
Go for DevOps - Learn how to use the Go language to automate servers, the cloud, Kubernetes, GitHub, Packer, and Terraform by John Doak and David Justice

Book Summary

Achieve reliable release automation and get zero troublesome notifications on your release day

Go is the go-to language for DevOps libraries and services, and without it, achieving fast and safe automation is a challenge. With the help of Go for DevOps, you'll learn how to deliver services with ease and safety, becoming a better DevOps engineer in the process.

Some of the key things this book will teach you are how to write Go software to automate configuration management, update remote machines, author custom automation in GitHub Actions, and interact with Kubernetes. As you advance through the chapters, you'll explore how to automate the cloud using software development kits (SDKs), extend HashiCorp's Terraform and Packer using Go, develop your own DevOps services with gRPC and REST, design system agents, and build robust workflow systems.

By the end of this Go for DevOps book, you'll understand how to apply development principles to automate operations and provide operational insights using Go, which will allow you to react quickly to resolve system failures before your customers realize something has gone wrong.

Key Features

  • Develop the skills to build command-line tools to control thousands of nodes
  • Use Go to create Terraform providers and GitHub actions and extend Kubernetes
  • Gain the knowledge to build DevOps workflows that are understandable, scalable, and safe

What you will learn

  • Understand the basic structure of the Go language to begin your DevOps journey
  • Interact with filesystems to read or stream data
  • Communicate with remote services via REST and gRPC
  • Explore writing tools that can be used in the DevOps environment
  • Develop command-line operational software in Go
  • Work with popular frameworks to deploy production software
  • Create GitHub actions that streamline your CI/CD process
  • Write a ChatOps application with Slack to simplify production visibility

Who this book is for

This book is for Ops and DevOps engineers who would like to use Go to develop their own DevOps tooling or integrate custom features with DevOps tools such as Kubernetes, GitHub Actions, HashiCorp Packer, and Terraform. Experience with some type of programming language, but not necessarily Go, is necessary to get started with this book.

Table of Contents

About the Authors

John Doak is the principal manager of Layer 1 Reliability Engineering at Microsoft. John led the development of the Azure Data Explorer and Microsoft Authentication Library Go SDKs. Previously, he was a Staff Site Reliability Engineer at Google. As part of network engineering, he created many of their first network automation systems. John led the migration of that group from Python to Go, developing Go training classes that have been taught around the world. He was a pivotal figure in transforming the network team to a network/systems group that integrated with SRE. Prior to that, he worked for Lucasfilm in video games and film. You can find his musings on Go/SRE topics and his Go classes on the web.

David Justice is the Principal Software Engineer Lead for the Azure K8s Infrastructure and Steel Thread teams that maintain a variety of CNCF and Byte Code Alliance projects. He is a maintainer of Cluster API Provider Azure and contributor to Cluster API. Prior to that, David was the technical assistant to the Azure CTO where he was responsible for Azure cross-group technical strategy and architecture. Early on at Microsoft, he was a Program Manager leading Azure SDKs and CLIs where he transitioned all Azure services to describe themselves using OpenAPI specifications in GitHub, and established automations to generate Azure reference docs, SDKs, and CLIs. Prior to Microsoft, David was the CTO of a mobile CI/CD SaaS called CISimple

