
Docuwiki gitbacked Plugin

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Sync/store pages and media in a git repository. So you can show/edit your human-readable wiki dir (e.g. documentation) with DokuWiki and store it together with your source code in the same git repo.

Last updated on 2016-08-14

Use with Dokuwiki GitHub Snippet Plugin

plugin»gitbacked»repoPath Path of the git repo (e.g. the savedir ./data)

ORIGINAL: $GLOBALS['conf']['savedir']



plugin»gitbacked»repoWorkDir Path of the git working tree, must contain “pages” and “media” directories (e.g. the savedir ./data) ORIGINAL: $GLOBALS['conf']['savedir']

NEW: ./data/gitrepo/wiki

dokuwiki_gitbacked_plugin.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/28 03:24 by