
Digital Logic

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(BsTcMth 2017) (EsMthDS 2022) (MthPrg 2021)

Snippet from Wikipedia: Logic gate

A logic gate is a device that performs a Boolean function, a logical operation performed on one or more binary inputs that produces a single binary output. Depending on the context, the term may refer to an ideal logic gate, one that has, for instance, zero rise time and unlimited fan-out, or it may refer to a non-ideal physical device (see ideal and real op-amps for comparison).

The primary way of building logic gates uses diodes or transistors acting as electronic switches. Today, most logic gates are made from MOSFETs (metal–oxide–semiconductor field-effect transistors). They can also be constructed using vacuum tubes, electromagnetic relays with relay logic, fluidic logic, pneumatic logic, optics, molecules, acoustics, or even mechanical or thermal elements.

Logic gates can be cascaded in the same way that Boolean functions can be composed, allowing the construction of a physical model of all of Boolean logic, and therefore, all of the algorithms and mathematics that can be described with Boolean logic. Logic circuits include such devices as multiplexers, registers, arithmetic logic units (ALUs), and computer memory, all the way up through complete microprocessors, which may contain more than 100 million logic gates.

Compound logic gates AND-OR-Invert (AOI) and OR-AND-Invert (OAI) are often employed in circuit design because their construction using MOSFETs is simpler and more efficient than the sum of the individual gates.

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Logic: Philosophical logic, Mathematical logic, Business logic, Digital logic (logic gates), Relocating logic. navbar_logic)

Math: Outline of mathematics, Mathematics research, Mathematical anxiety, Pythagorean Theorem, Scientific Notation, Algebra (Pre-algebra, Elementary algebra, Abstract algebra, Linear algebra, Universal algebra), Arithmetic (Essence of arithmetic, Elementary arithmetic, Decimal arithmetic, Decimal point, numeral system, Place value, Face value), Applied mathematics, Binary operation, Classical mathematics, Control theory, Cryptography, Definitions of mathematics, Discrete mathematics (Outline of discrete mathematics, Combinatorics), Dynamical systems, Engineering mathematics, Financial mathematics, Fluid mechanics (Mathematical fluid dynamics), Foundations of mathematics, Fudge (Mathematical fudge, Renormalization), Game theory, Glossary of areas of mathematics, Graph theory, Graph operations, Information theory, Language of mathematics, Mathematical economics, Mathematical logic (Model theory, Proof theory, Set theory, Type theory, Recursion theory, Theory of Computation, List of logic symbols), Mathematical optimization, Mathematician, Modulo, Mathematical notation (List of logic symbols, Notation in probability and statistics, Physical constants, Mathematical alphanumeric symbols, ISO 31-11), Numerical analysis, Operations research, Philosophy of mathematics, Probability (Outline of probability), Statistics, Mathematical structure, Ternary operation, Unary operation, Variable (mathematics), Glossary, Bibliography (Math for Data Science and DataOps, Math for Machine Learning and MLOps, Math for Programmers and Software Engineering), Courses, Mathematics GitHub. (navbar_math - see also navbar_variables)

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