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Golang: Golang Fundamentals, Golang Inventor - Golang Language Designer: Ken Thompson, Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike of Google, Go abstraction, Go agile, Go ahead-of-time (AOT), Go AI, Go algebraic data types, Go algorithms, Go Android, Go anonymous functions, Go AOP, Go AOT, Go APIs, Go arguments, Go ARM, Go arithmetic, Go arrays, Go aspect-oriented, Go assignment, Go associative arrays, Go async, Go asynchronous callbacks, Go asynchronous programming, Go automatic variables, Go automation, Go Avro, Go backend, Go backwards compatibility, Go block scoped, Go Booleans, Go Boolean expressions, Go buffer overflow, Go builds, Go built-in types, Go bytecode, Go cache, Go caching, Go call by reference, Go call by value, Go callbacks, Go call stack, Go casting, Go characters, Go Chocolatey, Go CI/CD, Go classes, Go CLI, Go client-side, Go closures, Go cloud (Go Cloud Native-Go AWS-Go Azure-Go GCP-Go IBM Cloud-Go IBM Mainframe-Go OCI), Go code smells, Go coercion, Go collections, Go command-line interface, Go commands, Go comments, Go compilers, Go complex numbers, Go composition, Go configuration, Go concurrency, Go concurrent programming, Go conditional expressions, Go conferences, Go constants, Go constructors, Go containers, Go control flow, Go control structures, Go coroutines, Go crashes, Go creators, Go currying, Go databases, Go data manipulation, Go data persistence, Go data science, Go data serialization, Go Built-In Data Types, Go data structures, Go data synchronization, Go dates, Go dates and times, Go deadlocks, Go debugging, Go declarative, Go deferred callbacks, Go delegates, Go delegation, Go dependency injection, Go design patterns, Go designers, Go destructors, Go DevOps, Go dictionaries, Go dictionary comprehensions, Go DI, Go distributed software, Go distributions, Go distros, Go DL, Go Docker, Go do-while, Go DSL, Go duck typing, Go dynamic binding, Go dynamic scope, Go dynamically scoped, Go dynamically typed, Go dynamic variables, Go eager evaluation, Go embedded, Go encapsulation, Go encryption, Go enumerated types, Go enumeration, Go enums, Go environment variables, Go errors, Go error handling, Go evaluation strategy, Go event-driven, Go event handlers, Go event loops, Go exception handling, Go executables, Go execution, Go expressions, Go FaaS, Go Facebook, Go fibers, Go fields, Go file input/output, Go file synchronization, Go file I/O, Go filter, Go first-class functions, Go fold, Go foreach loops, Go fork-join, Go floating-point, Go FP, Go frameworks, Go FreeBSD, Go frontend, Go functions, Go functional, Go functional programming, Go function overloading, Go garbage collection, Go generators, Go generator expressions, Go generics, Go generic programming, Go GitHub, Go global variables, Go GraphQL, Go gRPC, Go GUI, Go hashing, Go heap, Go heap allocation, Go hello world, Go higher-order functions, Go history, Go Homebrew, Go HTTP, Go idempotence, Go IDEs, Go import, Go imperative, Go immutable values, Go immutability, Go inheritance, Go influenced, Go influenced by, Go installation, Go integers, Go integration testing, Go interfaces, Go internationalization, Go interpreters, Go interprocess communication (IPC), Go iOS, Go IoT, Go IPCs, Go ISO Standard, Go iteration, Go JetBrains, Go JIT, Go JSON, Go JSON-RPC, Go JSON Web Tokens, Go JSON Web Token (JWT), Go Just-in-time (JIT), Go JWT, Go K8S, Go keywords, Go lambdas, Go language spec, Go lazy evaluation, Go lexically scoped, Go lexical scoping, Go libraries, Go linters, Go Linux, Go lists, Go list comprehensions, Go literals, Go localization, Go local variables, Go locks, Go logging, Go logo, Go looping, Go macOS, Go map, Go mascot, Go math, Go member variables, Go memoization, Go memory addressing, Go memory allocation, Go malloc, Go memory management, Go memory safety, Go message queues, Go metaclasses, Go meta-programming, Go methods, Go method overloading, Go MFA, Go ML, Go microservices, Go Microsoft, Go mobile dev, Go modules, Go modulo operators, Go monitoring, Go multiprocessing, Go multi-threaded, Go mutable values, Go mutability, Go mutex (Go mutual exclusion), Go namespaces, Go natural language processing (NLP), Go networking, Go network programming, Go NLP, Go non-blocking, Go non-blocking I/O, Go null, Go null reference, Go null coalescing operators, Go numbers, Go number precision, Go OAuth, Go objects, Go object code, Go object comparisons, Go object creation, Go object creators, Go object destruction, Go object destructors, Go object lifetime, Go object-oriented constructors, Go object-oriented programming, Go object serialization, Go observability, Go OOP, Go operators, Go operator overloading, Go optimizations, Go organizations, Go ORMs, Go packages, Go package managers, Go pass by reference, Go pass by value, Go parallel computing, Go parallel programming, Go parallelism, Go parameters, Go people, Go performance, Go persistence, Go pipelines, Go pointers, Go polymorphism, Go primitives, Go primitive data types, Go probability, Go procedural, Go processes, Go producer-consumer, Go programmers, Go programming, Go programming paradigm, Go program structure, Go program termination, Go Protocol Buffers (Protobuf), Go Protocol Buffers, Go Protobuf, Go proxies, Go public-key encryption, Go PKI, Go pure functions, Go race conditions, Go random, Go reactive, Go readability, Go records, Go recursion, Go reentrancy, Go refactoring, Go reference counting, Go reference types, Go referential transparency, Go reflection, Go regex, Go remote procedure calls (RPC), Go REPL, Go reserved words, Go REST, Go REST APIs, Go RHEL, Go RPCs, Go runtimes, Go safe navigation operators, Go SDK, Go secrets, Go security, Go serialization, Go serverless, Go server-side, Go sets, Go set comprehensions, Go side effects, Go signed integers, Go SMTP, Go Snapcraft, Go social media, Go sockets, Go source code, Go source-to-source compiler, Go SQL, Go SSL - Go SSL-TLS, Go Single sign-on (SSO), Go SSO, Go StackOverflow, Go stack, Go stack allocation, Go Stack overflow, Go standards, Go standard errors, Go standard input, Go standard library, Go standard operators, Go standard output, Go state, Go statements, Go strings, Go string concatenation, Go string functions, Go string operations, Go scheduling, Go scientific notation, Go scope, Go scope rules, Go scoping, Go scripting, Go static analyzers, Go statically scoped, Go static scoping, Go statically typed, Go static variables, Go statistics, Go strongly typed, Go structural typing, Go synchronization, Go syntax, Go systems programming, Go TCP/IP, Go TDD, Go testing, Go test frameworks, Go threads, Go thread-local storage (TLS), Go TLS, Go thread locking, Go thread locks, Go thread safety, Go thread scheduling, Go thread synchronization, Go times, Go timers, Go to JavaScript, Go tools, Go toolchain, Go transpiler, Go transpiling to JavaScript, Go truth values, Go tuples, Go type checking, Go type conversion, Go type inference, Go type safety, Go type system, Go 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