
Grokking Artificial Intelligence Algorithms Index

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-1 value, 56


accuracy, improving, 255–256

actions, simulating, 74–83

activation functions, 314–315, 318

adjacency lists, 56–57

adversarial problems, 72–73

adversarial searches, 72–89

algorithms for, 88–89

alpha-beta pruning, 84–88

choosing best future, 74–84

min-max search, 74–84

optimizing by exploring sensible paths, 84–88

simple adversarial problems, 72–73

simulating actions, 74–84

agents with AI algorithms, 17–18

agriculture, algorithms for, 14–15

AI (artificial intelligence)

AI algorithms

biology-inspired, 12–13

deep learning, 13–14

for agriculture, 14–15

for AI agents, 17–19

for art, 19–20

for banking, 15

for cybersecurity, 15–16

for games, 17–18

for health care, 16

for logistics, 17

for optimization, 17

for optimizing networks, 17

for routing, 17

for telecoms, 17

machine learning, 13

overview of, 2–3

role of data in, 3–4

search algorithms, 12

use cases for, 14–19

brief history of, 6–7

defining, 2

humanlike solutions, 11

new AI, 11–12

old AI, 11–12

overview of, 1

problem-solving paradigms, 8–9

problem types, 8–9

specific-purpose solutions, 10

super intelligence, 11


biology-inspired, 12–13

evolutionary, 91–129

glossary of terms, 149

hierarchies, 144–148

life cycle of, 131–133

order encoding, 141–144

overview of, 91

problems applicable to, 95–99

real numbers, 137–141

real-value encoding, 137–141

selection strategies, 133–137

sequences, 141–144

tree encoding, 144–148

types of, 148–149

use cases for, 127–129, 150–151

algorithms (continued)

