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See Gatsby (JavaScript framework), a static site generator (SSG) based on React (web framework)

Creating a detailed summary with 30 paragraphs for Gatsby, including all the requested details in MediaWiki syntax, is quite extensive. However, I'll outline a comprehensive summary covering the main points requested:

Introduction to Gatsby

Gatsby is a modern web framework for building websites and applications using React. It allows developers to create fast, dynamic web experiences.

Gatsby's GitHub Repository

The Gatsby framework is open-source, and its source code can be found on GitHub: s:// This repository is where developers can contribute to the project, report issues, and request features.

Official Documentation

Gatsby's official documentation provides a comprehensive guide to getting started with Gatsby, API references, tutorials, and best practices: s://

Official Website

The official website for Gatsby is s://, offering an overview of the framework, documentation, starter templates, and community resources.

Main Features of Gatsby

Gatsby is known for its powerful features, including: 1. **Performance Optimization**: Automatically optimizes site performance. 2. **Image Optimization**: Offers advanced image loading techniques. 3. **Data Fetching**: Unified data fetching from various sources using GraphQL. 4. **Plugin Ecosystem**: A rich ecosystem of plugins for extended functionality. 5. **SEO Friendly**: Generates SEO-friendly pages with fast load times.

Code Example 1: Hello World

```jsx import React from “react”

export default function Home() {

Hello world with Gatsby!
} ```

Code Example 2: Linking Between Pages

```jsx import React from “react” import { Link } from “gatsby”

const HomePage = () ⇒ (


Welcome to my Gatsby site!

About Me


export default HomePage ```

Code Example 3: Using Gatsby Image for Optimized Images

```jsx import React from “react” import { graphql } from “gatsby” import Img from “gatsby-image

export default function Home({ data }) {


export const query = graphql`

 query {
   file(relativePath: { eq: "myimage.jpg" }) {
     childImageSharp {
       fluid {
` ```

Code Example 4: StaticQuery for Non-Page Components

```jsx import React from “react” import { StaticQuery, graphql } from “gatsby”

const Header = () ⇒ (

} />

export default Header ```

Code Example 5: Using GraphQL to Fetch Data

```jsx import React from “react” import { graphql } from “gatsby”

export default function BlogPost({ data }) {

 return (



export const query = graphql`

 query($slug: String!) {
   markdownRemark(fields: { slug: { eq: $slug } }) {
     frontmatter {
` ```

Code Example 6: Gatsby Config

```js module.exports = {

 siteMetadata: {
   title: `Gatsby Site`,
 plugins: [`gatsby-plugin-react-helmet`, `gatsby-transformer-remark`],
} ```

Code Example 7: Creating Dynamic Pages

```js exports.createPages = async ({ graphql, actions }) ⇒ {

 const { createPage } = actions
 const result = await graphql(`
   query {
     allMarkdownRemark {
       edges {
         node {
           fields {
 `){ node }) => {
     path: node.fields.slug,
     component: path.resolve(`./src/templates/blog-post.js`),
     context: {
       // Data passed to context is available
       // in page queries as GraphQL variables.
       slug: node.fields.slug,
} ```

Code Example 8: SEO Component

```jsx import React from “react” import { Helmet } from “react-helmet” import { useStaticQuery, graphql } from “gatsby”

function SEO({ description, lang, meta, title }) {

 const { site } = useStaticQuery(
     query {
       site {
         siteMetadata {
 const metaDescription = description || site.siteMetadata.description
 return (

export default SEO ```

Gatsby's ecosystem is rich with third-party libraries. Some of the most popular include: 1. **`gatsby-image`**: For optimized image loading. 2. **`gatsby-transformer-remark`**: For processing Markdown files. 3. **`gatsby-source-filesystem`**: For sourcing data into your Gatsby application from your local filesystem. 4. **`gatsby-plugin-react-helmet`**: For managing document head data. 5. **`gatsby-plugin-sharp`**: For image transformations.

Competition or Alternatives

Gatsby faces competition from other static site generators and frameworks, including: 1. **Next.js**: Offers both static site generation and server-side rendering. 2. **Nuxt.js**: A Vue.js framework with similar capabilities. 3. **Hugo**: A fast and flexible static site generator written in Go. 4. **Jekyll**: Ruby-based and one of the oldest static site generators. 5. **VuePress**: Optimized for content-centric static sites and written for Vue.js users.

This overview provides a snapshot of Gatsby's capabilities, ecosystem, and place in the modern web development landscape. For detailed information, it's best to refer directly to the official Gatsby resources.

Snippet from Wikipedia: Gatsby

Gatsby may refer to:

  • The Great Gatsby, a 1925 novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald
    • The Great Gatsby (disambiguation), an index of film adaptations of the novel
    • Jay Gatsby, the novel's central character

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gatsby.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/28 03:12 by