> declaration to tell the web browser about the version of HTML.


  • Description: The root element of an HTML document.
  • Example:

```html <html lang=“en”> </html> ```

  • Usage: Encapsulates the entire HTML document, including the <head> and <body> sections.
  • Description: Contains meta-information about the HTML document, such as its title, character set, styles, scripts, and other meta-information.
  • Example:

```html <head>

 Page Title
</head> ```

  • Usage: Use the <head> element to include elements that define the document's metadata and links to scripts and stylesheets.


  • Description: Specifies the title of the HTML document, shown in the browser's title bar or page's tab.
  • Example:

```html <title>Example Page</title> ```

  • Usage: Define a concise and descriptive title for each webpage to improve SEO and user experience.


  • Description: Represents the content of an HTML document. Everything inside this tag is displayed in the web browser.
  • Example:

```html <body>


Hello, World!

</body> ```

  • Usage: Use the <body> tag to wrap the main content of your HTML document, including text, images, and other elements.

<h1> to <h6>

  • Description: HTML headings, ranging from <h1> (the highest level) to <h6> (the lowest level).
  • Example:

```html <h1>Main Title</h1> <h2>Subheading</h2> ```

  • Usage: Use heading tags to structure your content hierarchically and semantically, which is important for SEO and accessibility.


  • Description: Defines a paragraph.
  • Example:

```html <p>This is a paragraph.</p> ```

  • Usage: Use the <p> tag to group sentences into paragraphs, improving the readability of your content.


  • Description: Defines a hyperlink, used to link from one page to another.
  • Example:

```html <a href=“”>Visit Example</a> ```

  • Usage: Use the <a> tag to create links to other web pages, external websites, files, email addresses, or locations on the same page.


  • Description: Embeds an image in an HTML page.
  • Example:

```html <img src=“image.jpg” alt=“Descriptive text”> ```

  • Usage: Use the <img> tag to include images in your HTML documents, always provide an `alt` attribute for accessibility.

<ul>, <ol>, <li>

  • Description: <ul> defines an unordered list, <ol> defines an ordered list, and <li> defines a list item.
  • Example:

```html <ul>

  • Item 1
  • Item 2
  • </ul> ```

    • Usage: Use <ul> for lists where order doesn't matter, and <ol> where it does. Use <li> for each list item.

    For a more comprehensive understanding, continue exploring HTML elements, attributes, and best practices. Consult the [MDN Web Docs]( for detailed information and advanced topics.

    HTML: HTML Glossary, HTML reserved words - HTML keywords, HTML Standards, Awesome HTML. (navbar_html - see also navbar_css, navbar_javascript, navbar_react.js, navbar_htmx, navbar_angular)

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    html_glossary.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/28 03:13 by