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Dharma name

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A Dharma name is a new name acquired during both lay and monastic Buddhist initiation rituals in Mahayana Buddhism and monastic ordination in Theravada Buddhism (where it is more proper to call it Dhamma or Sangha name). The name is traditionally given by a Buddhist monastic, and is given to newly ordained monks, nuns and laity. Dharma names are considered aspirational, not descriptive.

Most of the well-known Buddhist teachers are known to have had many different Dharma names in the course of their careers, and often each name represents a stage of their career. For example, Prince Shotoku was also known as Prince Umayado and Prince Kamitsumiya. Shinran's original name was Matsuwakamaru; he was also known as Hanen, Shakku, Zenshin, Gutoku Shinran and Kenshin Daeshi. Nichiren's original name was Zennichi and his Dharma names were Zenshobo Rencho and Rissho Daishi. Similarly, the tradition of various Dharma names was also used by Zen monks, who also used art to promote Buddhism. The famous monk-painter Hokusai was also known as Shunro, Kako, Sori, Taito, Iitsu, Gakyojin and Manji. Even the famous samurai Miyamoto Musashi had several names, including the Dharma name Niten Doraku and the birthname Miyamoto Masana. The zen monk Thích Nhất Hạnh also has used various Dharma names in the course of his career.

If the student does not have a relationship with the monastic teacher and the ceremony is a public one with a congregation present, their new name will tend to reflect the lineage/tradition rather than the individual person. When it is given by a monastic who knows the disciple, however, the name is often tailor-made.

Dharma names are generally given in the language of the particular sangha where the name is bestowed.

Buddhist Masters (Masters of the Buddha-Dharma-Sangha): Venerable Master Shen-Kai - Founder of Jen Chen Buddhism (Buddhahood Lineage World Humanity Vehicle Buddhism), Rāhula, Shantideva, Huineng, Da Xin De Ben Shr, Hakuin Ekaku, Hsu Yun, Ajahn Mun, Gosok Rinpoche, Longchen Rabjampa, Dagri Rinpoche, Kyabje Choden Rinpoche, Choden Rinpoche, Lama Zopa Rinpoche, Je Tsongkhapa, 14th Dalai Lama, Dalai Lama, 5th Dalai Lama, 13th Dalai Lama, Gelug, Lama Yeshe, Hsuan Hua, Godrakpa - The Hermit of Go Cliffs, Trijang Lobsang Yeshe Tenzin Gyatso, Nagarjuna, Aśvaghoṣa, Pabongkhapa Déchen Nyingpo, Padmasambhāva, Yeshe Tsogyal, Śāntarakṣita, Kamalaśīla, Songtsen Gampo, Trisong Detsen, Ralpacan, Atiśa, Tilopa, Naropa, Niguma, Sukhasiddhi, Milarepa, Jigme Lingpa, Patrul Rinpoche, Dudjom Lingpa, [Jamgön Ju Mipham Gyatso, Marpa Lotsawa, Rangjung Dorje, 3rd Karmapa Lama, Dolpopa Sherab Gyaltsen, Taranatha, Sakya Pandita, Gorampa, Samding Dorje Phagmo, Bodhidharma, Garchen Rinpoche, Penor Rinpoche, Geshe Lama Konchog, Tenzin Phuntsok Rinpoche, Namkhai Norbu, Ajahn Sumedho, Ajahn Chah, Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche, Tashi Tsering (Jamyang Buddhist Centre), Thích Nhất Hạnh, Ajahn Amaro, Ajahn Pasanno, Heng Sure, S. N. Goenka, John Daido Loori, Red Pine (author). (navbar_buddhist_masters - See also navbar_sangha, navbar_buddhist_dharma_centers, navbar_buddhism)

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dharma_name.txt · Last modified: 2022/04/04 13:36 by