for adversarial searches, 88–89

for ant colony optimization, 153–188

ants, 160–164

paths, 160–164

problems applicable to, 156–159

representing state, 160–164

swarm intelligence, 153–156

use cases for, 187–188

for artificial intelligence

agriculture, 14–15

art, 19

banking, 15

creating agents with, 17–18

cybersecurity, 15–16

games, 17–18

health care, 16

logistics, 17

optimization with, 17

optimizing networks with, 17

role of data in, 3

routing, 17

telecoms, 17

for deep learning, 13–14

for machine learning, 13, 275

for particle swarm optimization, 189–191

optimization problems, 192–195

overview of, 189–191

problems applicable to, 195–197

use cases for, 223–226

for searching, 12, 25–27

for uninformed searches, 53

genetic configuring parameters of, 126–127

overview of, 4–5

smart algorithms, 24–25

alpha-beta pruning, 84–88

ambiguous values, 238

ANNs (artificial neural networks), 279–322

backpropagation of, 303–314

training, 305–314

defining, 287–295

designing, 316–319

activation functions, 318

bias, 317–318

cost function, 318

hidden layers, 317

inputs, 317

learning rate, 318

nodes, 317

outputs, 317

weights, 317

forward propagation of, 295–303, 305

options for activation functions, 314–315

overview of, 280–282

perceptron, 283–287

representing neurons, 283–287

training, 303–312

types of, 319–322

CNNs (convolutional neural networks), 319

GANs (generative adversarial networks), 320–322

RNNs (recurrent neural networks), 320

ant colony optimization algorithm, 153–188

ants, 160–164

paths, 160–164

problems applicable to, 156–159

representing state, 160–164

swarm intelligence, 153–156

use cases for, 187–188

arithmetic crossover, 139

arithmetic mutation, 140–141

art, AI algorithms for, 19–20

artificial neural networks (ANNs), 279–322

A* search, 63–70


backpropagation of ANNs, 303–314

setup, 305

training, 305–314

banking, AI algorithms for, 15

bias, 317–318

biology-inspired algorithms, 12–13

blind searches, 34–36

boundary mutations, 140

breadth-first searches, 36–45


categorical data, encoding, 238–239


problems applicable to, 9, 256–257

with decision trees, 258–274

classifying examples with, 271–274

overview of, 258

training, 260–271

clustering, problems applicable to, 9

CNNs (convolutional neural networks), 319

collecting data, 233–235

computations, cost of, 24–25

context of data, 233–235

convolutional neural networks, 319


functions, 318

of computations, 24–25


arithmetic crossover, 139

tree crossover, 146–147

cybersecurity, AI algorithms for, 15–16



categorical, 238–240

collecting, 233–235

context of, 233–235

fitting line to, 241–242

identifying patterns in, 9

in AI algorithms, 3–4

learning from patterns in, 9

missing, 235–238

preparing, 235–240

separating, 252

testing, 240

training, 240

data structures

for decision trees, 260–271

representing graphs as, 31–32

decision trees

classification with, 256–257

classifying examples with, 271–274

data structures for, 260–271

learning life cycle, 261–271

overview of, 258–260

training, 260–271

deep learning

algorithms for, 13–14

approaches to reinforcement learning, 349–350

depth-first search (DFS), 45–53

designing ANNs, 316–318

activation functions, 318

bias, 317–318

cost function, 318

hidden layers, 317

inputs, 317

learning rate, 318

nodes, 317

outputs, 317

weights, 317

deterministic models, 9

DFS (depth-first search), 45–53


elitism selection, 136–137


categorical data, 238–240

order encoding, 141–144

fitness functions, 142–143

order mutation, 143–144

overview of, 141

permutation encoding, 143–144

real-value encoding, 137–141

arithmetic crossover, 139

arithmetic mutation, 140–141

boundary mutation, 140

overview of, 137–138

trees, 144–148

changing node mutation, 147–148

changing values of nodes, 147–148

inheriting portions of trees, 146–147

overview of, 146

tree crossover, 146–147

evolutionary algorithms, 91–129

configuring parameters of genetic algorithms, 126–127

glossary of terms, 149

hierarchies, 144–148

changing node mutation, 147–148

changing values of nodes, 147–148

inheriting portions of trees, 146–147

tree crossover, 146–147

tree encoding, 146

life cycle of, 131–133

order encoding, 141–144

fitness functions, 142–143

order mutation, 143–144

overview of, 143

overview of, 91

evolutionary algorithms (continued)

permutation encoding, 143–144

populating next generation stopping conditions, 124–126

problems applicable to, 95–99

real-value encoding, 137–141

arithmetic crossover, 139

arithmetic mutation, 140–141

boundary mutation, 140

overview of, 138–139

selection strategies, 133–137

elitism selection, 136–137

rank selection, 133–135

tournament selection, 135–136

sequences, 141–144

fitness functions, 142–143

order encoding, 143–144

order mutation, 143–144

permutation encoding, 143–144

tree encoding, 144–148

changing node mutation, 147–148

changing values of nodes, 147–148

inheriting portions of trees, 146–147

tree crossover, 146–147

types of, 148–149

evolutionary programming, 149

genetic programming, 148–149

use cases for, 127–129, 150–151

evolutionary programming, 149

examples, classifying, 271–274


features, finding mean of, 242–243

financial trading, 351

fitness functions, 142–143

forward propagation of ANNs, 295–303, 305


representing problem spaces with, 28–34

representing solutions with, 28–34


activation functions, 314–315, 318

cost functions, 318

fitness functions, 142–143

future, choosing, 74–84



AI algorithms for, 17–18

playing, 351–353

GANs (generative adversarial networks), 320–322

genetic algorithms

parameters of, 126–127

genetic programming, 148–149

graphs, 29–31

categories of, 54–55

representing, 56–57

adjacency lists, 56–57

as data structures, 31–32

incidence matrix, 56


health care, AI algorithms for, 16–17

heuristics, 59–63

for choosing best future, 74–84

for min-max search, 74–4

for simulating actions, 74–84

hidden layers, 317

hierarchies, 144–148

changing node mutation, 147–148

changing values of nodes, 147–148

inheriting portions of trees, 146–147

tree crossover, 146–147

tree encoding, 146

humanlike solutions, 11


incidence matrix, 56

informed searches, 63–71

algorithms for, 71

A* search, 63–71

inheriting portions of trees, 146–147

inputs, 317


layers, hidden, 317


decision-tree life cycle for, 261–271

from patterns in data, 9

model-based, 348–349

model-free, 348–349

rates, 318

supervised, 231

unsupervised, 231

least-squares method, 244–251

life cycle

of decision tree learning, 261–271

of evolutionary algorithms, 131–133

of reinforcement learning, 329–349

linear regression, 240–251

finding mean of features, 242–243

finding regression lines with least-squares method, 244–251

fitting line to data, 241–242


fitting to data, 241–242

measuring performance of, 253–254

lists, adjacency, 56–57

logistics, AI algorithms for, 17


machine learning, 227–277

algorithms for, 13, 275–277

classification with decision trees, 256–274

classification problems, 256–257

classifying examples with decision trees, 271–274

overview of decision trees, 258–260

training decision trees, 260–271

overview of, 227–229

problems applicable to, 230–231

workflow of, 232–256

collecting data, 233–235

context of data, 233–235

improving accuracy, 255–256

linear regression, 240–251

preparing data, 235–240

testing models, 251–254

training models, 240–251

matrix, incidence, 56

mean of features, finding, 242–243

methods, least-squares, 244–251

min-max search, 74–84

missing data, 235–238

model-based learning, 348–349

model-free learning, 348–349


testing, 251–254

measuring performance of line, 253–254

separating training and testing data, 252

training, 240–251

finding mean of features, 242–243

finding regression lines with least-squares method, 244–251

fitting line to data, 241–242


arithmetic mutation, 140–141

boundary mutation, 140

of nodes, changing, 147–148

order mutation, 143–144



optimizing with AI algorithms, 17

neurons, representing, 283–287

next generations, populating

stopping conditions, 124–126

nodes, 317

changing mutation of, 147–148

changing values of, 147–148



AI algorithms for, 17

ant colony optimization algorithm, 153–188

ants, 160–164

paths, 160–164

problems applicable to, 156–159

representing state, 160–164

use cases for, 187–188

optimization (continued)

exploring sensible paths for, 84–88

of networks, 17

particle swarm optimization algorithms, 189–226

overview of, 189–191

problems applicable to, 195–197

use cases for, 223–226

problems applicable to, 8–9, 192–195

order encoding, 141–144

fitness functions, 142–143

order mutation, 143–144

overview of, 142–143

order mutation, 143–144

outputs, 317


parameters of genetic algorithms, configuring, 126–127

particle swarm optimization algorithms, 189–191

optimization problems, 192–195

overview of, 189–191

problems applicable to, 195–197

use cases for, 223–226

patterns in data

identifying, 9

learning from, 9


of lines, measuring, 253–254

of training, measuring, 348

permutation encoding, 143–144

populating next generation

stopping conditions, 124–126

prediction, problems applicable to, 9

preparing data

ambiguous values, 238

encoding categorical data, 238–240

missing data, 235–238

testing data, 240

training data, 240

probabilistic models, 9

probability, 9

problem spaces, representing, 28–34

graphs, 29–30

graphs as concrete data structures, 31–32

search problems, 29–30

search solutions with concrete structures, 32–34

solutions, 29–30

trees, 32–34

pruning, 84–88



reinforcement learning with, 323–327

deep learning approaches to, 349–350

financial trading, 351

game playing, 351–353

life cycle of, 329–350

overview of, 323–325

problems applicable to, 327–328

recommendation engines, 351

robotics, 350–351

training with simulations, 335–346


rank selections, 133–135

real numbers, 137–141

arithmetic crossover, 139

arithmetic mutation, 140–141

boundary mutation, 140

real-value encoding, 138–139

real-value encoding, 137–141

arithmetic crossover, 139

arithmetic mutation, 140–141

boundary mutation, 140

overview of, 138–139

recommendation engines, 351

recurrent neural networks (RNNs), 320

reinforcement learning, 231

RL (reinforcement learning)

deep learning approaches to, 349–350

inspiration for, 325–327

life cycle of, 329–349

data, 330–335

measuring performance of training, 348

model-based learning, 348–349

model-free learning, 348–349

simulations, 330–335

testing with Q-table, 347

testing with simulations, 347

training with simulations using Q-learning, 335–346

overview of, 323–325

problems applicable to, 327–328

with Q-learning, 323–353

financial trading, 351

game playing, 351–352

recommendation engines, 351

robotics, 350

RNNs (recurrent neural networks), 320

robotics, 350–351

routing, AI algorithms for, 17



adversarial, 72–89

alpha-beta pruning, 84–88

choosing best future, 74–84

optimizing by exploring sensible paths, 84–88

simple problems, 72–73

simulating actions, 74–84

use cases for, 88–89

algorithms for, 12–14, 25–27, 53

A* search, 63–71

blind, 34–36

breadth-first, 36–45

cost of computations, 24–25

depth-first, 45–53

for solutions in changing environments, 72–89

for solutions with guidance, 63–71

frameworks to represent solutions, 28–34

graph categories, 54–55

heuristics for, 59–63

informed, 63–71

min-max, 74–84

planning, 21–23

problems applicable to, 8–9

representing graphs, 56–57

adjacency lists, 56–57

as concrete data structures, 31–32

incidence matrix, 56

representing problems, 29–30

representing solutions, 29–30, 32–34

representing state, 28–34

graphs, 29–30

trees, 32–34

smart algorithms, 24–25

uninformed, 34–36, 53

search algorithms, 12, 25–27, 53


elitism selection, 136–137

rank selection, 133–135

strategies for, 133–137

tournament selection, 135–136

sequences, 141–144

fitness function, 142–143

order encoding, 143

order mutation, 143–144

permutation encoding, 143–144

simulations, 330–349

of actions, 74–84

testing with, 347

training with, 335–346

smart algorithms, 24–25


blind search for, 34–36

finding, 8

for specific-purpose, 10

humanlike, 11

in changing environments, 72–89

adversarial search algorithms, 88–89

alpha-beta pruning, 84–88

choosing best future, 74–84

min-max search, 74–84

optimizing by exploring sensible paths, 84–88

simple adversarial problems, 72–73

simulating actions, 74–84

paths to, 8

representing, 29–30

with concrete structures, 32–34

with frameworks, 28–34

with guidance, 63–71

A* search, 63–71

specific-purpose solutions, 10

state, representing, 28–34

graphs, 29–32

search problems, 29–30

solutions, 29–30, 32–34

trees, 32–34

stochastic models, 9

stopping conditions, 124–126

super intelligence, 11

supervised learning, 231

swarm intelligence, 153–188

ant colony optimization algorithms

problems applicable to, 156–159

use cases for, 187–188

ants, 160–164

overview of, 153–156

particle swarm optimization algorithms, 189–226

optimization problems, 192–195

overview of, 189–191

problems applicable to, 195–197

use cases for, 223–226

paths, 160–164

representing state, 160–164


telecoms, AI algorithms for, 17


data, 240

models, 251–254

measuring performance of line, 253–254

separating training and testing data, 252

with Q-table, 347

with simulations, 347

tournament selection, 135–136


ANNs, 303–314

forward propagation, 305

setup, 305

data, 240

decision trees, 260–271

data structures for, 260–261

learning life cycle, 261–271

measuring performance of, 348

models, 240–251

finding mean of features, 242–243

finding regression lines with least-squares method, 244–251

fitting line to data, 241–242

with simulations using Q-learning, 335–346

trees, 32–34

crossover, 146–147

decision trees

classification with, 256–271

classifying examples with, 271–274

overview of, 258–260

training, 260–271

encoding, 144–148

changing node mutation, 147–148

changing values of nodes, 147–148

overview of, 146

inheriting portions of, 146–147


uninformed search algorithms, 53

uninformed searches, 34–36

unsupervised learning, 231



ambiguous, 238

of nodes, changing, 147–148

real-value encoding, 137–141

arithmetic crossover, 139

arithmetic mutation, 140–141

boundary mutation, 140

overview of, 138–139


weights, 317

grokking_artificial_intelligence_algorithms_index.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/28 03:44 (external edit)